Build an Investment Portfolio Depended on Monetary Cycle
The real business cycle theory regards the accidental and real impact such as the technological impact from the supply as the root of the economic fluctuation .
But the monetary policy cycles have now abruptly reversed .
The second , real-business-cycle theory , challenges the traditional monetary-business-cycle theory .
True , breaking away early from what Morgan Stanley dubs the monetary policy peloton isn 't without risks .
Most of economists look on the theory of real business cycles as the breakthrough of the traditional theory of monetary business cycles .
Inflation is also a factor . China 's prices surged at the end of2010 , prompting a round of monetary tightening from the central bank .
The slowdown also poses a dilemma for central bankers , who will have to decide whether to continue the monetary tightening cycle that started in March .
Two very different theories explain this relationship . The first , monetary-business-cycle theory , assigns a causal role to money supply in influencing real economic activities : changes in money supply cause changes in output growth ( money causes output ) .
Real Stock Returns , Inflation and Monetary Cyclical Nature in China
From the economic cyclical model of nonequilibrium monetary savings we can get the one-dimension recursive equation of marginal consumption tendency .
First , we will improve the policy framework for exercising macro-control prudently and have monetary policy play the role of making counter-cyclic adjustments .
Maybe when the monetary tightening cycle ends , expected to occur some time this quarter , Chinese consumers will start taking out auto loans again and BYD will make a comeback in2012 .
The new Keynesian Philips curve ( NKPC ) is one of the mainstreams models for the current evaluation of monetary policy and economic cycle analysis .
The money gap has the forecast function of extreme in business cycle .
A classical devaluation-inflation cycle is near and can lead to a financial meltdown .
Just as fiscal and monetary policy vary according to the economic cycle , so perhaps should regulatory policy : lighter when unemployment is high , heavier when it is low .
The GMM-estimation procedure proposed by Arellano and Bond ( the two-step difference method ) is used to study the effects of the monetary policy on the investment of the hi-tech listed companies through financial accelerator .
Except that outside long-term trend , China 's M_2 / GDP also assumes the counter cyclical change tendency . The reason lies in the money demand which causes by the discrete motive have the characteristic of counter cyclical undulation .
Then we carried out quantitative analysis of the impact of monetary policy to economic cycle . We concluded that monetary lash affect the real economy obviously , the change of monetary supply is the significant reason of the surge of economic cycle .
This paper extends the basic RBC ( Real Business Cycle ) model to a framework with sticky-price and endogenous monetary policy to study the fluctuation of China 's economy .
Every nation in the world enforces macroeconomic regulation and control on the domestic economy through monetary policy implementation . The relations between monetary policy and the economic cycle is the subject of debate in macroeconomics in a long time .