
  • 网络Particle Radiation;corpuscular radiation;particulate radiation
  1. 并在Matlab环境下仿真,仿真验证粒子辐射特性的一些关键参数,得出该求解方法是合理的。

    Under Matlab environment , we emulate and verify some crucial parameters of particle radiation property , prove the method is reasonable . 4 .

  2. 本文分析了单粒子辐射对集成电路可靠性的影响,特别是对SRAM存储器的影响。

    The influence of single particle radiation to IC reliability , especial to SRAM , is analyzed .

  3. ~(238)Pu衰变的α粒子辐射几率

    Alpha-particle emission probabilities in the decay of  ̄( 238 ) Pu

  4. 本文分析了在风云一号(B)气象卫星环境中各种粒子辐射在集成芯片临界体积中产生的能量沉积,即LET(线性能量传输);

    This paper analyses energy deposit in critical volumes of integrate chips , whi-ch produced by some radiated particles in Feng Yun-1 ( B ) satellite environment . That is called linear energy translation ( LET ) .

  5. Jψ和ψ′粒子辐射衰变到介子的过程是寻找胶球,混杂态,抽取ggqq耦合的极佳场所。

    J / ψ and ψ′ radiative decays to mesons are a good place to look for glueballs , hybrids and for extracting gg-q couplings .

  6. 本文利用粒子辐射特性综合测试实验平台,开展了测量纯SiO2粒子系的光谱透射率,利用反演模型得到其光谱复折射率数据。

    In this paper , the integrated test platform of particle radiation features has been used to measure the spectral transmittance of pure SiO2 .

  7. 结果共克隆到15个可能同α粒子辐射致细胞恶性转化相关的差异表达基因片段(ESRs),共向GenBank登录7条新基因序列。

    Results 15 differentially displayed gene fragments were cloned and sequenced Seven novel ESTs were submitted to GenBank .

  8. Kinnersley时空中的粒子辐射特征

    Characteristics of particle radiation in KINNERSLEY space

  9. 建立了高温气体紫外、可见、红外辐射特性参数计算的逐线法、窄谱带模型和栅栏模型,并基于Mie氏理论建立了高温粒子辐射特性参数计算模型。

    Establish the the calculation model of gas ultraviolet , visible and infrared radiation properties , and based on Mie theory , particle radiation properties calculation model is obtained . 2 .

  10. 根据高能粒子辐射固体阻止理论采用Monte-Carlo方法计算了高能质子在CCD中导致晶格原子位移而产生的初始空位密度分布,结合Janesick的质子辐照实验结果,从而得到初始空位中稳定缺陷的产生率。

    Based on the theory of the energetic particles ' stopping in solids the initial vacancy distribution in CCD is computed with Monte-Carlo method . And with the help of the experimental results acquired by Janesick et al , the generating rate of stable defects is computed .

  11. 空间粒子辐射对卫星中集成芯片的影响

    Effects of space particle radiation on integrate chips in the satellite

  12. 带电粒子辐射对GaAs/AlGaAs多量子阱光学性质的影响

    Irradiation Effects on Optic Character in GaAs / AlGaAs Quantum Wells

  13. 1.315μm波长冰晶粒子辐射特性的模拟研究

    Simulation of radiative properties of ice particles at 1.315 μ m

  14. 地球静止卫星粒子辐射屏蔽和充电设计原则

    Electrostatic charging and radiation shielding design philosophy for geostationary satellite

  15. 高能粒子辐射直拉硅中辐照缺陷的控制

    Control of Radiation Defect in CZ Si Radiated by High Energy Particles

  16. 空间粒子辐射引起存储单元多位比特纠错方案

    A Solution of Errors-Correction in Memory Unit Caused by Space Particle Radiation

  17. 视界附近的粒子辐射与运动镜模型

    Radiation of particles near horizon and moving mirror model

  18. 目的克隆α粒子辐射致细胞恶性转化相关基因。

    Objective To isolate genes involved in neoplastic transformation induced by α - particales .

  19. 研究了中子和其它带电粒子辐射增强扩散效应的差异。

    The differences of the radiation-enhanced diffusion caused by neutron and ions are presented .

  20. 粒子辐射探测器数据伪对数表达方法

    Quasi-logarithmic data expression scheme in particle radiation detector

  21. α粒子辐射与基因组不稳定性

    Alpha - particles radiation and genomic instability

  22. 星内粒子辐射探测器上高压单元的模拟(英文)

    Simulation of High Voltage Unit ( HVU ) in Particle Radiation Detector ( PRD )

  23. 几种锕系核素α粒子辐射几率

    Alpha-particle emission probabilities of several actinide nuclides

  24. α粒子辐射致癌的遗传不稳定性机制研究

    Studies on the Mechanisms of Genetic Instability Involving in the Process of α Particles Radiation Carcinogenesis

  25. α粒子辐射致大鼠气管上皮细胞恶性转化相关基因的克隆

    Identification of cDNA fragments related to α particles radiation induced neoplastic transformation of rat tracheal epithelial Cells

  26. 粒子辐射占固体火箭羽流红外辐射的主要部分;

    The radiation of particles played the main role in the infrared radiation of solid rocket plume .

  27. 对测控应答机系统的各项指标进行了详细的测试,并对皮卫星星上系统进行了温度循环、振动和粒子辐射等可靠性试验。

    The Pico-satellite passed the reliability experiments including temperature circulation experiment , vibration experiment and particle radialization experiment .

  28. 一游离辐射:指直接或间接使物质产生游离作用之电磁辐射或粒子辐射。

    Ionizing radiation refers to electromagnetic or corpuscular radiation that directly or indirectly causes ionization of any material .

  29. 目的建立α粒子辐射诱导人肺鳞癌裸鼠转移模型。

    Objective To establish a metastatic model of human lung carcinoma induced by α particles in nude mice .

  30. 在恶劣的太空环境下,商用器件受高能粒子辐射极容易发生故障。

    In the harsh space environment , COTS components are easy to be faulty radiated by high energy particles .