
xǐ fā shuǐ
  • shampoo;liquid shampoo
  1. 不合适的洗发水会使卷发纠结成乱糟糟的一团。

    The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess

  2. 这款洗发水是果香型的,洗后头发如丝般顺滑。

    This shampoo smells fruity and leaves the hair beautifully silky .

  3. 总是用同一种洗发水就意味着某种残留物会在头发上越积越多。

    Always using the same shampoo means that a residue can build up on the hair .

  4. 这种洗发水泡沫太多,很难冲干净。

    The shampoo lathers and foams so much it 's very hard to rinse it all out .

  5. 我找不到那帮家伙的洗发水了,从他们那里拿来后我就忘了搁在什么地方。

    I can 't find the boys ' shampoo . I can 't think where I put it when I took it off them

  6. 提供毛巾、洗发水、肥皂,让无家可归的人可以洗个热水澡,收拾下自己。

    It could have a towel , shampoo , soap , so a homeless person can have a hot shower and a proper clean up .

  7. 用霸王中药洗发水,洗完头发后有药味吗

    Do use despot traditional Chinese medicine shampoo a drug after finishing redressing hair ?

  8. 通过发型师克里斯o麦克米兰的推荐,安妮斯顿试用了LivingProof的洗发水三个月。

    With her longtime hairstylist Chris McMillan , Aniston tested the Living Proof shampoo for three months .

  9. 尽管安妮斯顿喜欢LivingProof的洗发水,但我们估计看不到安妮斯顿代言这家公司的Neotensil产品了。

    Despite her love of Living Proof 's shampoo , don 't expect Aniston to peddle Neotensil .

  10. 女:我问他们买什么样的洗发水,相比品牌Y他们是不是更喜欢品牌X。

    W : I was asking them what kind of shampoo they bought and if they preferred brand X to brand Y.

  11. 建立了HPLC法同时检测洗发水中违禁氟康唑、酮康唑、特康唑和硝酸咪康唑的含量。

    A HPLC method was established for the simultaneous determination of fluconazol , ketoconazole , terconazole and miconazole nitrate in illegal shampoo .

  12. 化妆品包装面霜瓶洗发水香水瓶药品包装瓶食品包装瓶PE瓶PS瓶PP瓶PET瓶PVC瓶。

    Cosmetics packaging Cream bottle Shampoo perfume bottle Medicines bottle Food packing bottle PE bottle PS bottle PP bottle PET bottle PVC bottle .

  13. 来自SimplicityRemastered美发中心的发型师NickDavis解释了他使用哪种香波或洗发水。

    Nick Davis , a hair stylist from Simplicity Remastered explains about what shampoos or hair cleansers he uses .

  14. Jerry你可能不相信但是你要做的是加一点这些东西到洗发水里

    Now you wouldn 't be talking them Jerry , But what you will do is , you just put a little bit on your shampoo ,

  15. 直到不久以前,我一直认为联合利华(unilever)是一家主要目的为生产洗发水等产品的公司。

    Until recently , I thought that Unilever was a company whose primary purpose was to make products such as shampoo .

  16. 他表示,这与WPP两家广告公司为互为竞争对手的洗发水生产商工作没什么两样。

    The situation is no different , he says , from two advertising agencies within WPP working for competing shampoo manufacturers .

  17. 而拥有3700余家美国门店、去年日用百货销售额超过1300亿美元的沃尔玛,则在部分门店试行了在线付款,今天提货(payonlineandpickuptoday)的新式服务,试验商品包括洗发水和牙膏等。

    Walmart , which has more than 3,700 US stores and grocery sales of more than $ 130bn last year , has instead been testing a new pay online and pick up today service at some stores that includes items such as shampoo and toothpaste .

  18. 然后,LivingProof的研发团队将安妮斯顿请到他们的实验室,向她展示了这款洗发水背后的科技原理——这次访问给人的感觉有点像高中的化学课,安妮斯顿当时笑着说:“化学是我高中学得很好的一门课。”

    The company 's R & D team then took her into their lab , showing her the science behind the shampoos , a tour reminiscent of a high school chemistry class . " And that was the one subject that I was good at , " Aniston laughs .

  19. “nopoo”方法,意为用天然替代品或清水洗发来代替洗发水和护发素。这个方法得到很多人的支持。

    The ' no-poo " method , which involves using natural substitutes or just water in place of shampoo and conditioner , has credibility within several circles 。

  20. nopoo方法背后遵循的原理是,洗发水夺去了头发上的天然油脂,而这又促使头皮分泌更多新的天然油脂。

    The theory behind the no-poo method is that shampoo strips the hair of its natural oils , which prompts the scalp to generate more oils to replace them .

  21. “nopoo”方法背后遵循的原理是,洗发水夺去了头发上的天然油脂,而这又促使头皮分泌更多新的天然油脂。

    The theory behind the ' no-poo " method is that shampoo strips the hair of its natural oils , which prompts the scalp to generate more oils to replace them .

  22. 首先分析了联合利华在中国洗发水市场的机会与威胁分析,其次列举了联合利华的竞争优势和劣势,然后结合SWOT模型,进行了战略匹配分析。

    Firstly the thesis analyzed the opportunities and threats of Unilever in China shampoo market . Secondly the advantages and disadvantages were listed . Based on the former analysis , the strategies were set to take the use of opportunities and avoid or diminish the threats by SWOT model .

  23. 金·卡戴珊(KimKardashian)、谢琳·伍德蕾(ShaileneWoodley)、阿黛儿(Adele)和杰西卡·辛普森(JessicaSimpson)等名人都透露,他们好几天甚至好几个月都不洗头。因为名人效应,“戒洗发水”运动越来越流行。

    The ' no poo ' movement has gained popularity over recent years because of celebrities such as Kim Kardashian , Shailene Woodley , Adele and Jessica Simpson who have revealed that that they avoid washing their hair for days - and sometimes months - on end .

  24. 它点燃了顾客的热情。不久前一个周六的上午,写着“所有商品均为一欧元”的手工制作大幅海报挂在摊位上方,摊位上堆满了厕纸、妮维雅(Nivea)护手霜和联合利华出品的Timotei洗发水等商品。

    It lights a fire in our customers . ' On a recent Saturday morning , large , handmade yellow posters emblazoned with ' Everything at One Euro ' hung over a stand piled high with products such as toilet paper , Nivea hand cream and Timotei shampoo , a Unilever brand .

  25. 还有就是洗发水和浴液不太好挤。

    There is not shampoo to shower and a good squeeze .

  26. 基于UG/NX的洗发水瓶盖注射模设计与模流分析

    UG / NX-based design of injection mould and mould flow analysis

  27. 你的头发真的会习惯某种洗发水吗?

    Can your hair really get used to a certain shampoo ?

  28. 换言之,你不应该再责备洗发水了。

    In other words you need to quit shaming the shampoo .

  29. 我觉得也许你该换种洗发水。

    And I think maybe you should change your hair conditioner .

  30. 不,我没有。我买了一瓶洗发水。

    No , I didn 't.I bought a bottle of shampoo .