
zhēn xuǎn
  • select;pick
甄选 [zhēn xuǎn]
  • [select] 甄别选择

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甄选[zhēn xuǎn]
  1. 优秀人才的甄选,已经成为现代企业人力资源管理的一大课题。

    How to select outstanding talents has become a challenge for the modern human resources management .

  2. 所以在进行仿真分析前,先对主要参数进行甄选,把影响系统稳定性和响应速度的重要参数作为目标参数,进行重点分析。

    I select the objective parameters which determine the stability and response of the system as focal point before simulation analysis .

  3. 我们敦促各学院和大学澄清其甄选学生的过程。

    We urge colleges and universities to demystify the selection process .

  4. 重要职位有时要经过甄选考试才能担任。

    Important posts are sometimes filled by competitive examination .

  5. 除甄选适宜投资的科技开发项目外,创业资金公司也为获得投资的公司提供管理意

    Besides selecting technological ventures for investment , the venture capital firms provide management advice to the investee companies .

  6. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)的编辑们已经完成了2011年财富杂志全球最具影响力的女性企业家(the2011FortuneMostPowerfulWomenEntrepreneurs)的甄选。

    Fortune'seditors have chosen the 2011 fortune most powerful women entrepreneurs .

  7. IMF需要改变特别提款权的纳入标准,并维护货币甄选的可验证性。

    The IMF needs to change the SDR inclusion criteria and preserve verifiability of the currency selection .

  8. 企业CIO甄选定性模拟系统的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of CIO Recruitment Qualitative Simulation System

  9. 企业CIO甄选模拟系统研究

    Research on Simulation System for Enterprise CIO Selection

  10. 实证分析旨在全面把握超市各类顾客感知其品牌信息的接触点的基础上,甄选出中小型超市的关键接触点,并对中小型超市IMC接触点管理的战略进行了深入的分析探讨。

    Furthermore , it deeply analyzes and discusses the IMC contact points management strategies of small and medium supermarket .

  11. 科恩曾帮助运输公司瑞德(Ryder)改善其甄选领导者的程序。

    Cohn has worked with transportation company Ryder to refine its leadership search process .

  12. 企业CIO甄选是一个包含定量因素和定性因素相结合的决策问题。

    Enterprise Chief Information Officer ( CIO ) candidate selection is a decision-making issue that includes both quantitative and qualitative factors .

  13. 我想通知大家我们刚刚宣布的一条消息:我与董事会成员达成协议,将启动雅虎继任CEO的甄选程序。

    I wanted to address all of you on the news we 've just announced . The board of directors and I have agreed to initiate a succession process for the ceo role of yahoo .

  14. 员工甄选是企业人力资源管理的重要组成部分,研究企业CIO甄选对推进我国的信息化进程具有重要的现实意义。

    Staff selection is an important part in human resource management . Therefore , the research on CIO selection plays a vital role in information process in China .

  15. 其中甄选配置和激励机制对工作满意度有积极的正向影响作用,而绩效管理、员工参与和基于战略的HR规划这三个人力资源管理实践对工作满意度没有显著的影响。

    The factors of selection configuration and incentives have a significantly positive effect on job satisfaction . While there is no significant impact on job satisfaction about performance management , employee involvement and strategic HR planning . 4 .

  16. 本人结合Q公司人力资源招聘的实践经验,从Q公司招聘的宏观背景、管理结构、运营模式、招聘渠道、人员甄选体系、招聘评价等方面完整地展现了Q公司人力资源招聘的内容。

    Meanwhile , combining with Q company hr recruitment of practical experience , from Q company recruitment of operation mode , the recruitment channels , personnel selection system , recruitment appraisal etc now display the Q company human resource in the recruitment of content .

  17. BPP谨此确认在中国的英国签证官方签发机构对这类课程的签证申请所制定的甄选标准是一致而没有对一些学生有另外的标准。

    BPP would like to confirm that the criteria adopted by the British visa authorities in China in relation to such course applications are no different from those for other student visa applications .

  18. 也许在呼叫功能方面最大的区别在于,voxox提供一个虚拟的私人助手,对来电进行甄选,并根据用户喜好的路径发送。

    Perhaps the biggest difference in terms of call features is that voxox provides a virtual personal assistant who screens incoming calls and routes them according to your preference .

  19. 在招聘的众多方法之中,杜内特(Dunnette)通过对各种人才甄选技术进行比较后,加权履历表法招聘方法以效度高、可用性高、成本低优势凸现出来。

    In the recruitment of numerous methodologies , Dunnette through various technical personnel selection of comparison , weighted resume law recruitment methods is outstanding for high usability high salience , low cost advantage .

  20. 在目前中国的渠道环境中,渠道伙伴甄选可以有效地降低渠道投机行为。

    However , channel partner selection can depress channel opportunism behaviors .

  21. 国际企业人才甄选方法的研究

    Research on the Method of Intellectual Selection in the International Enterprise

  22. 岗位胜任特征模型为基础的营销人员甄选体系研究

    Research on Marketing Staff Selection System Based on Post Competency Model

  23. 企业中层管理人员甄选的定性模拟方法研究

    Qualitative simulation of the selection of middle - level manager in enterprises

  24. 这两所大学的甄选流程已经成为全国关注的问题。

    The selection procedure for the two universities is a national obsession .

  25. 如何设计有效的面试与甄选模式?

    How effective are tests and interviews as selection devices ?

  26. 你在人力资源部工作么人事甄选?

    Did you work in human resources , personnel selection ?

  27. 以此作为房地产企业甄选、培养等工作的参考。

    Real estate companies as the selection , training and other guidance .

  28. 应扎实做好员工招聘工作,严格甄选聘用人员。

    The job of personnel recruitment should be done steadily and strictly .

  29. 甄选营销人才的新方法&绩效记录原理

    A New Method of Selecting Marketers & Performence Record Principle

  30. 高强度的甄选程序被用于选拔过程,以确保他们能担当重任。

    Robust selection procedures are used to ensure that they fit in .