
shuāng fāng
  • both sides;mutual;the two parties;dyad
双方 [shuāng fāng]
  • [both sides] 指在某事上相对的两方面

  • 男女双方

  • 双方一致认为

双方[shuāng fāng]
  1. 协议条款对双方都有利。

    The terms of the agreement are favourable to both sides .

  2. 双方承诺和平解决争端。

    Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully .

  3. 双方宣布休战,以免更多的流血。

    The two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed .

  4. 双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。

    The result is going to be too close to call .

  5. 双方经过长期的商谈终于达成了妥协。

    After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise .

  6. 争论持续不休,直到主席要求双方遵守议事规则。

    The argument continued until the chairman called them both to order .

  7. 双方球迷发生了打斗。

    Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans .

  8. 双方的支持者在体育场外打了起来。

    The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium .

  9. 双方陷入了激烈的争论。

    The two sides are locked into a bitter dispute .

  10. 劳资双方终于达成了协议。

    An agreement was finally reached between management and employees .

  11. 我们可以找个双方都适当的时间会面吗?

    Can we find a mutually convenient time to meet ?

  12. 双方会晤以努力解决分歧。

    Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences .

  13. 目前,敌对双方和解的可能性似乎很渺茫。

    There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions .

  14. 双方都不愿意妥协,问题就在这里。

    Neither party is willing to compromise and herein lies the problem .

  15. 在刚过去的七月,双方签订了和平条约。

    The two sides signed a peace accord last July .

  16. 这些条款构成买卖双方所签合同的一部分。

    These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller .

  17. 争执双方已同意提请仲裁。

    Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration .

  18. 比赛双方球迷打了起来。

    A fight broke out between rival groups of fans .

  19. 双方均申明答应停火。

    Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire .

  20. 双方将于下周决赛中决一胜负。

    The two sides will battle it out in the final next week .

  21. 按照双方同意,他们没有约会。

    By mutual consent they didn 't go out .

  22. 这项法律旨在保护买卖双方。

    The law is intended to protect both the buyer and the seller .

  23. 他们双方都有一定的道理。

    They both had some right on their side .

  24. 我们必须公正对待双方运动员。

    We have to be fair to both players .

  25. 双方最终达成了暂时的妥协。

    The two sides eventually reached an uneasy compromise .

  26. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。

    The judges awarded equal points to both finalists .

  27. 争论双方的观点我都清楚。

    I can see both sides of the argument .

  28. 节目公平地反映了冲突双方的情况。

    The programme presented a balanced view of the two sides of the conflict .

  29. 劳资双方就假日工资的谈判破裂了。

    Talks between management and workers broke down over the issue of holiday pay .

  30. 双方最终达成了协议。

    Finally the two sides struck a bargain .