
  • 网络Beyond authority;ultra petita;overreaching
  1. 超越职权与滥用职权的区分探析

    The analysis of difference between a buses and overstepping of authority

  2. 超越职权、滥用职权。

    Surmount the functions and powers , abuse one 's power .

  3. 超越职权范围进行船舶、设施检验;

    Conducting the inspection of vessels and installations beyond the authorized power ;

  4. 超越职权范围做某事(越权)

    Go beyond one 's duty in doing sth.

  5. 行政主体及其公务员超越职权行为的效力问题也并非一律无效,而应当具体问题具体分析。

    An unauthorized behavior of the administrative body and civil servants is not always invalid ; it should depend on a case by case analysis .

  6. 依据公司机关理论,代表人作为公司的机关,其职权范围内的行为以及超越职权的侵权行为、犯罪行为或其他非法行为所造成的损害赔偿责任均被视为公司行为而由公司概括承担。

    Theoretical basis of company bodies , representatives of the organs of the company , its terms and a violation of the rights of overstepping , crime or other illegal conduct damage liability are treated as corporate actions and commitment by the company overview .

  7. 二审法院认为烟草专卖机关在实施行政处罚行为中,存在行政程序违法、超越职权,因而作出了撤销一审法院判决及撤销烟草专卖机关的处罚决定书的判决。

    The court said that the trial of the tobacco monopoly authority in implementing administrative punishments , there is the administrative procedure , and illegal , beyond powers to revoke the first-instance court ruling and revocation of tobacco monopoly organ of the penalty decision .

  8. 法院发现公益诉讼内容超越司法职权时,可以拒绝受理。

    The court may refuse to entertain a PIL if it finds that the issues raised are not within the judicial ambit or capacity .

  9. 行政指定行为缺乏行政法依据,是一种超越行政职权、违背行政法原则的违法行为。

    Administrative assignation lacks the grounding in administrative law , belongs to illegal behavior beyond administrative authority at the same time of violating the fundamental of administrative law .

  10. 行政越权是行政主体的积极行政行为超越了法定的职权范围的一种行政行为和行政状态的综合体。

    To exceed powers in administration is a comprehensive collection of administrative actions and administrative states when the active administrative action of an administration goes beyond its legal administrative limit .