
xí shǒu yè
  • liquid soap
  1. 阿美:噢,妈妈,洗手液在哪里啊?

    May : Oh , Mom , do you know where the liquid soap is ?

  2. 如果可能的话,使用洗手液。

    Use liquid soap if possible .

  3. 用肥皂和清水或含有酒精的洗手液勤洗手:

    Frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water .

  4. Aiello建议说,那么就使用含酒精的洗手液。

    Then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer , Aiello advises .

  5. 近年来,随着Purell这种清洁产品的流行,越来越多的人开始使用方便的无水洗手液。

    In recent years , with proliferation of products such as Purell , instant hand sanitizers have become popular .

  6. 飞机内100多种物品使用HelloKitty主题特别设计而成。包括头枕套、纸杯、餐具、奶瓶、小吃、皂液器、洗手液、餐点和冰激凌。

    On board , more than 100 in-flight items are specially designed with the Hello Kitty motif & including headrest covers , tissues , paper cups , utensils , milk bottles , snacks , soap dispensers , hand lotion , meals and ice cream .

  7. 医务人员接触患者后使用肥皂(洗手液)和流动水洗手时间≥15s的占74.6%。

    In addition , 74 . 6 % of the medical workers washed their hands for more than 15 s after patient contact with soap ( hand sanitizer ) and running water .

  8. DeirdreImus:是的,所有这些产品都不含有毒物质,这里最好的例子就是洗手液,这种经过蒸馏的白醋已经出品了好几年了,是完全无毒的洗涤产品。

    D.I. : Yes , these products are all non-toxic products , the great example here of hand dish , distilled white vinegar which has been around for years , and then non-toxical purpose cleaners .

  9. 工厂应供应卫生纸,肥皂或洗手液。

    Toilet tissues , soap or hand wash should be provided .

  10. 就是随身携带一小瓶洗手液,它在杀菌方面有奇效。

    Keep a small bottle of hand cleanser in your pocket .

  11. 不同洗手液清洁效果的实验观察

    Experimental Observation on the Cleaning Effect of Different Hand Washing Solution

  12. 结论金银花洗手液具有很好的抑菌效果和杀菌作用,对试验动物皮肤和眼无刺激性。

    It is non-irritating to skin and eye of experimental animals .

  13. 我们试图用抗生素和洗手液杀灭他们。

    We try to kill them off with antibiotics and hand sanitizers .

  14. 应用持续性质量改进提高洗手液的合格率

    Application of CQI for Elevating Passing Rate of Hand-washing Liquid

  15. 快速手消毒剂与洗手液洗手效果的临床评价

    Clinical Evaluation on the Disinfection Efficacy of Fast-speed Hand-disinfections

  16. 抗菌消毒洗手液的研制

    The Development of the Antibiotic and Disinfectant Hand Cleaner

  17. 我只能勤擦洗手液,避免任何肢体接触

    I just have to keep cleaning my hands and not touch anyone .

  18. 他同时也卖出了很多洗手液。

    He also sells a lot of hand sanitizer .

  19. 安全、高效、持久抗菌洗手液的研制

    Research and development on anti-bacterium hand cleanser with high safety , efficacy and durability

  20. 过氧化氢除菌洗手液杀菌性能与毒性的实验研究

    Experimental study on germicidal efficacy and toxicity of a hydrogen peroxide hand antiseptic-washing agent

  21. 另外,洗手液中还含有舒缓润肤剂可以一定程度上抵掉酒精的干燥作用。

    And it also contains soothing emollients to counter the alcohol 's drying effect .

  22. 布什在与奥巴马握过手之后,身边一个助手迅速在布什手上喷了点无水洗手液。

    The aide then apparentlyproceeded to squirt some hand sanitizer into Bush 's hands .

  23. 墨西哥的措施包括戴口罩、测量体温和用洗手液洗手。

    Protocols in Mexico include masks , temperature checks and washing with hand sanitizer .

  24. 结论在外科手消毒时建议使用无水洗手液揉搓消毒的方法。

    ( CONCLUSIONS ) The alcohol-based surgical hand rub is recommended for surgical hand antisepsis .

  25. 用橡皮筋把厨房水槽上的洗手液开关固定在打开位置。

    Rubber band the sprayer on the kitchen sink into the " on " position .

  26. 洗手液市场略览

    Glance at the Hand Washing Lotion Market

  27. 那我就不明白了…-他公寓里的芳香洗手液。

    Then I don 't understand why ... - Scented hand soap in his apartment .

  28. 浙江省部分医疗机构抗菌洗手液卫生质量调查

    Survey on sanitary quality of antimicrobial hand-washing solution in some medical institutions in Zhejiang Province

  29. 他公寓里的芳香洗手液

    Scented hand soap in his apartment .

  30. 医护人员手卫生状况及洗手液消毒效果的评价

    Hygienic Status Evaluations of Medical Staff Hands and Disinfection Effects of Used Antibacterial Hand-washing Solutions