
zēnɡ zhǎnɡ qū xiàn
  • growth curve
  1. Logistic曲线模型是一种重要的增长曲线模型。

    The logistic curve model is an important growth curve pattern .

  2. Logistic增长曲线在投资分析中的应用

    Application of Logistic growth curve to investment analysis

  3. 但是现在这些产品的增长曲线已经减缓一或者在某些情况下市场份额已经缩水因为消费者没有那么想要花钱买一些新的玩意儿了。

    But now these segments are looking at slower growth curves -- or shrinking markets in some cases -- as consumers are not as eager to spend money on new gadgets .

  4. Np型增长曲线预测油田开发指标的0.5准数及其应用

    A 0.5 Criterion Numeral of a New N_p Type Increase Curve for Predicting Development Indexes and Its Application

  5. 增长曲线模型(TheGrowthCurveModel简称GC模型)是较广泛的一种线性模型,已有大量学者从理论和应用两个方面对之进行了讨论。

    The growth curve model is a wide-ranging linear model . Many discussions have been devoted by scholars to it in theoretical and applied aspects .

  6. 本文论述逻辑增长曲线模型的参数求解方法优选法,并给出计算程序的NS图。

    The article is about the method of solution parameters value of logistic model-optimization , it also describes the N-S graph of computer program .

  7. 矩阵损失下带约束增长曲线模型的线性容许minimax估计

    Linear Admissible Minimax Estimation of Growth Curve Model with Restraints under

  8. 基建投资增长曲线:美国vs.全球与其他投资者一样,大多数富裕家庭采用间接投资的方式进入基础设施建设领域。

    Most wealthy families get into infrastructure the same way other investors do : indirectly .

  9. Gompertz曲线与logistic增长曲线之比较

    Comparisons between Gompertz curve and logistic curve

  10. 约束增长曲线模型的Minimax可容许估计

    The Minimax Admissible Estimates of the Growth Curve Model under a Constraint Condition

  11. 运用Logistic增长曲线方程系统分析了城市交通系统发展的演化过程,提出了城市交通系统的持续性发展模式。

    This thesis also analyzes the evolvement process of the urban traffic system with Logistic increase curve , and brings forward the mode of the sustainable development .

  12. 增长曲线模型中系数矩阵的线性容许Minimax估计

    The Linear Admissible Minimax Estimate of Regression Coefficient in Growth Curve Model Admissible Estimate of Mean Matrix

  13. 给出了增长曲线模型参数矩阵的线性经验Bayes估计,同时得到了它的渐近最优的收敛速度。

    A linear empirical Bayes estimation of regression coefficients in growth curve model is constructed . And its asymptotically optimal convergence rate is given .

  14. 一般增长曲线模型参数阵的BLU估计

    Blu estimator of parameter matrix in general growth curve model

  15. 提出了根据实际资料计算NRmax、b、a等参数的方法以及应用这种增长曲线评价油气田重大调整措施效果的方法,推导了相应的计算公式。

    The methods for calculating the parameters as N Rmax , b and a , etc. , according to actual data and those for evaluating the effects of oil and gas field important adjustment measures by the increase curve are proposed and the relevant formulae are derived .

  16. 2001年世界经济陷入了30年来最严重的衰退。这次衰退是继多年经济繁荣后的硬着陆,衰退导致世界经济增长曲线呈现U字型。

    In 2001 , world economy ran into the deepest recession since the latest 30 years , which was " hard landing " after boom for many years and led to the " U " type curve of world economic growth .

  17. 本文在二次损失函数下,给出了增长曲线模型参数阵的线性估计在给定的线性估计类中是Minimax可容许估计的充要条件。

    In this paper , the necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a linear estimate of parameter matrix to be Minimax admissible in the class of given linear estimates under quadratic loss function .

  18. 雏鸟体长及外部器官的形态学参数可以用Logistic曲线方程很好地拟合,体长、翅长及13日龄前的体重增长曲线均呈S型。

    The growth of the body mass , the wing length and some other morphological characters of the fledgling can well be modeled by the Logistic equation . The growing curves of the wing length , the body length of nestling and the weight before 13-day-old nestling are S model .

  19. 通过用负荷增长曲线图法选择农村电网35kV变电站变压器的容量,并经技术、经济分析,可以既满足负荷增长需求,又满足经济要求,是一种非常直观、实用的方法。

    Through the way of using load-growth graphic chart to determine the capacity of transformer , it can meet the requirements of both load growing and cost saving , which is an easy and practical method .

  20. 增长曲线模型由Wishart于1938年首次引入,在现代医学、农业等领域中有着广泛的应用,是一种广义多元方差分析模型。

    The growth curve model first introduced by Wishart ( 1938 ) is a generalization of the multivariate analysis of variance model and is useful especially for investigating growth problem in modern medicine , agricultural and so on .

  21. 将Weible、Gomperts、Losistic三种增长曲线用于油田开发指标的描述和预测,推导了相应的累积产油量、产量、储采比、最大产量和最大产量出现时间的计算公式。

    To use Weible , Gomperts , Logistic increase curves in description and prediction of oilfield development indexes , corresponding formulas for cumulative production , production , reserve-production ratio , maximum production and time appearing maximum production are derived .

  22. 增长曲线模型回归系数的主成分估计

    The Principal Component Estimate of Regression Coefficient in Growth Curve Model

  23. 增长曲线模型方差扰动的局部影响分析

    Local influence analysis of variance pertubation in a growth curve model

  24. 带约束的增长曲线模型线性估计的可容许性

    Admissibility of Linear Estimators in Growth Curve Model with Restricted Conditions

  25. 三种增长曲线在油田开发指标预测中的应用

    Three increase curves for description and prediction of oilfield development indexes

  26. 广义S增长曲线预测油田含水率

    Application of Generalized S-Shape Growth Curve to Forecast Water-Cut of Oilfield

  27. 利用反问题方法作人口增长曲线拟合

    Fitting of population growth curve resorting to inverse problem approach

  28. 小麦白粉病病害增长曲线的直线化

    The disease progress curve and its linearization exemplified with wheat powdery mildew

  29. 增长曲线模型中Gauss-Markoff估计的最优性

    An Optimal Property of the Gauss-Markoff Estimator in the Growth Corve Model

  30. 几种常用的多阶段增长曲线的拟合方法

    Several Kinds of Methods of Fitness of Multiple Growth Curves