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  1. 观察用药前后动态心电图(DCG)、血液粘稠度、红细胞聚集指数、血小板聚集率、血总胆固醇、甘油三酯等变化。

    Dynamic cardiac graphy ( DCG )、 blood viscosity 、 erythrocyte aggregation index 、 platelet aggregation rate 、 serum total cholesterol and triglyceride were observed before and 15 days after the treatment .

  2. 两组比较,有显著性差异(P0.01),且治疗组在各种症状改善及降低血液粘稠度和血脂等方面有较好的疗效,作用明显好于对照组,服用时间越长,效果越明显。

    Comparing the two groups , there are significant differences ( P0.01 ), and a variety of symptoms in the treatment group to improve and reduce blood viscosity and blood lipids , and so have better effectiveness , the role of significantly better than the control group .

  3. 改善舒张功能可能与抑制肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统(RAAS)过度激活、降低血液粘稠度及改善微循环等间接作用有关。

    Improving diastole function may connected with restraining over-activation of RAAS , reducing blood density and improving micro-circulation and so on indirectly .

  4. 结论:清凉活血饮具有降低血液粘稠度、调节机体纤溶系统功能的作用,治疗血热瘀阻型RVO效果较好。

    Conclusion : Qingliang Huoxue Yin has a better therapeutic effects for the patient of RVO of blood heat stagnation type .

  5. 结论:还聪丹通过调节患者的脂代谢紊乱,起到改善血液粘稠度,提高脑血流量,改善血液携氧能力,从而达到改善或预防VD的发病;

    Conclusion : Through adjusting lipid metabolism , HCDC could improve blood rheologic characteristics , promote cerebral blood flow , improve the oxygen carrying capacity of blood to prevent and treat VD .

  6. 但是促红素本身具有促进红细胞增生的作用,可能会导致血液粘稠度增加,血流动力学发生改变而诱发血栓形成,因而限制了EPO的对于脑梗死等疾病的临床应用。

    But in terms of cerebrovascular disease patients , EPO plays the role of promoting the proliferation of red blood cells which may increase blood viscosity , and even lead to thrombosis , which limite the further clinical application of EPO .

  7. 研究结果表明,HHI较好的抗血小板聚集、降低血液粘稠度及抑制血栓形成的作用,是其活血化瘀作用的土要机制之~

    All the experiments showed that the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation , decreasing blood viscosity and suppressing thrombosis is one of the mechanisms of the therapeutical action of HHI .

  8. 结论UBIO能明显降低血液粘稠度,杀灭HP,提高SOD-1含量,它既能清除攻击因子又能增强防御因子,明显地提高老年消化性溃疡的愈合率,降低复发率。

    Conclusion It is demonstrated that UBIO may reduce the blood viscosity , kill HP and increase the value of SOD-1 . It may get rid of some attack factors and improve mucosal barrier , evidently increase the ulcer healing rate and decrease the ulcer recurrence rate .

  9. 针刺对中风假性球麻痹患者血液粘稠度的影响

    The Influence of Acupuncture on Blood Viscosity in Apoplectic Pseudobulbar Paralysis

  10. 该法具有明显增加血氧饱和量,降低血液粘稠度,改善微循环,调节免疫功能的作用。

    It suggested the therapy could decrease blood viscosity and improve microcirculation .

  11. 有氧运动对老年人血容量和血液粘稠度的影响

    Sports with Oxygen Affect the Blood Volume and Consistency of Old People

  12. 血液粘稠度中,全血比粘度明显下降;

    The viscosity of whole blood was significantly decreased ;

  13. 此外,该药还可明显改善脂质代谢紊乱、降低血液粘稠度等。

    NingXin capsule can regulate lipid metabolism disturbance and reduce blood viscosity effectively .

  14. 复方丹参组主要降低血液粘稠度、降低胆固醇及血酯。

    Salvia miltiorrhiza injection resulted in obvious reduction of blood viscosity , cholesterol and lipoprotein .

  15. 断肢(指)再植病人焦虑状态对血液粘稠度的影响

    Influence of Anxious State on Blood Viscosity in Patients with Limb ( Finger ) Reconstruction

  16. 这种饮食会降低血液粘稠度,因此有助于预防心脏病。

    The diet makes the blood less sticky , thereby helping to prevent heart disease .

