
  • 网络Character flaw;character defects
  1. 或者对他全部的性格缺陷进行凶狠的指控。

    Or read him such a ferocious indictment on all his character flaws .

  2. 任何人都有性格缺陷。

    Each one of us has character flaws .

  3. 这种综合征是一种性格缺陷,在全世界最优秀的一些经理人身上也很严重。

    The syndrome2 , which is a major character flaw of some of the world 's finest managers .

  4. 对诗歌而言,语词只是附加的,而不是本质性的-弗雷德里克w鲁宾逊;他们不得不判断他的不正当行为是出于偶然还是由于性格缺陷。

    Poetry is something to which words are the accidental , not by any means the essential form-frederick w.robertson ; they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character .

  5. 女主Gwen富有激情且不畏艰难,风趣幽默但也有性格缺陷,由于她和自己的姐妹Evie都遗传了致命性的疾病,对于每一个病例她都亲自上阵。

    Heroic and passionate , flawed and funny , Gwen takes every case personally - because she and her sister , surgeon Evie Langer , have inherited a deadly disease of their own .

  6. 这是性格缺陷,我承认。

    It 's a character flaw , and I admit it .

  7. 研究心理学的人大部分都有性格缺陷。

    Most Psychology Departments are filled with personality deficients .

  8. 他们似乎有着比受训者更多的性格缺陷和“问题”。

    They seem to have more personality flaws and " issues " than the coachee .

  9. 悲观主义者把失败归咎于个人,把失败解析为一些深层面的性格缺陷的证据。

    Pessimists take failures personally , interpreting them as evidence of some deep-seated character flaw .

  10. 自杀未遂者具有焦虑、疑心、抑郁、病态人格、脱离现实等性格缺陷。

    Attempted suicides had character disorder of anxiety , suspicion , depression , psychopathic and dereism .

  11. 但我的很多性格缺陷都可以从他们做父母的失败行为中找到根源。

    But I still trace a lot of my character flaws back to specific failed parenting moments .

  12. 《寒夜》人物的性格缺陷与传统文化的负面影响

    The Negative Influence of the Traditional Culture on the Flaws of the Characters in Nature of The Cold Night

  13. 矛盾性因子与心理健康中的情绪、性格缺陷、退缩行为因子呈显著正相关。

    The factor of conflict has significant positive relation with the factors of morale , disposition flaw and shrinking back behavior .

  14. 18例(30%)有自伤行为,且自伤行为与语言功能障碍和智力水平相关;父母性格缺陷者占533%。

    18 of them ( 30 % ) with self injurious behaviour that were influenced by intelligence level and speech retardation .

  15. 但是,草头碱还是有可能被用于去辅助治疗那些有性格缺陷和其他心理问题的人。

    But it 's also possible that psilocybin could be used to help treat people with personality disorders and other psychological problems .

  16. 第一章分析了女主人公伊莎贝尔的性格缺陷。

    Chapter One analyses the heroine 's flawed character from four aspects : romance of self , narcissism , inconsistency and aestheticism .

  17. 向他解释抑郁症是一种病,并不是一个人的性格缺陷或弱点,并且通过治疗通常会好转。

    Explain that depression is a medical condition , not a personal flaw or weakness & and that it usually gets better with treatment .

  18. 她们悲剧命运的原因有很多,如社会地位、性格缺陷、思想缺陷等。

    There are many reasons for their tragic destiny , such as social status , character deficits , mentality limitation , and so on .

  19. 我很清楚对方的方方面面,不仅是美好的一面,也包括其能力局限、矛盾个性、和性格缺陷。

    I 'm aware of the many sides of the other person-not just the beautiful side but also the limitations , inconsistencies and flaws .

  20. 中国民众经常是首先跳出来,指出国人共同的性格缺陷的(尽管他们通常会把这些缺陷归罪在同胞、而不是自己身上)。

    Ordinary Chinese are always the first to point out shared character flaws ( although usually they impute them to compatriots other than themselves ) .

  21. 《一位女士的画像》的女主人公伊莎贝尔的性格缺陷预示了她的悲剧命运,使她沦为无爱婚姻的牺牲者。

    The defects in Isabel 's character of the Portrait of a Lady partially account for her tragic fate , leading her to a loveless marriage .

  22. 应聘者可能会试图给出他们认为企业想听到的回答,不大可能会承认自己的性格缺陷或不良行为。

    Applicants may try to give answers they think the company wants to hear , and aren 't likely to admit to character flaws or bad behavior .

  23. 作为悲剧英雄的麦克白,由于自身的性格缺陷,在世俗权力的诱惑面前,内心充满了斗争与矛盾。

    Macbeth , as a tragic hero , is full of inward struggles in front of the secular power , because of his defects in his character .

  24. 预防这类犯罪的对策是学校加强对学生心理健康教育,矫正学生的性格缺陷,提醒学生注意防范。

    Prevention countermeasures against this kind of crime are to reinforce mental health instruction of the students , correct their character defects and remind them to keep watch .

  25. 但是根本原因却要归结到裘德的悲剧性性格缺陷,他性格中致命的缺陷就是摇摆不定和耽于幻想。

    However , the fundamental reason of his tragedy lies in his tragic flaw , that is , he always hesitates and lives in illusion rather than reality .

  26. 贝娄主人公的精神危机是由多种因素造成的,其中包括充满敌意的现实、异化感、边缘感、以及性格缺陷等。

    The protagonists ' spiritual crisis is caused by various factors , including the hostile reality , the sense of alienation and marginality , the flaws in character , etc.

  27. 引言:在现代文明的背景下,明确恶并非人的性格缺陷,而是一种人性的基本事实,交待本文写作意义与实践意义。

    ⅰ . Preface : It presents that " evil " is not a flew of one 's character but a fact of human nature under the modern civilization background .

  28. 知识性因子与情绪、性格缺陷、退缩行为行为障碍和不良习惯因子呈显著负相关。

    The factor of unhealthy habit has significant negative relation with the factors of intellectual-cultural-orientation , moral , disposition flaw , shrinking back behavior , behavioral hinder and unhealthy habits .

  29. 我从来不是能追着一个问题打破砂锅问到底的人,或许这是一种性格缺陷,她说。

    I was never and maybe this is a character flaw the type of person who is going to take one idea and beat it to death , she said .

  30. 在科学或所谓的科学的驱动下,社会正对曾被视作为性格缺陷或道德缺失的东西重新进行归类,认为是类似于身体残疾的性格失衡。

    Pushed by science , or what claims to be science , society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities .