
  • 网络Vertical zone;altitudinal belt
  1. 采用DEM数据对月平均气温空间插值进行修正,提高了月平均气温插值的精度,在一定程度上提高了垂直地带性植被模拟的准确性。

    The use of DEM data for amendment of the spatial interpolation is used in monthly average temperature . It is not only raising the accuracy of interpolation of temperature , but also improving the simulation of the vertical zonal vegetation .

  2. 论广西土壤的垂直地带性分布规律

    A Disputation on Distributive Laws of Vertical Zonality of Soil in Guangxi

  3. 中国温带荒漠山地垂直地带性的遗产价值

    The Heritage Value of Mountain Vertical Zonation in Temperate Desert Region of China

  4. 在地形复杂地区,潜势还呈现出多层次的垂直地带性结构特征。

    The potential also has vertical zonality structure in the regions with complex terrain .

  5. 河南省自然灾害的地域空间分异,主要遵循水平地带性规律、非地带性规律与垂直地带性规律。

    Regional and space distribution of natural hazards obeys three rules : horizontal zonality , non-zonality and vertical zonality .

  6. 阿克苏河流域径流补给具有垂直地带性和多样化特点,径流时序特征与径流的补给来源有密切关系;

    The result shows that the runoff supply of Aksu basin has the characteristics of zonal perpendicularity and diversification .

  7. 五台山植被随着海拔高度的变化有明显的垂直地带性规律,光热条件是影响五台山地区植被景观要素及其分布的重要因素。

    The conditions of light and warmth are the key factors in determining the elements and their distribution in this area .

  8. 根据这些指标结合气候的水平地带性和垂直地带性分异规律进行区划,把本市气候共划分为五个气候带和十一个气候区。

    According to these principles and methods the climate divisions in the prefecture are divided into five belt (?) and eleven districts .

  9. 水平地带性主要影响以致控制灾害的不同类型,非地带性与垂直地带性则主要影响各种灾害的成灾强度。

    The horizontal zonality mainly controls the types of natural hazards in Henan , and the others mainly control intensity of natural hazards .

  10. 经统计、分析,把南昆山的垂直地带性森林,划为8个群系、9个林型。

    According to the statistics and analysis the vertical zones of distrbution in Nan Kun Mountain were divided into 3 formations and 9 forest-types .

  11. 一般受海洋季风和湿润气候影响强烈的地区,草地垂直地带性和水平地带性基本一致。

    In regions strongly influenced by maritime monsoon and moist air current , the vertical zonality of grassland coincides basically with horizontal zonality of grassland .

  12. 气候多样,生物资源品种繁多,垂直地带性非常明显。集聚了最壮丽的自然风光。

    The diversity climates , variety biological resources , and the character of vertical zonality are considerably clear and have gathered the most splendid natural scenery .

  13. 山地土壤的坡向性分异不同于土壤的垂直地带性分异,它主要源于生物气候环境的坡向性分异。

    The slope-directive variation of mountain soils was different from that of vertical Zonality . It derived from the slope-directive variation of biology , climate and environment .

  14. 并在专家认可的基础上,针对山西玉米春播特早熟区垂直地带性气候特点,提出生态类型亚区及规范应用建议。

    Based on opinions of specialists and the vertical climate of spring planting in the northwest of Shanxi the subzone of ecological types and advice of the regular application were presented .

  15. 由于元江、澜沧江及其支流的切割,滇南山地的垂直地带性十分明显,形成了显著立体气候特征。

    Because of the cuts made by the Lancang ( Mekong ) and Honghe ( Red ) rivers and their tributaries , its vertical characteristics are especially prominent , forming obvious three-dimensional climatic characteristics .

  16. 本文从纬度位置、海陆位置、垂直地带性、剥蚀夷平面和岩溶负地貌等方面,分析了鄂西山地泥炭的成矿因素。

    The paper describes minerogenetic factors of peat in mountainous region in west Hubei Province , such as latitude , location of land and sea , vertical zonality , denudation surface , negative karst geomorphy etc.

  17. 探讨了浙江山地农业气候资源分布的四个特征:垂直地带性、水平地段性、空间季相位移性和多层次立体网络性及其与农业生产的关系。

    The distribution of agroclimatic resources in the hilly land of Zhejiang Province is characterized by the vertical layer , different horizontal locations , the displacement with space and time , and a stereo network .

  18. 指出,在相似的植被及地形条件下,黄土高原土壤深层水分从南向北和从东向西逐渐降低及从山顶到坡脚逐渐增大,表现出水平和垂直地带性分异规律。

    Under homogeneous condition of vegetation and landform there is a geologically zonal distribution law which soil water content decreases from south to north and increases from the mountain top to its bottom in loess region , China .

  19. 基于库区垂直地带性分异规律的分析,进行山地土地功能分区研究,提出发挥库区农业资源优势,大力发展山地高效特色农业的模式和对策。

    The land use function zones were divided based on the analysis of the principles of mountainous vertical terrain difference , and the model and countermeasure to develop the mountainous characteristic agriculture by exerting agricultural resources advantages were put forward in this paper .

  20. 由于形成山地灾害的多种自然因素具有垂直地带性,尤其作为主要动力因素的水,超过一定高度后由液态成为固态,从而造成了山地灾害的垂直地带性。

    Because the vertical zonality of many natural factors which cause mountain hazards , water in particular , as a main dynamic factor when the height outweigh a certain elevation will change from liquid state to solidity , which induce the vertical zonality of mountain hazards .

  21. 昆虫区系同植被一样,具明显垂直地带性分布特征,山地荒漠亚带多为旱生型昆虫,山地森林草甸带大多为中生型昆虫,种类最为丰富,达816种;

    The insect 's fauna , as well as the plants , has the character of an evident vertical-belt distribution . Most insects of mountain-desert sub-zone are xeric and those of mountainous-sylva-meadow belt are mesophytic species and are rich in category , which amounts to 816 species .

  22. 鄂西南山地垂直气候生境地带

    The Vertical Climatic Habitat Zones in Mountainous Regions in South-western Hubei Province

  23. 植被分布水平规律变化界限不明显,在垂直分布上,随着海拔高度的不同形成垂直地带谱。

    It is unobvious in horizontal distribution and the vertical belt spectrum is varied with the altitude .