
zhēn bié
  • examine and distinguish;screen;discriminate;discrimination
甄别 [zhēn bié]
  • (1) [discriminate]∶考核鉴别

  • 辄更采集补阙,凡一首一首,以朱书甄别,为时后百一方。——陶弘景《肘后百一方序》

  • 甄别真伪

  • (2) [screen]∶审查区分

  • 甄别行状

甄别[zhēn bié]
  1. 基于CTAIS系统数据构建增值税税负预警模型可以及时对企业税负进行甄别,实现增值税负分析工作的智能化。

    Based on CTAIS system data , tax Burden early warning model built can screen corporate tax to realize intellectualization of value added tax analysis .

  2. 供应商采用数量折扣策略对零售商进行信息甄别,最大化供应商的期望利润。

    To maximize its profit , supplier adopts quantity discounts to screen the retailers .

  3. 通过甄别的候选人将获邀于下周参加面试。

    Successful candidates will be invited for interview next week .

  4. 全视野汉字词义联想的ERP特征与汉字认识的ERP甄别

    The ERP characteristics of meaning association and the identification of known and unknown Chinese characters in the whole visual field

  5. 本文评述了古DNA进行PCR分析的有关方法、存在的问题及实验结果的一些甄别标准。

    What here introduced is analysis of ancient DNA by PCR , including the method , problems , resolutions and criteria of experimental result authenticity .

  6. 利用误差反向传播(BP)人工神经网络,建立了海域船舶溢油风险程度甄别的评价模型。

    An artificial neural network is made to identify the oil spill risk degree of the different sub-areas of a sea area being interested .

  7. 如果你在“把糠从小麦里筛出来”(separatingthewheatfromthechaff),那么你就在甄别精华和糟粕。

    If you 're " separating the wheat from the chaff , " you 're distinguishing between quality and worthlessness .

  8. 用X射线荧光分析技术甄别金制品和镀、包金赝品粉末治金制品在解放牌汽车中的应用

    Distinguishing between gold samples and plated gold fake by X rays fluorescence analysis application of p / m products in liberation [ jie fang ] grade automobile

  9. 采用PCA对输入向量进行甄别,应用粗糙集理论约简与分类无关或关系不大的向量。

    We use PCA on selecting the input vector , and use rough set on reducing the inessential factors for classification .

  10. 有不少免费网站,如Mint.com、Quicken.com和Wesave.com,这些网站可以帮助你甄别开支。

    There are several free Web sites , such as Mint.com , Ouicken.com and Wesave.com , that can help you sort out your spending .

  11. 通过该模型,甄别出酒店、宾馆最有价值的客户,给酒店、宾馆的客户关系管理(CRM)提供定量的营销数据支持。

    By using the model , hotels can find out the most valuable customers , and offer the marketing data for customer relationship management .

  12. 利用机器视觉技术和美国NI的视觉开发模块,设计了对果蝇复眼坏区进行甄别的图像处理程序。

    An image processing program to discriminate the drosophila ′ s bad compound eyes was designed by using machine vision technology and NI ′ s vision development module .

  13. sec具有逾70年的监管经验,是最有能力甄别规定冗余、效率低下和监管缺口的机构。

    The SEC , with more than 70 years of experience , is the body most capable of identifying redundancies , inefficiencies and gaps .

  14. BBC和BuzzFeed甄别出的选手无一受到处罚。

    None of the players identified by the BBC and BuzzFeed have faced sanctions .

  15. CeF3闪烁探测器对五种能量中子的甄别能力研究

    Research on Discriminating Ability of CeF_3 Scintillating Detector for Five Kinds of Energy Neutrons

  16. 用4道脉冲幅度甄别器[φ4×4英寸NaI(Tl)为探测器]测量环境天然辐射水平

    Measurement of environmental natural radiation level using 4 channel pulse height discriminator with φ 4 ″× 4 ″ nai ( tl ) detector

  17. 从理论上阐述了把X射线荧光分析和低能伽玛射线散射结合起来甄别金制品和镀、包金赝品的可行性,并在实验中进行了验证。

    A method of combining X ray fluorescence analysis with low energy γ rays scattering to distinguish between mix gold samples and plated gold or wrapped gold samples is described , and it is proved in experiment .

