
fā jiào shí pǐn
  • fermented food
  1. 金黄色葡萄球菌的检验在发酵食品检测中具有重要意义。

    It is important to detect Staphylococcus aureus in fermented food .

  2. 传统发酵食品及其营养保健功能

    The Traditional Fermented Food and Its Nutritional and Health Care Function

  3. 用大肠杆菌测定豆类发酵食品中维生素B12的活性

    Assay of vitamin b_ ( 12 ) activity in fermented soybean products with E.coli mutant

  4. 与动物性食品相比,这两种豆类发酵食品可视为维生素B(12)较好来源。

    Compared with animal foods , both types of fermented soybean foods may be considered as good source of vitamin B12 .

  5. 植物性食物不含维生素B(12),但我们曾发现发酵食品中可检出维生素B(12)活性物质。

    Foods derived from plants are thought to be devoid of vitamin B12.We have found that some fermented foods contained microbiologically active vitamin B12 components .

  6. 米曲霉(AspergillusOryzae)一直用于传统发酵食品的生产,自然条件下其果胶酶的产量较低。

    The filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae , used for the production of traditional fermented foods , only could produce less pectinases under general conditions .

  7. 丹贝异黄酮(TI)是从大豆发酵食品丹贝(tempeh)中分离到的一组异黄酮混合物。

    Tempeh isoflavones ( TI ) is composed of a mixture of isoflavones extracted from tempeh ( a fermented soybean food ), which have been proved to be bioactive .

  8. 通过羟自由基、DPPH自由基清除作用和过氧化氢耐受性实验,分析了11株分离自传统发酵食品中的植物乳杆菌(LactobacillusPlantarum)的体外抗氧化作用。

    Eleven Lactobacillus plantarum strains isolated from traditional Chinese fermented foods were investigated for the in vitro scavenging activity against hydroxyl and DPPH radicals , and their resistance to hydrogen peroxide .

  9. 赤藓糖醇(Erythritol)是一种新型多元醇类食品甜味剂,广泛存在于海藻、蘑菇、甜瓜、葡萄和发酵食品中。

    Erythritol is a new polyol food sweetener , widely present in the seaweed , mushrooms , melons , grapes , and fermented foods .

  10. 发酵食品中益生菌对抗生素耐药性的研究进展

    Progress in Studies of Antibiotic Resistance Among Probiotics from Fermented Foods

  11. 朝鲜族传统发酵食品的营养保健功能

    The nutrition and health function of Korean traditional fermented food

  12. 大豆发酵食品&腐乳中芽孢杆菌的分离与鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Spore-forming Bacilli From Sufu - a Fermented Soybean Food

  13. 染料木素是大豆发酵食品中的主要异黄酮成分。

    Genistein was the main component of isoflavone in the fermented soybean food .

  14. 蛋白发酵食品表面的白色晶体解析及控制

    Analysis and control of white crystals on the surface of protein fermented food

  15. 生米发酵食品的研究进展

    Research Progress on Food Made of Uncooked Fermented Rice

  16. 传统大豆发酵食品中大豆异黄酮的生理保健机能的研究进展

    Research progress of physiological health function of soybean isoflavone in traditional fermented soybean

  17. 苗族原生态传统发酵食品鱼酱酸制作工艺

    The manufacturing process of pro-ecology traditional fermented food fish sauce-acid of Miao nationality

  18. 传统发酵食品具有丰富的营养价值和强大的保健功能。

    The traditional fermented food has abundant nutritive value and powerful health care function .

  19. 纤维素酶及其在发酵食品工业中的应用

    Cellulase and its application in fermented food industry

  20. 香槟和葡萄酒都为有益消化的发酵食品。

    Champaign and wine are a good digestive as they are a fermented food .

  21. 传统发酵食品米发糕生产工艺的革新与现代化

    Reformation and modernization of production technics of traditional ferment food of fermented rice cake

  22. 发酵食品中氨基甲酸乙酯的研究进展

    Research Advancement of Ethyl Carbamate in Fermented Food

  23. 乳链菌肽产生菌及其在发酵食品中的应用

    Nisin-producing starters and its application in fermented food

  24. 传统大豆发酵食品在心脑血管疾病防治上的研究现状

    Research status on prevention and cure of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases with traditional fermented soybean foods

  25. 传统发酵食品的安全性研究进展

    Research progress on security of traditional fermented food

  26. 它们均可用于低胆固醇发酵食品的生产中。

    They could be applied to the production of fermented low - cholesterol food .

  27. 乳酸菌及乳酸菌发酵食品

    Lactic acid bacteria and their fermenting food

  28. 大豆发酵食品&腐乳的微生物学研究

    Microbiological Study of Sufu-A Fermented Soybean Food

  29. 传统大豆发酵食品的生理功能

    Biofunctional Activity of Traditional Fermented Soybean Foods

  30. 微生物与发酵食品中的生物胺

    Microflora and Biogenic amines of fermented foods