
shī tí jiǎn yàn
  • postmortem examination;verification of corpse;postmortem
  1. 通过对上海地区中147例凶杀案尸检的分析,从案件情况、现场勘察及尸体检验等方面进行归纳,总结了此类案件的共同特点,以期为凶杀命案的检验、侦破提供参考。

    147 homicidal cases were studied through case status , scene investigation , and postmortem examination . Its characters were then concluded for reference of detection in homicidal scene .

  2. 生活反应在法医尸体检验中的应用

    The Application of Vital Reaction to Postmortem Examination

  3. 尸体检验表明受害者是被毒死的。

    A post-mortem showed that the victim had been poisoned .

  4. 法医尸体检验103例死因分析

    Analysis of death causes from 113 cases of autopsy by judicial evaluation

  5. 放射影像学在颈部损伤尸体检验中的应用

    The Application of Radiological Imaging in the Forensic Pathology about Cervical Part

  6. 模型正确性已经尸体检验。

    The model was validated in cadaver testing .

  7. 谈尸体检验摄像

    On the Video Camera Shooting during Corpse Inspection

  8. 结论尸体检验对死亡争议案件的医疗鉴定与处理具有重要意义,尤其在死因鉴定方面具有不可替代性。

    Conclusion Autopsy is indispensable for identifying cause of death , compensation and disposal .

  9. 意外摔跌致颅脑损伤21例尸体检验分析

    Interval of death Analysis of 21 cases of cranio-cerebral injuries caused by accidental falling

  10. 尸体检验370例综合分析

    Comprehensive Analysis to 370 Corpse Examination Cases

  11. 推断死亡时间是法医学尸体检验须解决的重要问题之一。

    Postmortem interval ( PMI ) estimation is one of the most important problems in forensic autopsy .

  12. 而广义上的全面系统法医学尸体检验则应包括上述尸解和提取并保存适当、足量、可靠的检材标本这两方面。

    The general definition of it includes both the aforementioned examination and the collection and preservation of the proper , adequate and reliable samples and material evidences .

  13. 据史料记载,秦汉时期,司法人员已开始运用现场勘验和尸体检验的方法收集证据,侦破案件。

    According to the historical data , in Qin and Han Dynasty , the judicial officials started using inspection of the scene and the autopsy approach to collect evidences .

  14. 目的探讨尸体检验对死亡争议事件的医疗鉴定、赔偿处理上的价值,以妥善处理医疗纠纷中医患双方的矛盾。

    Objective Discuss the value of forensic autopsy to death dispute identification , compensation and disposal , so as to appropriately handle the contradiction between patients and hospital in medical tangles .

  15. 眼内窥镜的出现和在尸体检验中的应用,使视网膜检查在确定死亡原因和推测死亡间隔时间方面的作用逐渐被法医所重视。

    With invention of ophthalmic endoscopy and its subsequent application in postmortem retina examination , it has proved to be useful adjunct to determine the cause of death and to estimate the postmortem interval .

  16. 子午流注蜂针经穴疗法治疗风湿、类风湿性关节炎86例蜂类螫刺致死的尸体检验与死因鉴定

    86 cases of Rheumatic and Rheumatoid Arthritis Trated by Acupuncture with Bee Sting Based on the Channel and Points with Zi Wu Liu Zhu The Expert Testimony of the Cause of Death from Bee - sting

  17. 周四,北京公安部门在与推特类似的新浪微博上发表声明说,针对袁某坠楼死亡及社会反映,他们已经对案件调查进行了彻底的复核,重新梳理了监控录像和尸体检验。

    In a statement posted to the Twitter-like microblogging platform Sina Weibo on Thursday , Beijing 's public security officials said that they had launched a thorough review of the investigation in the wake of ' social reaction ' to Ms. Yuan 's death , going back over security footage and the autopsy .

  18. 临床病理尸体解剖检验的现状及思考

    Current status of and reflection on clinicopathologic autopsy

  19. 世界卫生组织说,这是一例疑似病例,在对尸体进行检验之前还不能确定。

    The WHO said it was a suspect case that can 't be confirmed postmortem .

  20. 无名尸体遗骸检验手册火葬后的遗骸代为研幼

    Handbook for postmortem examination of undetermined remains

  21. ⑵对水中尸体硅藻检验、肺和脾病理变化及胸腔液体进行统计分析。

    Statistics and analysis of several aspects : diatom test , lung and spleen pathological changes , and pleural effusion .

  22. 近10年来,临床病理尸体解剖检验率明显下降,而因医疗纠纷的法医病理学尸检则大幅上升。

    In the last decade , the rate of clinicopathologic autopsies has dropped markedly whereas the rate of forensic pathologic autopsies performed as a result of medical disputes has risen by a big margin .

  23. 布鲁瓦德医院已经对阿奇博尔德的尸体进行解剖检验,目前院方正等待最终的尸检报告,希望找到他的死因。

    The Broward Medical Examiner 's Office conducted an autopsy and are awaiting test results to determine the cause of his death .