
ɡōnɡ chénɡ yàn shōu
  • acceptance of engineering works;acceptance of works
  1. 业主签署验收证书并不免除业主要求承包商修复工程验收后在竣工里程碑中发现的缺陷的权利。

    Signing by the customer of acceptance certificate does not deprive the customer of his right to demand correction by the contractor of defects found in completed milestones after the acceptance of works .

  2. 其设计审查和工程验收必须有卫生行政部门参加。

    and the administrative department of public health must participate in the examination of those designs and in the inspection and acceptance of finished projects .

  3. 随着高新技术尤其是3S技术在水土保持工作中的广泛应用,使水土保持治理工程验收效率和精度的提高成为可能。

    With the development of new technology , especially 3S technologies widely application in soil and water conservation , the improvement of efficiency and precision becomes possible .

  4. 然而由于WLAN的复杂性,导致WLAN工程验收维护过程比较困难,这时就需要借助WLAN的测试工具对网络进行评估。

    However , due to the complexity of the WLAN , it makes the WLAN projects ' acceptance and maintenance relatively difficult , then you need the help of WLAN testing tool for network evaluation .

  5. 目前集散控制系统(DCS)/现场总线控制系统(FCS)工程验收中输入/输出(I/O)通道合格与否只接受定性测量。

    At present in DCS ( distributed control system ) / FCS ( fieldbus control system ) acceptance test , input / output channels are received a test on whether they are up to stand or not .

  6. 随着基于以太网的无源光网络(EPON)商用规模的逐步扩大,不同厂商设备间的互通测试以及EPON系统的工程验收测试和运行维护变得日益迫切,为此我们设计开发了EPON测试仪。

    With the growing commercial applications of Ethernet-based EPON and the daily increasing urgency for the interworking tests on equipment from different manufacturers and the EPON system project acceptance test and OAM , we have developed an EPON analyzer .

  7. 本文在深入研究EPON网络及相关协议的基础上,分析了正在实施的北京联通EPON网络的建设实施以及工程验收方案,提出了EPON网络建设思路及相关建议。

    This EPON networks and in-depth study on the basis of relevant agreements , the implementation of the ongoing construction of Beijing Unicom EPON network implementation and project acceptance program , ideas proposed EPON network construction and related recommendations .

  8. 集群通信设备安装工程验收暂行规定

    Temporary regulation for acceptance of trunked communication equipments installing engineering

  9. 预定到货日期协调员预计工程验收交接日期

    Target arrival date coordinator Anticipated date of taking over of the project

  10. 公用分组交换数据网工程验收规范

    Code for acceptance of public packet switched data network engineering

  11. 水利工程验收阶段的质量监督工作

    On Construction Quality Supervise in Acceptance Stage of Hydraulic Project

  12. 关于建筑工程验收表格的制订和使用说明

    Formulation & Applying Direction of Building Construction Acceptance Forms

  13. 通信电源集中监控系统工程验收规范

    Code for acceptance of centralized monitoring and control system engineering for telecommunication power supply

  14. 预计工程验收交接日期

    Anticipated date of taking over of the project

  15. 地震波测试技术在十三陵蓄能电站工程验收中的应用

    Applications of seismic technique in engineering inspections of stored energy power station at Ming Tomb

  16. 浅谈水利基本建设工程验收报告编写和资料整编

    On Compiling of Aceptance Report and Sorting out of Data For Water-conservancy Capital Construction Project

  17. 基于岭估计的曲面拟合法在工程验收中的应用

    The Application of Surface Fitting According to Ridge Estimation in Checking and Accepting The Project

  18. 会议电视系统工程验收规范

    Code for acceptance of videoconference system engineering

  19. 浅谈温室工程验收标准和方法

    Participants Greenhouse Project Acceptance Criteria and Methodology

  20. 负责本专业分项、分部工程验收及隐蔽工程验收。

    Be responsible for acceptance of sub-divisional and divisional works of the discipline and concealed work ;

  21. 传统的水土保持治理工程验收工作的效率和精度都比较低。

    The efficiency and precision is low in traditional acceptance of soil and water conservation project .

  22. 适合工程验收内墙、普通装饰性和室内天花的涂装。

    Application of work for the coating of interior wall , ordinary decoration and indoor ceiling .

  23. 经工程验收及蓄水验证,完全满足设计要求。

    It can fully meet design requirements subject to acceptance of the project and verification of impoundment .

  24. 在工程验收测试顺利完成之后,设备应送至现场安装。

    After successful completion of factory acceptance testing , equipments shall be sent to site for installation .

  25. 建筑设备监控系统工程验收

    The Project Acceptance of BAS

  26. 高速公路绿化工程验收是高速公路绿化工程质量监理的一项重要内容。

    Check and acceptance to freeway afforestation project are an important part of freeway afforestation quality supervision .

  27. 主要讨论了公路工程验收的目的、依据及交工验收、竣工验收的条件、组成及验收程序等。

    Discussion is made on the purposes , conditions and process of highway engineering check and accept .

  28. 该套试验装置于2001年6月顺利地通过了国家211工程验收。

    The set of equipment is permitted by the country " 211 " projects in June , 2001 .

  29. 水电站基本建设工程验收规程冶金工业建设岩土工程勘察技术规范

    Specification for engineering acceptance of hydropower station capital construction Technical code for geotechnical investigation of metallurgical industry reconstruction

  30. 最后,土地复垦资金监管与土地复垦工程验收工作协调进行。

    Thirdly , the funds supervision and project acceptance work of land reclamation will be completed in phase .