
  • 网络fur products
  1. 太阳能干燥皮毛制品的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Solar Energy to Dry Fur Products

  2. 日本小姐:我热爱动物,我赞同那些反对穿动物皮毛制品的人。

    Mori said . I love animals and I agree with those who oppose wearing fur products .

  3. 皮革皮毛制品洗染业问题探讨酒花制品

    Study on Cleaning and Protecting of Leather and Fur products

  4. 为减少墨西哥湾石油泄漏事件所带来的损害,全球的理发师,宠物美容师及农场主们正在收集头发和皮毛制品。

    Hairdressers , pet groomers and farmers worldwide are collecting hair and fur to help mop up the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico .

  5. 即使很多人都发誓不用皮毛制品,但是还是由于皮毛制品的品种繁多性,很多人好事无意中在使用皮毛制品,例如宠物用品和其他一些用品。

    Do they know that even if they 've sworn off wearing fur , they could still be supporting the fur industry , since fur is often used to make companion animal toys and other items ?

  6. 本文通过对300多家河南省皮革皮毛制品保养企业皮革洗染现状的分析,总结了皮革清洗、保养易出现的问题,分析了产生问题的原因,提出了解决问题的办法。

    In this paper , the author investigate more than 300 enterprises , analysis the present situation of cleaning and protecting of leather and fur products , make a summary of common problems in cleaning and protecting , put forward to solution methods .