
huàn xióng
  • raccoon;racoon;Procyon lotor
浣熊 [huàn xióng]
  • (1) [raccoon]

  • (2) 一种夜行性食肉类动物( Procyon lotor ),与熊有亲缘关系,但体型小得多,产于北美的大部分地区,大都栖居树上,身上主要是灰色,脸上有黑色和白色的花纹,有蓬松带圈纹的尾

  • (3) 浣熊属其他动物的泛称(食蟹浣熊)

浣熊[huàn xióng]
  1. 电动助力车控制模型的研制HONDA推出电动助力车浣熊

    Research on The Model of Electric Bicycle Control System HONDA Develops Racoon Electric Bikes

  2. 这已经不是Baby第一次成为其它小动物的妈妈了,它曾经当过小兔子、小猫甚至是小浣熊的妈妈。

    Baby lives at the refuge as a pet and in her time has been a surrogate mum to abandoned bunnies , kittens and a racoon .

  3. 人们过去经常猎取浣熊,以获得其毛皮。

    Raccoons used to be trapped for their fur .

  4. 浣熊弄翻垃圾箱找吃的,把垃圾弄得满地都是。

    The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food , and strew the contents all over the ground

  5. 她在浣熊身上画上白点来表现露水。

    She drew white spots on the raccoon to show dew .

  6. 对于白露这一节气,辛妮选择了一只浣熊——一种毛发浓密的小动物来表示。

    For White Dew , Cinyee chose a raccoon — a small animal with thick hair .

  7. 如果你驯养这只浣熊,它生活在野外将会有困难。

    If you domesticate this raccoon , it will have trouble living in the wild .

  8. 浣熊SRY-Hmgbox的克隆和序列分析

    Cloning and sequence analysis of SRY - HMG box from Raccoon

  9. 他们是:武器行家火箭浣熊(由布莱德利·库珀(BradleyCooper)配音);

    They include Rocket , a weapons-savvy raccoon given voice by Bradley Cooper ;

  10. 圣保罗市安全和检查部发言人劳丽·布里克利(LaurieBrickley)说,设置诱捕装置的野生动物管理服务公司(WildlifeManagementServices)于周三早上接回了浣熊。

    Wildlife Management Services , the company that set the traps , retrieved the raccoon on Wednesday morning , said Laurie Brickley , a spokeswoman for the city 's Department of Safety and Inspections .

  11. 浣熊痘病毒TK基因对5-BUdR药物不敏感性的研究

    The TK Gene of Raccoon Pox Virus is not Sensitive to 5-BUdR

  12. 采用PCR和Southern杂交等方法对大熊猫与小熊猫、马来熊、浣熊等共有的一条1.3kb的RAPD产物片段进行了初步分析。

    We employed PCR and Southern blot hybridization to analyze a shared 1 3 kb DNA fragment among the RAPD products from giant panda , lesser panda , malayan bear and raccoon genomic DNA .

  13. 虽然浣熊爬上二三十英尺的高度是正常的,但爬上大型建筑物非常罕见,霍夫斯特拉大学(HofstraUniversity)生物学教授拉塞尔·L·伯克(RussellL.Burke)说。

    While it 's normal for raccoons to climb 20 or 30 feet , scaling a large building is very unusual , said Russell L. Burke , a biology professor at Hofstra University .

  14. 本文在Rat-2(TK~-)细胞上,对浣熊痘病毒TK基因作为病毒筛选标记的作用进行了研究。

    In this assay , we studied the possibility of raccoon pox virus ( RCN ) TK gene as a viral selection marker on Rat-2 cells .

  15. 在瑞银广场23层,圣保罗律师事务所佩奇·J·唐纳利(PaigeJ.Donnelly)的合伙人谢拉·唐纳利-科因(SheilaDonnelly-Coyne)和同事们挤在一起,开始记录这只浣熊的旅程。

    On the 23rd floor of UBS Plaza , Sheila Donnelly-Coyne , a partner at Paige J. Donnelly , a St. Paul law firm , huddled with her co-workers and started to chronicle the raccoon 's journey .

  16. 于是螃蟹开始为浣熊理发。

    Then the crab began to cut the raccoon 's hair .

  17. 圣保罗的这只浣熊轻松爬上这座两层建筑。

    The St. Paul raccoon scaled the two-story building with ease .

  18. 浣熊要比螃蟹大上好几倍。

    A raccoon is many times as big as a crab .

  19. 我们收到了未经证实的关于浣熊市事故的报告。

    We have unconfirmed reports of disaster at raccoon city .

  20. 浣熊栖息于北美和中美森林中。

    Raccoons live in forests in North and central america .

  21. 浣熊窃走了营地的全部食品。

    The raccoons rifled all the food in the camp .

  22. 我房间里浣熊的两只脚印都只有4个指头

    The footprints in my room only have four toes .

  23. 几分钟内,浣熊已经爬上了五层。

    Within minutes , the raccoon had ascended five stories .

  24. 周二,浣熊慢慢地爬上了大楼。

    On Tuesday , the raccoon slowly climbed the building .

  25. 在山中,他看见一只浣熊正在小睡。

    In the mountains the crab saw a raccoon taking a nap .

  26. 滑雪之旅后,我的脸变得像浣熊一样了。

    After my ski trip , my face look like a raccoon .

  27. 而他的宠物浣熊很快就比他还出名了。

    And his pet raccoon is fast becoming more popular than him .

  28. 然后,浣熊到达了15楼,然后是20楼。

    Then the raccoon reached the 15th floor and then the 20th .

  29. 有只浣熊跑进小屋里了

    Uh , there was ... A raccoon that got into the cabin

  30. 老师说浣熊只在夜间行动

    But in school , we learn raccoons are nocturnal .