
chāo guò
  • exceed;above;beyond;surpass;pass;better;outweigh;outpace;outnumber;outstrip;upwards;overshoot;outrun;leave behind
超过 [chāo guò]
  • (1) [leave behind; outstrip]∶超越别人

  • 他在比赛中超过了他的所有同伴

  • (2) [surpass;exceed]∶[指在品质、功绩、道德或技术等方面] 超出

  • 他的暴政超过了他的前任

超过[chāo guò]
  1. 超过建议使用的剂量会有危险。

    It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose .

  2. 价格不会超过100英镑。

    The price will not exceed £ 100 .

  3. 这次旅行我们的行程超过了1800英里。

    On the trip we clocked up over 1 800 miles .

  4. 我们决不能让竞争对手超过我们。

    We mustn 't let ourselves be overtaken by our competitors .

  5. 他告诉我们写字不要超过三面纸。

    He told us not to write more than three sides .

  6. 他在最后一圈努力超过了领先的人。

    He managed to overhaul the leader on the final lap .

  7. 她在最后一个直道上被超过。

    She was overtaken on the last stretch of the course .

  8. 今年的销售额大大超过我们的预期。

    This year 's sales figures go beyond all our expectations .

  9. 现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。

    Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle .

  10. 警察测出她的车速每小时超过100英里。

    The police clocked her doing over 100 miles an hour .

  11. 后面有一辆卡车想要超过我。

    There was a truck behind that was trying to pass me .

  12. 俱乐部的会员人数超过了500名。

    The club has a membership of more than 500 .

  13. 全球销售额看来很可能要超过10亿元。

    Worldwide sales look set to top $ 1 billion .

  14. 增加幅度不会超过百分之二。

    The increase will not be in excess of two per cent .

  15. 我们的业绩的确超过了去年的数字。

    We 've certainly improved on last year 's figures .

  16. 核能可能会超过石油成为主要燃料。

    Nuclear energy may overtake oil as the main fuel .

  17. 该党获得超过50%的选票。

    The party gained over 50 % of the vote .

  18. 你一天可以从银行账户中提取最多不超过250元。

    You can make withdrawals of up to $ 250 a day .

  19. 成功之大远远超过他们的预期。

    It had been a success far beyond their expectations .

  20. 他当时开车的速度远远超过了限制。

    He was driving at well over the speed limit .

  21. 他担任委员会的委员已超过25年。

    He has clocked up more than 25 years on the committee .

  22. 这价格大大超过了我们的支付能力。

    The price is way above what we can afford .

  23. 这个计划的优点远远超过了缺点。

    The advantages of the scheme far outweighed the disadvantages .

  24. 今年该报的发行量已超过了它的主要对手。

    This year the newspaper has outsold its main rival .

  25. 希望筹款能超过1万英镑。

    It is hoped that over £ 10 000 will be raised .

  26. 这东西的价格最高不会超过50英镑。

    It couldn 't have cost more than £ 50 , tops .

  27. 在超过90华氏度的高温下,乘客热得要命。

    Passengers sweltered in temperatures of over 90 ˚ F.

  28. 对这座建筑物造成的损坏估计超过100万元。

    The damage to the building is put at over $ 1 million .

  29. 她未清偿的债务超过500英镑。

    She has outstanding debts of over £ 500 .

  30. 有些地方气温曾经超过40摄氏度。

    Some places have had temperatures in the 40s .