
qǐ yè ɡuī zhānɡ zhì dù
  • enterprise rules and systems
  1. 完善企业规章制度依法保护企业利益

    Improve Enterprise Bylaws to Protect Enterprise Benefits in Accordance with Laws

  2. 对企业规章制度建设中若干问题的思考

    Consideration of Establishment of Rules and Regulations in Enterprises

  3. 油气工程企业规章制度体系建设探析&以中国石油川庆钻探公司为例

    Discussion on Constructing the Rules and Regulations System in Oil and Gas Engineering Enterprises

  4. 企业规章制度的存在决定了在企业当中存在着正式的领导角色。

    Given an organizational chart , anyone can determine the formal leadership roles in a company .

  5. 而目前企业规章制度还存在很多问题,引起劳动争议频繁发生。

    But at the present , there are many problems about regulatory framework , which caused a number of labor disputes .

  6. 因此劳动法专家参与无固定期限劳动合同以及企业规章制度的订立和实施非常关键。

    Therefore , it is very important to have labor law experts'involvement in the making and implementation of open-ended contracts and company regulations .

  7. 在简要阐明企业规章制度的涵义及其在现代企业管理中的重要地位基础上,结合工作实际对企业规章制度运用中的有效性、灵活性、规范性和整体性等问题进行分析。

    The validity , the flexibility , the formality and the entirety of regulations application were discussed on the basis of actual working environment according to the definition and importance of enterprise regulations .

  8. 第四部分是本文对完善中小企业规章制度运行机制的建议,即提供充分的法律保障。

    The fourth part is mainly about the suggestions on improving the functioning mechanism of the rules and regulations of the small and medium sized enterprises , which mainly refer to the providing of sufficient legal guarantee .

  9. 首先结合国家法律法规和企业规章制度分析了三峡集团公司的特种设备安全管理业务需求,选择了特种设备安全管理系统实现的关键技术。

    Firstly , combined with the national laws and regulations and the business regulations , the business rules of special equipment Security Management in the Three Gorges Corporation are analyzed . The key technology of the special equipment safety management system is selected .

  10. 现代化企业没有规章制度一刻也不行。

    No modern industrial enterprise can do for a moment without rules and set procedures .

  11. 因为就在越来越多的关于企业年金规章制度颁布后,令人震惊的企业年金被挪用的案件纷纷爆发出来。

    Because , in more and more regulations on business annuities after the enactment of the shocking cases of misappropriation of corporate annuity erupted .

  12. 批评者称,即使针对污染大户,罚款也很少超过20万元人民币(合2.5万美元),不足以促使这些企业遵守规章制度。

    Critics say that the penalties for even large polluters rarely cost companies more than RMB2 00000 ( $ 25000 ) , which gives them little incentive to abide by the rules .

  13. 商代甲骨上锲刻的卜辞约有45000字,显示出甲骨文字的成熟。现代化企业没有规章制度一刻也不行。

    The oracles carved on bones of the Shang Dynasty revealed a mature system of 4500 words . No modern industrial enterprise can do for a moment without rules and set procedures .

  14. 提出了从全新的心智模式上升为企业的规章制度,并形成新的企业文化过程中,管理职能所起的特定作用;

    It puts forward the special influence of the management functions in the process that the common mind mode of all enterprise members develops to the regulations , and then forms the new enterprise culture .

  15. 第二部分笔者提出以明确国家法律规定的程序的形式和要求为前提,对现今企业劳动规章制度的制定程序进行理性构建。

    The second part of the author proposes to clarify the provisions of national law in the form of the procedures and requirements as a precondition of the current Labor Regulations chapter rational system development process building .

  16. 通过比较分析,可以看出国外企业劳动规章制度随着历史的发展,在立法上逐渐趋于理性,在司法实践中也更具人性化,救济体系完备且采用了有别于民法的双重矫正机制。

    By comparison , foreign companies can be seen as the historical development of labor regulations in the legislation , more rationally , in judicial practice is also more humane , comprehensive physical relief and the use of a corrective mechanism is different from the civil law of double .

