
sǎn wén jiā
  • essayist;prose writer
  1. 正如散文家戈尔•维达尔(GoreVidal)所说的那样:“每当有朋友获得成功时,我身上的某种东西就会消失一些。”

    As the essayist Gore3 Vidal apparently4 put it : “ Whenever a friend succeeds , a little something in me dies . ”

  2. 经过与癌症的斗争,作家及散文家克里斯托弗?希金斯在休斯顿安德森癌症中心死于md,享年62岁。

    Author and essayist Christopher Hitchens has died in MD , Anderson Cancer Center in Houston after a battle with cancer , he was 62 .

  3. 他是个文笔流畅的散文家。

    He is a fluent prose writer .

  4. 散文家是理查德·罗德里格斯(RichardRodriguez)、琼·迪迪恩(JoanDidion)、潘卡吉·米舍尔(PankajMishra)。

    Essayists : Richard Rodriguez , Joan Didion , Pankaj Mishra .

  5. 英国19世纪的桂冠诗人华滋华斯(WilliamWordsworth)与散文家匡燮在创作思维中有着许多的相似之处。

    William Wordsworth , a Laurel Poet of the 19th century in Britain , has many similarities in literary creation with KUANG Xie , a prose writer of China .

  6. 《游荡:新旧文集》(Loitering:NewandCollectedEssays),查尔斯·达姆布罗西奥(CharlesD’Ambrosio)著(TinHouse出版社,平装,15.95美元)。达姆布罗西奥的作品表明他是当今最聪明、最有文学色彩的散文家。

    LOITERING : New and Collected Essays . By Charles D'Ambrosio . ( Tin House , paper , $ 15.95 . ) D'Ambrosio stands here revealed as one of the smartest , most literary practicing today .

  7. 但正如18世纪散文家、诗人约瑟夫艾迪生(JosephAddison)所言:我们真正的福气往往是以痛苦、损失和失望的形式现身的。

    But as Joseph Addison , the 18th-century essayist and poet , said : Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains , losses and disappointments .

  8. 唐·德里罗(DonDelillo,1936-)是美国当代小说家、剧作家、短篇小说家和散文家。

    Don DeLillo ( 1936 - ) is a novelist , playwright , short story writer and essayist in the contemporary American literature .

  9. 上世纪60年代,她开始在《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的邮件收发室工作,当时从事媒体行业的女性很少,接着她无畏地攀登职业阶梯,成为她那个时代笔锋最为犀利、最受尊敬的散文家之一。

    She started working in the mail room of Newsweek in the 1960s , when women were rare in media , and then fearlessly ascended the career ladder to become one of the most trenchant , respected essayists of her time .

  10. 让卡苏(jeancassou)不是一名商人,他是一位诗人、散文家、小说家、艺术史学家和批评家,还是数本杂志的编辑、一名抵抗战士,此外他还经营着一家世界级的博物馆。

    Jean Cassou was not a businessman . He was a poet , an essayist , a novelist , an art historian and critic , editor of several magazines , a resistance fighter and he ran a world-class Museum .

  11. 与之相对,散文家让·盖埃诺铁铮铮的拒绝写任何德国批准的公文,他的观点只能借假名出现在一家地下报纸——《法国人信札》和同样保密的出版社——《éditionsdeMinuit》。

    By contrast , Jean Gu é henno , an essayist , refused absolutely to write for any outlet approved by the Germans . Instead , his opinions were pseudonymously confined to an underground newspaper , Les Lettres Franeaises , and an equally clandestine publishing house , é ditions de Minuit .

  12. 萨尔曼·拉什迪是一位蜚声文坛的英籍印度小说家和散文家。

    Salman Rushdie is a famous British Indian novelist and essayist .

  13. 潘小平是90年代有影响的女性散文家之一。

    Pan Xiao-ping is one of the influential women writers in1990s .

  14. 约瑟夫·艾迪生,英国散文家,诗人,政治家。

    Joseph Addison , English essayist , poet and politician .

  15. 作为散文家,他取得了超群的成就。

    He has got larger-than-life achievements as a prose writer .

  16. 培根被认为是世界文学中最伟大的散文家。

    Bacon is considered the greatest essayist in World Literature .

  17. 梁实秋是中国现代著名文学评论家、散文家、翻译家。

    Liang Shiqiu is Chinese famous literature critic prose writer and translator .

  18. 乔纳森·弗兰岑是美国著名的小说家和散文家。

    Jonathan Franzen is a famous American novelist and essayist .

  19. 朱自清是中国现代著名的散文家、诗人、学者。

    Qing is a famous modern Chinese essayist , poet , scholar .

  20. 席慕蓉是台湾当代著名的画家、诗人、散文家。

    Xi Mu-rong is the well-known contemporary Taiwanese painter , poet , essayist .

  21. 作为散文家,他是超群绝伦的。

    He has no superior as a prose writer .

  22. 你把阿狄生列为哪一类散文家?

    Where do you rank Addison as an essayist ?

  23. 这两位散文家无论在文风还是人格上均有很多可相比较之处。

    The two essayists , whether in style or personality have many parallels .

  24. 艾丽丝·沃克是美国黑人小说家,诗人和散文家。

    Alice Walker is an African American woman novelist , poet and essayist .

  25. 亨利·詹姆斯是美国著名小说家、散文家和文学评论家。

    Henry James is a noted American-born English novelist , essayist and critic .

  26. 1942年的今天,安妮·法兰克(后来的散文家)在她十三岁生日上收到一本日记本。

    1942-Holocaust : Future essayist Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday .

  27. 贾平凹是中国当代文学史上优秀的小说家,也是较有成就的散文家。

    Jia ping-wa in contemporary Chinese literature is a outstanding achievement novelist , essayist .

  28. 吴冠中先生不仅是美术家,同时是美术教育家、散文家。

    Mr. Wu is not only a painter but also an educationist and essayist .

  29. 杜牧是晚唐时期著名的诗人与散文家。

    Du Mu is a famous poet and poser in the late Tang Dynasty .

  30. 最喜欢的散文家是谁?

    Who are your favorite prose writers ?