
  • Donnie Yen
  1. 近年来,叶问成了人气极高的电影角色,也为电影带来了超高的票房收入,其中最有名的就是2008年的电影《叶问》(IpMan)和2010年的续集,两部影片均由香港功夫明星甄子丹出演。

    The Ip Man character has become an extremely popular -- and profitable -- movie character in recent years , most notably with 2008 's ' Ip Man ' and its 2010 sequel starring Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen .

  2. 电影《卧虎藏龙》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon)将拍摄续集,杨紫琼(MichelleYeoh)将继续担任主演,功夫明星甄子丹(DonnieYen)也会加盟。

    Michelle Yeoh is returning to star in the sequel to " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon , " joined by kung-fu star Donnie Yen .

  3. 2008年,甄子丹(DonnieYen)首次在《叶问》一片中饰演该角色,塑造了一个有修养的顾家男人,在受到威胁的情况下打败恶棍。

    He was first played in 2008 by Donnie Yen , who portrayed him as a cultured family man who could take down villains when threatened .

  4. 甄子丹:能让你激动兴奋&兴奋都要坐不住了。

    A : To get you excited & off your seat .

  5. 甄子丹,恩,他非常棒。

    T : Donnie , Oh , he 's amazing .

  6. 由甄子丹主演的《西游记之大闹天宫》于2014年上映。

    The monkey king , staring Donnie Yen , was released in 2014 .

  7. 甄子丹:我尽力选择那些角色能够推动情节发展的片子。

    A : I try to make films where the character drives the action .

  8. 你是说陈可辛导演和甄子丹吗?

    T : You mean peter and Donnie ?

  9. 甄子丹:我还在找。

    A : I 'm still looking .

  10. 出演本片的还有甄子丹、李截和巩俐。

    Also among the cast are Donnie Yen , Jason Scott Lee and Gong Li .

  11. 甄子丹:这真不好说。

    A : It really depends .

  12. 此番接拍《叶问2》甄子丹的片酬是否水涨船高?

    This retired " Ye Q2 " Donnie Yen is a corresponding rise in the fee ?

  13. 而由功夫巨星甄子丹主导的核心打斗场面无疑是整个电影的一大亮点。

    The hard-core fighting scenes by kungfu star Donnie Yen are definitely a highlight of the film .

  14. 从武打明星到现在好莱坞的热门武术指导,甄子丹的成功众望所归。

    From action star to now Hollywood 's top action choreographer , Donnie Yen has come a long way !

  15. 杨紫琼将会再度担任女主角,而甄子丹和岑勇康则首次携手加盟。

    Michelle Yeoh will reprise her role of the original film , joined by Donnie Yen and Harry Shum Jr.

  16. 尼基卡罗担任本片导演,甄子丹在剧中扮演花木兰的导师董指挥官。

    Niki Caro is directing the film , which also includes Donnie Yen as Mulan 's mentor , Commander Tung .

  17. 对此,出品人之一黄百鸣回答说,甄子丹给自己开出的价码已经是折后的友情价。

    In this regard , one produced WONG Pak-ming said that Donnie Yen himself out after the price is already a discount price of friendship .

  18. 香港演员黎明,陈惠琳和动作明星甄子丹将在这部影片中讲述一段三角恋的故事。

    Hong Kong actors Leon Lai , Kelly Chen and action star Donnie Yen will tell a story of a love triangle in this movie .

  19. 前重量级拳王迈克·泰森也在甄子丹这部电影当中惊艳亮相。在电影中他的角色是功夫大师叶问的最新对手。

    Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson surprisingly joined Donnie Yen in this film , as the newest villain to challenge Kung Fu master Ip Man .

  20. 此外,剧中花木兰的唐指挥官由甄子丹出演,他之前演过《叶问》、《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》。

    Furthermore , Mulan will now be trained by Commander Tung , played by Ip Man and Rogue One : A Star Wars Story star Donnie Yen .

  21. 袁和平和甄子丹将与韦恩斯坦参加周六在戛纳举行的新闻发布会,届时他们将向外界透露更多与续集拍摄计划有关的信息。

    Messrs. Yen and Yuen will join Mr. Weinstein at a Saturday press conference in Cannes , where they will shed more light on plans for the sequel .

  22. 此外,甄子丹也被证实了将会出演即将到来的电影《星球大战:侠盗一号》。该电影也是《星球大战》系列的第一部外传故事。

    Also , Donnie Yen has been confirmed to star in the upcoming film ' Rogue One ' , the first stand alone ' Star Wars ' story .

  23. 当今最红的功夫片明星甄子丹称他步入这一行主要是受李小龙的激励。

    ' His influence is immense , 'says Sam Ho of the Hong Kong Film Archive , which on Saturday is screening four films Lee made as a child actor in Hong Kong .

  24. 尽管电影《星球大战:原力觉醒》创造了破纪录的票房数字,但是52岁的演员甄子丹表示,他没有感觉到任何来自票房方面的压力。

    Despite the record-breaking numbers for ' The Force Awakens ' , Donnie Yen , the 52-year-old actor says he does not feel any pressure about the film 's performance at the box office .

  25. 好吧,甄子丹,吴京,功夫熊猫也算有一定知名度的。不过说北京人可以随手飞刀、胸前破大锤这样的事?算了吧!

    Well , while they could maybe add Donnie Yen , Wu Jing , and Kung Fu Panda to the list , when it comes to Beijingers busting a few Kung Fu moves , forget it !

  26. 导演妮琪·卡罗(曾导演过《鲸骑士》)和主创们——包括李连杰、甄子丹和李截——上演了宏大的战争场面和身轻如燕的武功打斗,让人想起《卧虎藏龙》。

    Instead , director Niki Caro ( Whale Rider ) and the cast - which includes Jet Li , Donnie Yen and Jason Scott Lee - have staged massive battle scenes and gravity-defying martial-arts bouts reminiscent of Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon .

  27. 其他核心角色的演员与前任相比都差了几分。刘承羽取代章子怡,饰演那个年轻女人,岑康勇代替张震,饰演盗匪,感情内敛的动作明星甄子丹取代了迷人的周润发,饰演俞秀莲的精神恋人。

    The other central roles have been filled with performers less charismatic than their predecessors : Natasha Liu Bordizzo replaces Zhang Ziyi as the young woman , Harry Shum Jr. subs for Chang Chen as the bandit , and the stolid action star Donnie Yen steps in for the magnetic Chow Yun-Fat as Shu Lien 's platonic paramour .