
  • 网络Futian Station
  1. 广深港客运专线深圳福田站为我国第一座大型的客运专线地下车站。

    Shenzhen Futian Station on Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hongkong passenger transport line is the first large underground station built for passenger transport in China .

  2. 根据列车时间表显示,在12月31日至1月9日之间,福田站和广州站之间每天共有11次列车运行。

    According to the train timetable , there will be 11 pairs of high-speed trains between the Futian Station and Guangzhou South Station each day from Wednesday to Jan 9 .

  3. 周三(12月30日),中国南方城市深圳开启了福田高速地铁站,这也标志着备受期盼的亚洲最大地铁站正式启用。

    The Futian high-speed railway station opened in South China 's Shenzhen city on Wednesday , marking the long-expected launch of the Asia 's largest underground railway station .