
jí yuē huà jīnɡ yínɡ
  • intensive management
  1. 汉中茶产业集约化经营SWOT分析及战略研究

    SWOT Analysis and Strategies Study of the Intensive Management of Hanzhong Tea Industries

  2. 后WTO时期流通企业应加快增长式转变:由粗放经营向集约化经营转变,由外延性为主向内涵式增长方式转变。

    After WTO period enterprise in circulation should accelerate growth way change , change from extensive operation to the intensive management , from other ductility in order to mainly transform into intension type .

  3. 面对加入WTO,我国商业银行必须及时转变经营观念,强化内部管理,化解不良资产,准确市场定位,走集约化经营之路。

    Facing the entry into WTO , the commercial banks of our country should change the view of management promptly , strengthen their internal management , reduce bad assets , identify their market positions and become management intensive forms .

  4. 企业集约化经营的多维灰色评价及其实证分析

    Multidimensional Grey Evaluation and Positive Analysis of Intensional Administration in Enterprises

  5. 农村土地集约化经营、规模化种植探析

    Analysis on Intensive Management of Rural Land and Its Large-scale cultivation

  6. 公路货物运输企业集约化经营与发展的研究

    Study on Intensive Management and Development of Cargo Carrying Company

  7. 国有银行集约化经营中的十大非理性行为

    On the Ten Irrational Behaviors in State-owned Commercial Bank 's Intensive Management

  8. 推进集约化经营,提高禽蛋产品质量;

    To advance intensive management and increase egg quality ;

  9. 家庭农场是苏南农业集约化经营的现实选择

    Family Farms as a Realistic Option for Intensive Agricultural Management in Southern Jiangsu

  10. 第二部分专门分析论述了我国商业银行集约化经营与管理的必要性。

    The second parts analyses the necessity of our commercial bank intensive management .

  11. 对建立纺织工业企业集约化经营评价指标体系的研究

    Research on Evaluation of the intensive management target system in textile industry enterprises

  12. 提倡集约化经营战略和循环经济发展模式,发展技术型产品,替代资源型产品的出口;

    Third , to advocate the intensive operating strategy and recycling economic development model .

  13. 创造公平竞争环境,推动我国无线寻呼业向集约化经营方向发展

    Create a Fair Competition Environment to Promote Intensive Operation of Paging Business in China

  14. 资本运营与企业集约化经营融合模式探讨集中经营的经济节约

    Discussion on the Inosculating Mode between Capital Operation and Intensive Operation ; economy of concentration

  15. 笔者认为,苏南农业应该积极进行家庭经营制度的完善与创新,走出传统的家庭承包经营方式,走农业集约化经营的道路。

    The farm household-contract management of agriculture should be improved and shift to an intensification-oriented manner .

  16. 在集约化经营的基础上,公司不断向新的领域扩展。

    In the basis of intensive management , the company continued to expand to new areas .

  17. 最后,本文对中行国际结算业务流程再造的实施效果进行了预期,通过流程再造,中行基本上能够实现集约化经营、增强风险控制能力、提升整体服务水平的目的。

    The BOC would realize intensified management , enhance risk control abilities and promote service level .

  18. 但是,川南山区农业集约化经营效率的空间相关性不强。

    However , the spatial correlation of agricultural intensification operating efficiency in MZSS is not strong .

  19. 本文在评价的基础上,分析制约工业企业集约化经营的潜在要素。

    Based on evaluation , the latent factors of restrained intensive operation of industry enterprise are analyzed .

  20. 编组站集约化经营管理探讨

    Exploring On The Intensive Management

  21. 试论地勘部门产业经济实施集约化经营之现实途径

    Descriptions on actual approach for the implementation of centralization and constraint of industry economy for geological prospecting units

  22. 粮食亩产量的高低是以精耕细作为基础,走集约化经营道路的我国农业生产中的关键问题。

    Intensive cultivation is the foundation of foodstuff output and the sixty-four-dollar question in agriculture production in our country .

  23. 很显然,通过土地承包经营权流转实现农村土地集约化经营是必然趋势。

    Obviously , realizing rural land intensive management through the transfer of land use rights is an inevitable trend .

  24. 中国农业集约化经营思路依靠科技进步促进农业集约化经营

    Thoughts on Intensive Farming of Agriculture in China Improving the agricultural intensive operation by the progress of science and technology

  25. 随后文章提出了公司化、集约化的管理对策和公司化、集约化经营的指导思想、原则、目标要求和具体步骤。

    Then I proposed the management strategy of corporatization and intensification and its guiding ideology , principles , objectives and specific steps .

  26. 商品林在市场机制的作用下,实行定向培育,集约化经营,进入了良性发展轨道。

    Under the function of the market mechanism , the Commercial Forest was operated in intensive management , entered the positive development orbit .

  27. 并探讨了集约化经营与企业竞争力的关系,企业集约经营与可持续发展的关系。

    It also discussed the relationship between intensive management and competitive power of enterprises and the relationship between intensive management and possible continual development .

  28. 目前,我国道路运输企业集约化经营还处在积极探索阶段,没有一个放之四海而皆准的模式可供选择。

    Currently , intensive management of road transport enterprises is still in the active exploration stage , there is no universal model for us to choose .

  29. 要改变这一状况,必须建立松脂生产基地,选育高产脂力良种,推广先进采脂技术,实行集约化经营。

    It is necessary to build bases of oleoresin production , select high gum-yielding trees for planting , spread advanced tapping technology and introduce intensive management .

  30. 在经历了早期投资驱动、技术驱动的发展阶段后,电信行业开始进入提倡集约化经营的新阶段。

    After the developing period of earlier investment and technical driven , the telecom industry is stepping into a new period in which intensive management is advocated .