
  • 网络ASJ;Amami-Oshima Island;Amami-Oshima;Amami Oshima
  1. 在另外一起事件中,今年5月2日,日本方面发现另外一艘不明身份的潜艇驶过鹿儿岛县奄美大岛(Amami-Oshima)以西水域。

    In a separate incident , another unidentified submarine was detected traveling west of Amami-Oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture on May 2 .

  2. 1994年3月航次,在奄美大岛东南海域有一支东北向海流,其强度比在冲绳岛东南海域的东北向海流更强,它们的东北向流量分别为20.8×106和7.2×106m3/s。

    In the cruise of March 1994 , the northeastward current southeast of Amami-Oshima is stronger than that southeast of Oki nawa-jima , and their northeastward volume transports are 20.8 × 106 and 7.2 × 106m3 / s , respectively ;

  3. 苏格兰民族党政客坚称,这一形势的改变发生于苏格兰公投决定留在欧盟、反对英国脱欧之后。一艘载有43名船员和约5800头牛的货船在日本西南部奄美大岛以西失踪。日本海上保安厅已展开搜索行动。

    SNP politicians insist the situation changed after Scotland voted to remain in the European Union , the national vote A freighter carrying 43 crew members and about 5800 cattle has gone missing while traveling west of Amami-Oshima Island in southwestern Japan .