
ɡuó jì shānɡ yè dài kuǎn
  • international commercial loans
  1. 意思自治原则是国际商业贷款合同法律适用中的首要原则。

    The principle of autonomy is the prime principle in the law application of international commercial loans .

  2. 所有境内机构借用国际商业贷款应当经国家外汇管理局批准。

    All international commercial loans borrowed by domestic institutions should be approved by the National Foreign Exchange Management Bureau .

  3. 我国国际商业贷款的借用与管理

    Going to the countryside borrowing and management of overseas commercial loans : practice in China

  4. 论国际商业贷款协议法律适用中的意思自治原则

    On the Principle of Autonomy of the Parties in the Applicable Law of International Commercial Loan

  5. 国际商业贷款,是指境内机构向非居民举借的商业性信贷。包括。

    International commercial loans refer to the commercial credit which the domestic institutions owe to the nonresidents , including .

  6. 国际商业贷款协议法律适用问题在实践中已日益引起人们的重视。

    The applicable law of international commercial loan agreement has already caused people 's attention day by day in practice .

  7. 国家计划外建设项目,不准借用国际商业贷款。

    No international commercial loans may be obtained for projects of construction which are not included in the State plan .

  8. 严格控制借用国际商业贷款,实行外资和外债的统一管理。

    We must strictly control the volume of international commercial loans and exercise unified management over foreign capital and debts .

  9. 未经国家外汇管理局批准,所借国际商业贷款不得结汇。

    Without the consentapproval of the State Administration of foreign exchange , exchange settlement cannot be made for the international commercial loans borrowed .

  10. 适当借用期限较长的国际商业贷款,优化外债结构、条件,提高借用国外贷款的质量和效益。

    They can and to properlyalso borrow long-term international commercial loanbanks to optimize their foreign debts structure and conditions and improve the quality and benefit of foreign debts .

  11. 第一章从对国际商业贷款的概念界定入手,分析国际商业贷款中的各种法律关系,对国际商业贷款协议的法律适用进行了全面而简要的分析;

    In the first chapter , beginning with the definition of the international commercial loan , the author analyses every legal relation in the international commercial loan , and analyses the applicable law about it overall but briefly .

  12. 国有商业银行借用国际商业贷款必须符合国家利用外资政策、国家产业政策、地区经济布局,坚持以生产开发型项目建设为主的使用原则。

    The international commercial loans borrowed by the state-owned commercial banks must conform to the foreign capital policy and industrial policy of the state , regional economic layout and the principle of giving priority to production and development projects .

  13. 浅析国际商业银团贷款合同中包税条款的合法性

    The legality of Crossing - up Clause in the International Syndicated Loan Agreement

  14. 怎样到国际商业银行贷款

    International Commercial Bank Loans : How to Apply

  15. 本文所称的国际借贷,取其狭义,并将之限制在国际商业银行贷款这一更小的范围,即国际商业银行作为贷款人以贷款协议的方式向借款人提供的商业贷款。

    In this paper , international loans are confined to international commercial banks loans , in which international commercial banks sign loan contract with foreign enterprises to provide commercial loans .