  17. 尤其是黄酮类化合物,可能还有助于改善血管内皮功能,降低血液粘稠度,血压和炎症。

    Antioxidants , especially flavonoids , may also help improve endothelial function and reduce blood clotting , blood pressure and inflammation .

  18. 结论:普乐林能有效降低冠心病患者的血液粘稠度,扩张血管,改善心肌缺血。

    Conclusion : Puerain can effectively reduce blood viscosity , expand coronary arteries and improve myocardial infarction in coronary heart disease .

  19. 结论:肺心汤选择性的作用于肺循环,降低血液粘稠度是其治疗肺动脉高压的机制之一。

    Conclusion : It is one of mechanisms treated the pulmonary hypertension that the FXT improve pulmonary circulation selectively and reduce the blood viscosity .

  20. 结论:本品对血瘀大鼠可抑制红细胞聚集和凝固,降低血液粘稠度和浓度,具有一定的活血化瘀作用。

    CONCLUSION : RNSP had the inhibition effect on the aggregate and coagulate function of Red blood cells , and would decrease the blood viscosities .

  21. 结果显示,安静时各指标无明显差异,但在运动后血液粘稠度显著下降,而血容量较运动前增加。

    It is shown that every quota has no obvious change when one is static , but after doing sports , the consistency of blood volume increases .

  22. 深低温造成的血液粘稠度增高和血管收缩可能是深低温停循环组肾栓塞率高的原因。

    The higher blood viscosity and vessel constriction caused by deep hypothermia might be related to the higher embolization in kidneys in the deep hypothermic circulatory arrest group .

  23. 结论:参附注射液联合硝普钠,能改善血气状态,降低血液粘稠度,降低肺动脉压,改善心功能。

    Conclusion : Ginseng and Strobal Injection combined with Sodium Nitroprusside could improve blood gas condition , lower blood viscosity , lower pulmonary artery pressure and improve heart function .

  24. 调节人体机能,健脾胃,润肠通便,强身健体,降血脂,调节血液粘稠度,对减肥具有明显疗效。

    Regulate vitality , benefit spleen and stomach , moisten intestines to relieve constipation , strengthen the body , descend the blood fattiness , regulate blood viscosity , it has the obvious curative effect for losing weight .

  25. 经过大量实测发现:人在水平仰卧时,同步测得的四肢血压值之间相差得越大,与血液粘稠度高、高脂血症、血管内粥状血栓形成、血管硬化等,越密切相关。

    It has been found through a large amount of experimental measurements that the differences of blood pressure among the four limbs are highly correlated with hyperlipemia , thrombosis blood vessel hardening and high density of blood on supine position .

  26. 同时它还具有调血脂作用,可降低急性血瘀模型动物的血液粘稠度及红细胞聚集性,改善血液流变学,可能与其抗心肌缺血有一定关系。

    Simultaneously it could regulate blood lipids in acute hyperlipidemia rats and lower whole blood viscosity , improve hemorheology in acute hypostasis rats , and the two had something with the protective effect of KG soft capsul from ischemia injury .

  27. 结果下肢血管病患者的血液粘稠度显著高于正常人(P<0.01),静脉血栓形成患者的血液粘稠度与临床症状呈正相关。

    Results The patients ' blood viscidity is clearly higher than the normal persons ( P < 0.01 ), and it have a direct relevance with clinical symptom . There is a high inopexia in the blood of patients with phlebothrombosis .

  28. 结果:老年缺血性脑血管病患者血液粘稠度高,97.6%有脑循环障碍,表现为脑供血不足和脑血管痉挛。

    RESULTS : Blood viscosity of the patients with senile ischemic cerebrovascular disease was higher than that of the control group . Among these patients , 97.6 % per cent had disturbance of cerebral circulation with cerebral ischemia and cerebral vasospasm .

  29. 提示光量子血疗法可提高多发性硬化患者的机体免疫力和免疫应答力,增强补体的活性和免疫球蛋白的数量与活性,以及改善血液粘稠度和红细胞聚集性,提高组织的供血。

    The results indicated that UBI could increase the body immunity and immune response of these patients , enhance the activity of the complement and the number and the activity of the immunoglubulin , and also improve the blood viscosity , erythrocyte aggregation and blood supply to tissues .

  30. 一方面,它能降低血液的粘稠度,防止血液凝固成凝块阻塞血管。

    They say it prevents blood from thickening and forming clots that block blood vessels .