
  1. 卖方归还手续完备的意向函,连同银行坐标。

    Seller returns LOI duly signed and sealed as accepted with banking .

  2. 对设立手续完备的,予以办理税务登记。

    For the unit or individual with complete procedure , tax registration shall be handled .

  3. 作为在常州地区唯一一家行政许可法定手续完备的芳烃类产品生产销售企业,在本行业及市场中具有极强的竞争力。

    Our company , as the only statutory aromatic hydrocarbon product production and distribution enterprise in Changzhou , has strong competitive power in the relative industry and the market .

  4. 请领手续完备,经审查应予发给月退休金者,应自收到申请书次月起按季发给;

    If the application for monthly pension payments is completed and approved , the pension payments shall be made on a quarterly basis from the month following the receipt of the application ;

  5. 执法人员证件齐全、手续完备的,证券登记结算机构或者证券公司应当签收有关法律文书并协助办理有关事项。

    Where the law enforcement officers have presented compete certificates and fulfilled required procedures , the securities depository and clearing institution or the securities company shall sign for relevant legal documents and assist in relevant issues .

  6. 施工单位内部签认手续是否完备。

    Examine whether internal endorsement procedure of construction company is set perfect .

  7. 代表机构工作人员的任用或者变更手续是否完备;

    The completeness of the procedures for the appointments or changes of staff members of representative offices ;

  8. 对设立手续不完备但实际从事煤炭生产经营的,予以办理临时税务登记。

    In case of the unit or individual with incomplete procedure yet having undertaken coal production , temporary tax registration shall be handled .

  9. 尊敬的李先生,贵方4月12日的来信使我们很为难,你方的订单装船手续几乎完备。

    Dear Mr. Li , Your letter of April 12 put us in a dilemma , as the shipment of your order was almost ready .

  10. 一切手续表单都完备齐全。

    The paperwork is in perfect order .