- 网络particle production;Particle Generation

So the single top quark production in association with a SUSY particle production process is a powerful way to study the R-parity violating MSSM .
The data of multi particle production in 158 A GeV Pb + Pb collisions are analyzed by two source statistical model .
Fractal Behavior of Multiparticle Production in pp Collisions at 400GeV / c
Laser hole boring effect due to the large ponderomotive force is observed on the surface which is verticle to the magnetic field .
It shows that the multiparticle production in hadron hadron collisions possesses a self-similar cascade property .
To animate the2D particles , the sample uses a series of animated particle texture frames stored in a volume texture .
Production of Particles in NEXUS Model
It is found that Sq , Eq and Eq all deviate significantly from 1 . This seems to indicate that they all can show dynamical fluctuation in multiplicity production .
Then for the experimental data produced by r + p and K + p collisions at 250 GeV / c , the four moments which describe event rapidity gaps fluctuations , are calculated .
The results showed that ABS dispersed in PVC continuous phase as particales or aggregates with its various dosages . In the tensile course , ABS deformed and initiated crazes as stress concentrator .
With the variation of the processing temperature , phase structure of PA6 / PP changed remarkably and the PP particles adhered to form chain structure and the performances of the blends were further promoted .
Analysis of Multi-Particle Production in 158 A GeV Pb + Pb Collisions by Two-Source Statistical Model
Investigation of the Production of Slow Particles in 60 A GeV ~ ( 16 ) O Induced Nuclear Emulsion Reaction
According to the description and simulation of ASs in Monte Carlo code , the growth of ASs are mainly influenced by the hadronic particles production in the forward region and the p-air inelastic cross section .
The further research on the alloy show that : the excellent overall properties of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy is because of the result of working together by small – scale precipitation Cr partical and lots of twins generated in the base .
The entropy indices of QCD branching process are calculated from the data of 400GeV / c pp collisions . The nonzero values of entropy indices are obtained . The entropy indices are increased with decreasing average multiplicity 's of the final states .
Thermodynamic Models for Multiparticle Production in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions
Relative Information Entropy of Particle Production in High Energy Induced Nuclear Reactions
Chaotic Behavior of Multiparticle Production in pp Collisions at 400GeV / c
Wavelet transform and its application in multiparticle production
On meson ratios in multiparticle production at high energy & a statistical quark model
High-energy multiparticle production : an experimental overview
Cylindrical bag model of particle production in high energy e ~ + e ~ - annihilation
Lasers can exert radiation pressure on small particles , which were used to cool and trap neutral atoms .
We only consider the contribution to produced hadron from the recombination of thermal partons in the low pT .
The different choices for phase space variables in the study of anomalous scaling in high energy multiparticle production are discussed .
The surfactant modifies the surface of the primary sol particles , thus suppresses the growth of the primary particle , but accelerates their agglomeration .
The production of J / ψ in high energy collisions has been one of the most active frontiers in nuclear physics and particle physics .
The reasons of producing electric particle of gas and the condition of air flowing in large current enclosed busbar with forced air cooling are analysed .
The trace of this matrix appears neither in the zeroth order term of the mass relation nor in the production and decay interactions of particles .