  17. 成功经验包括:将社会责任融入企业日常规章制度,针对企业特点找到企业社会责任的侧重点,创新性提出企业可持续发展价值网络,拓展企业履行社会责任的外延。

    The successful experience including : putting the corporate social responsibility into the day-to-day rules and regulations , finding out the characteristics of corporate social responsibility focus , innovative enterprises for sustainable development proposed by the value of networking , reaching out to fulfill the social responsibility of enterprises .

  18. 分析劳动争议的常见原因,并就劳动合同内容和有关程序的制定以及企业内部规章制度的完善提出建议,确保依法防范和化解劳动争议,建立稳定和谐的劳动关系。

    The common causes of labor disputes are analyzed and some suggestions have been proposed as to the formulation of labor contract content and relevant procedures and perfection of interior regulation system within the enterprises to guard and prevent and solve labor disputes so as to establish harmonic labor-capital relationship .

  19. 第四条企业制定的规章制度,不得违反国家的法律、行政法规。

    Article 4 The statute and system of the FFEs must not go against the State laws and administrative regulations .

  20. 我们当然希望餐饮企业能遵守规章制度以免我们这些食客吃坏肚子。

    And we want to be sure that the kitchen staff are following protocols that keep us from getting sick .

  21. 在调整代码生成模板(例如为了遵循企业内部的规章制度而进行调整)时,您会享受到里面的灵活性。

    You enjoy great flexibility when adjusting the Code-Generation templates ( for example , to fulfill the conventions that you might face in an enterprise environment ) .

  22. 有些企业抱怨如此规章制度会减少劳工流,削弱企业的生命力并且增加用工成本,同时有人建议修改这项法律条文。

    Some companies complain that such regulations will reduce labor flow , weaken enterprise vitality and increase labor costs , while others even suggest revising terms of the law .

  23. 他们抱怨企业受到太多规章制度的束缚。

    They complain that businesses are being hampered by too many rules and regulations .

  24. 在维持企业纪律及政策方面,企业规章制度和行为规范是重要的手段。

    Company rules and codes of conduct are important instruments in maintaining discipline in the office and compliance with policies .

  25. 虽然有关劳动的法律法规可以起到一定的作用,但是和企业联系最紧密的是企业规章制度。

    Although the labor laws and regulations can play a role , the closest contact with the enterprises is enterprises ' regulatory framework .

  26. 首先,界定企业制度文化的内涵,分析企业制度文化与规章制度的关系,阐明对企业制度文化建设认识上的三个误区。

    First , the paper defines the connotation of corporate system culture ; analyzes the relationship between the corporate rules and corporate system culture ; clarifies three misconceptions of the building of corporate system culture .

  27. 因此,企业应当提高法律意识与素质,将国家法律内化为企业规章制度,依法促进和保障企业技术创新。

    So , enterprises should improve their awareness and education of law , and should transform national law into inner regulations and rules , and should promote and guarantee technology innovation within law .

  28. 企业应对劳动合同管理法律风险的策略,首先是谨慎制定企业规章制度,使企业进行劳动合同管理有据可依。

    Enterprises to deal with the labor contract law risk management strategies , the first is the development of business rules and regulations carefully , so that enterprises in evidence-based management of labor contracts .

  29. 内部审计是企业管理系统中的反馈部件,围绕经济责任的有效履行、企业规章制度的建立健全和有效执行以及资本的保值增值,分别具有三大审计目标、三大审计内容和三大审计作用;

    Internal audit is the Feedback Part of the enterprise management system . Audit targets , audit contents and audit functions , each respectively fulfill economic responsibilities , establish and implement the enterprises regulations , maintain and increase assets .

  30. 煤矿企业职工必须遵守有关安全生产的法律、法规、煤炭行业规章、规程和企业规章制度。

    Employees of coal mining enterprises must abide by the laws and regulations governing safety in production , rules and regulations for the coal industry and rules of coal mining enterprises .