
  • 网络Naringin;G Naringin
  1. 柠碱和柚苷是柑桔汁及柑桔其它制品中主要苦味成份。

    Limonin and Naringin are the main bitter substances of citrus juice and other citrus 's products .

  2. 柚苷干预有利于减轻大鼠脑外伤后的神经病理损害,促进功能恢复。

    Naringin treatment can attenuate the neuropathological damages and improve the functional recovery of rats after TBI , partly through weakening oxidative damage and inflammation .

  3. 柚苷酶产生菌的抗药性UV诱变筛选

    A Study on the Screening of Chemical Resistance of Naringinase-producing Strains by UV Induction

  4. AspergillusnigerS-05产柚苷酶液态发酵条件的优化黑曲霉原生质体诱变选育β-葡萄糖苷酶高产菌株

    OPTIMUM FERMENTATION CONDITIONS OF ASPERGILLUS NIGER S-05 FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NARINGINASE Protoplast mutagenesis for improving β - glucosidase production of Aspergillus niger

  5. 柚苷酶产生菌的选育及其酶特性研究进展

    Development on the selection of naringinase-producing strain and the enzymatic properties

  6. 透明圈法筛选柚苷酶高产菌株

    Screening of High Naringinase-Producing Strains with A Method of Transparent Circle

  7. 产柚苷酶的黑曲霉菌株的筛选、产酶特性及高产菌株选育的研究

    Screening , Producing-naringinase Characterization and Breeding of High-yield Strain from Aspergillus Niger

  8. 柚苷酶在柑桔果醋加工中的应用

    Application of Naringinase in Processing The Fruit Vinegar of Orange

  9. 并对该菌株所产柚苷酶对柑桔类果汁进行了一定的脱苦性实验。

    And the effect of naringinase on debittering of citrus juice was tested .

  10. 柚苷酶制剂的研究

    A study on Naringinase preparation from Aspergillus . niger

  11. 柚苷酶的应用及发酵生产研究

    Study on the Application and Fermentation of Naringinase

  12. 产柚苷酶菌株的初步筛选

    Fringe Screening of Naringinase-producing Fungus

  13. 产柚苷酶菌株的选育及柚子汁酶法脱苦工艺的研究

    Screening and Mutation Breeding of the Naringinase Producing Strain and the Study of the Debittering Technology by Naringinase

  14. 目的拟通过动物实验研究柚苷对脑外伤的预防治疗价值及其可能机制。方法大鼠随机平均分为4组。

    Objective : To study the role of naringin in treating rats with traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) and its possible mechanism . Methods : Rats were randomly separated into four groups .