
  • 网络pinto bean;runner bean;scarlet runner bean
  1. 介绍了琼北地区秋季播种花豆的试验结果.实验表明,花豆在海南种植表现为多年生特性;

    This paper expounds on the autumn-sowing cultivation test in the northern part of Hainan .

  2. 事实上,花豆赢得了预算超级食物大奖,因为它们是豆类中抗氧化物含量最高的之一然而是最便宜的一种,只要13美分一杯。

    In fact , pinto beans take the budget super-food prize because they have one of the highest antioxidant counts of all beans and cost the least , a mere 13 cents a cup .

  3. 许多游客看到协会赠送给接待户的手工艺品爱不释手,有的还把一些丝网花、豆塑、编织、彩泥当成“宝贝”带走珍藏。

    Many visitors to see the Association presented to host families of handicrafts not put it down , and some also some wire flowers , beans plastic , knitting , color clay as a " precious " treasure away .