
pí gé
  • leather;hide
皮革 [pí gé]
  • [leather;hide] 经鞣制、硝制或用别的处理方法给皮以抵抗腐败作用,而当干燥时则比较软和柔顺的动物皮

皮革[pí gé]
  1. 要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。

    Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather .

  2. 屋子里弥漫着皮革的气味。

    The smell of leather permeated the room .

  3. 上光蜡可保护木材和皮革。

    Wax polish preserves wood and leather .

  4. 鞋底是皮革做的。

    The soles are made of leather .

  5. 皮革牛仔裤是这一季必备的时尚服饰。

    Leather jeans are the must-have fashion item of the season .

  6. 他用手指连续敲击他的皮革桌面。

    He drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk

  7. 该皮革柔软而结实,足以用上数年。

    The leather is supple and sturdy enough to last for years

  8. 皮革上的这种红色染料可溶于水。

    The red dye on the leather is water-soluble .

  9. 劫持者用一块厚厚的皮革堵住了他的嘴。

    His captors had put a gag of thick leather in his mouth .

  10. 皮革鞋帮使脚得以透气。

    Leather uppers allow the feet to breathe .

  11. 马修拼命地将皮革砍穿。

    Matthew desperately hacked through the leather .

  12. 为了保持皮革的柔韧性,可能两三周就要上一次油。

    The leather may need to be oiled every two to three weeks in order to retain its suppleness .

  13. 皮革类制品在那个国家很受欢迎。

    Leather goods are very popular in that country .

  14. 塑料有时可以替代皮革。

    Plastic is sometimes used instead of leather .

  15. 兽皮鞣硝后可制成皮革。

    Hides can be tanned to make leather .

  16. 这双鞋是用皮革制成的。

    This pair of shoes are made of leather .

  17. 这家皮革工厂生产皮靴。

    Boots are being made in this tannery .

  18. 他将把这张皮制成皮革。

    He will make this skin into leather .

  19. 它是仿皮革制品。

    It 's an imitation of leather .

  20. 它由黑色厚皮革制成,里面是红色的衬里。

    It is made of thick black leather and it has a red lining .

  21. 类似聚氨酯和PVC革的动物皮革替代品或许已经解决了时装业的动物虐待问题,但它们并非最环保的方案。

    Animal leather alternatives like Polyurethane and PVC leather may have solved the fashion industry 's animal cruelty problem , but they are not the most environmentally friendly solutions .

  22. 而现在,一种类似皮革的新材料Piñatex横空出世。这种用菠萝叶子做成的材料可能正是我们期待已久的全能环保皮革。

    Pi ñ atex - a new leather-like material made from pineapple leaves - on the other hand , may just be the all-around eco-leather we 've all been waiting for .

  23. 鳄鱼皮比通常的皮革要贵5倍

    Alligator skin is five times more costlier than leather .

  24. 他们在外衣肘上缝皮革使衣服更耐穿

    They reinforced a coat by sewing pieces of leather on the elbows .

  25. 具有薄膜、棉纸基材,适用于铭版、皮革及一般性双面贴合

    Film , tissue backing . For splicing , holding in shoe and general purpose use .

  26. 独特的专利皮革编网设计由手工在带有花押字的织物上完成,绝对是渴望之选

    The unity of the brass trademark and patent leather definitely electrifies your desire for the Collection !

  27. 锤子头是纯银制成的,雕刻着神圣符文,而握柄则被精心地包裹在蓝色的皮革中

    The hammer 's silvery head was etched with holy runs and its haft was meticulously wrapped in blue leather .

  28. 其中,小老鼠是纸杯蛋糕味,狐狸是新鲜割草味,还有咕噜牛是皮革和农家庭院味。

    They include cupcakes for Mouse , freshly cut grass for Fox , and a leathery barnyard scent1 for the Gruffalo .

  29. 经常提到的一种说法是,果冻鞋是在二战后由一位法国的鞋匠设计的,当时欧洲正经历皮革短缺。

    A frequently offered explanation is that they were designed by a shoe maker3 in France after World War II , when there was a leather shortage in Europe .

  30. 香奈儿认为,华为的商标设计与自家两个水平互联的半圆标识相似,其商标用于香奈儿的香水、化妆品、饰品、皮革以及服装等产品。

    Chanel said that the design was similar to its registered French logo of two horizontal interlocking semi-circles used for its perfumes , cosmetics , costume jewellery , leather goods and clothing .