
  • 网络discriminator threshold;cut off value
  1. 结果表明:当作了甄别阈和窗口厚度修正以后,理论和实验值符合很好,其相关系数近似为0.9999,经X~2检验和F检验亦未见显著性差异。

    The relative coefficient is about 0 . 9999 and there aren 't significant differences after X2 and F check .

  2. 在信号甄别的过程中,用窗函数代替传统的单边甄别阈,解决了甄别电路处理超大信号的难题,大大降低了系统的误触发和误甄别率。

    The traditional unilateral threshold is replaced by the window threshold in signal discrimination , which solves the module 's design difficulty in extra-large-signal processing , and thus the rate of error-trigger and error-discrimination is much reduced .