  18. 为了保证甄别器的高性能,我们选择了ECL电路工艺的超高速比较器。

    In order to ensure the high performance of the discriminator , we have chosen the ultra-high-speed comparator for the ECL circuit technology .

  19. 介绍了VR-LA电池的容量选型设计和市场上VRLA电池真实容量的甄别;

    This paper describes the design of capacity sizing and the methods of ( identifying ) the real capacity of VRLA batteries on the market .

  20. 研究了CsI(Tl)晶体探测器中反冲核信号与电子信号的甄别能力。

    The capability of Pulse Shape Discrimination ( PSD ) for recoiled nuclei and electrons with CsI ( Tl ) crystal has been studied in this article .

  21. 带有n、γ幅度甄别的中子-γ联合探测器能同时探测中子与γ射线,并给出幅度不同的中子信号与γ信号。

    A new kind of n - γ combined scintillation detector with n - γ amplitude discrimination has been developed . Such a detector is able to detect n and γ rays simultaneously , and give out neutron and gamma signals with different amplitudes .

  22. 处于B2B交易市场的中小企业在享受这种高效广泛的交易的同时,面临着如何甄别交易对象、规避交易风险的问题。

    While the SMEs in the B2B market enjoy the efficiency of transactions , they also face the big problem that how to identify trading partners to avoid transaction risks .

  23. 发现新的肿瘤标志物、提高检测灵敏度、改进检测甄别方法,是提高CRC肿瘤标志物临床应用价值的必由之路。

    Searching for new tumor markers , enhancing detection sensitivity and improving detection and differentiating methods are keys to upgrading the clinical value of tumor markers in the diagnosis of CRC .

  24. 它由前置放大器、甄别器和存贮器插件、分隔符插件、编码插件、丝室接口以及CAMAC机箱等组成。

    It consists of preamplifiers , discriminators , modules of memory , marks , encoders and wire chamber interface , CAMAC crates etc.

  25. 作者首先就制造业如何对3PL企业的物流能力进行评价,以及如何设计契约甄别第三方物流企业的能力和成本方面进行了研究。

    Firstly , the author studies on how the manufacturing systemically evaluate the ability of 3PL and how to design contracts to identify the real capacity and cost .

  26. 车载4道脉冲幅度甄别器正[φ4×4英寸NaI(Tl)为探测器]对广州-阳江及香港地区辐射水平的连续测量

    Continuous measurements of radiation levels along guangzhou-yangjiang and in Hong Kong area using carborne 4 channel pulse height discriminator with φ 4 ″× 4 ″ nai ( tl ) detector

  27. 通过不同标准源的标定对比实验,对美国Daybreak公司582583型低本底厚源α-计数仪的高压值(HV)和积分甄别器阈值(DISC)进行了标定。

    The aim of this paper is to calibrate low background Daybreak 582 and 583 thick source alpha counter ( TSAC ) which is used extensively in OSL dating lab by comparison of different standard sources .

  28. 在研究电力市场中的市场力的时候,经常使用经济学中的市场集中度指标(HHI)为市场力甄别的一个基准或市场力检测的粗略扫描工具。

    HHI ( Herfindahl-Hirschman Index ) is often used as an identification threshold or scanning tool when studying market power in electricity market .

  29. 基于国际上相关的闸阀锅炉效应的试验和研究结果,利用甄别方法及概率安全分析(PSA)方法对大亚湾/岭澳核电站每个机组的闸阀锅炉效应进行了分析。

    Based on international experimental and research results for Boiler Effect , this paper describes the analysis principle and method for Daya Bay & Ling'ao nuclear power stations to confirm which gate valves are affected by boiler effect .

  30. BuzzFeed对2.6万场网球比赛进行了分析,甄别出了可疑的大型押注以及与常识相悖的比赛结果,这让人们不得不猜测有人操纵比赛。

    BuzzFeed analysed 26000 tennis matches , and identified suspiciously large bets , combined with unlikely results , that raised suspicions of match-fixing .