
  • 网络retinopathy
  1. 术后矫正视力<0.1者共51眼(5.1%),均为合并青光眼晚期视神经损害、黄斑变性及糖尿病性眼底病变患者。

    There were 51 eyes ( 5.1 % ) with postoperative corrected vision of less than 0.1 , mostly in patients having complicating glaucoma with late optic nerve damage , macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy .

  2. 系统光学接口以CodeV为平台设计了整套的适用于治疗眼底病变的变焦成像系统,能够进行高效率光纤耦合和光学传输。

    The package of zoom imaging system on treatment of retinopathy is designed on the CODE V platform as the System optical interface , which is capable of efficient fiber coupling , and optical transmission .

  3. 结果:(1)芪明颗粒能改善DR眼底病变,提高视力,疗效优于导升明。

    Results ( 1 ) Qi Ming granule can improve vision and inhibiting DR lesion growth .

  4. 结论ILIB能明显降低DR患者的血液粘度,改善和稳定其眼底病变。

    Conclusion ILIB can reduce blood viscosity and improve the fundus changes .

  5. 改善眼底病变方面:在促进视网膜出血水肿吸收方面,眼血散治疗组效果好于西药对照组,但两者之间无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    The improvement of detailed fundus was : The absorption of edema and hemorrhage in retina could be observed in both groups and there was not statistical difference between them ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 目的:探讨近视LASIK术前眼底病变及治疗方法。

    Objective : To investigate the fundus diseases of myopia and methods of treatment before laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ) .

  7. 组OPs值较对照组下降与影响血液循环的眼底病变有关。

    The value of OPs decreased in group ⅱ compared with that of the control group , which was related to the retinopathy due to blood circulation obstruction .

  8. 结果高度近视眼底病变包括后巩膜葡萄肿、玻璃体变性、漆裂样纹损害、黄斑区Fuchs斑和黄斑出血。

    RESULTS High myopia damages involve posterior scleral staphyloma , vitreous degeneration , lacquer crack lesion , macular region Fuchs spot and macular hemorrhage .

  9. 结论逆转录病毒能够简便、快速、稳定将目的基因转入RPE细胞,可作为眼底病变基因治疗介导目的基因转移的重要工具。

    Conclusion The retrovirus can introduce a foreign gene into RPE cells efficiently , thereby it can be used as an important tool to deliver gene into RPE for therapy of fundus diseases .

  10. 系统性红斑狼疮眼底病变25例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of ocular fundus complications in 25 cases of systemic lupus erythematosus

  11. 眼底病变和超声乳化时间长是主要影响因素。

    Ocular fundus abnormalities and long time of phacoemulsification are important risk factors .

  12. 老年性眼底病变综合研究的临床报告

    Clinical report on comprehensive study with senile ocular fundus

  13. 血压分类与眼底病变

    Association between blood pressure Level and fundus diseases

  14. 高度近视并发白内障行超声乳化吸除术前光学相干断层扫描检查眼底病变的优势

    The advantage of OCT in the inspection before high myopia complicated cataract phacoemulsification surgery

  15. 目的分析近视眼行准分子激光术前眼底病变病情及治疗方法。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate retinal pathological changes and managing methods before excimer laser treatment .

  16. 目的探讨2型糖尿病眼底病变情况及相关因素。

    Objective To investigate the fundal changes and correlation factor of type 2 diabetes mellitus .

  17. 术后影响视力的主要原因是眼底病变和后囊膜混浊。

    The main causes of postoperative low vision were fundus lesions and posterior capsule opacity .

  18. 眼底病变15例26眼占4.36%;

    15 patients ( 26 eyes , 4.92 % ) suffered from ocular fundus diseases ;

  19. 影响术后视力的主要原因为高度近视眼底病变。

    The main cause of effect on postoperative visual acuity was fundus changes induced by high myopia .

  20. 血压分类与眼底病变中国人群血压分类与高血压患病率研究-1991年血压抽样调查资料的进一步分析

    Association between blood pressure Level and fundus diseases Definitions and Classification of Blood Pressure Levels in China

  21. 结论:近视患者脉络膜厚度的分析有助于判断近视性屈光不正的病变程度及有无合并其他眼底病变。

    The analysis of choroidal thickness in myopia may have helped to judge the degree of conditions and complicated fundus diseases .

  22. 结果眼底病变以高血压视网膜病变、糖尿病视网膜病变为主,分别占61.8%和25.5%;

    Results Hypertensive retinopathy ( 61.8 % ) and diabetic reti - nopathy ( 25.5 % ) were dominant in all patients .

  23. 结论系统治疗虽对原发性高血压病不能根治,但对控制眼底病变进展具有一定的作用。

    Conclusion Systematic therapy is not radical for primary hypertension , but can to some degree control the development of fundus lesions .

  24. 结论病史>5年的2型糖尿病患者晶状体浑浊程度与其眼底病变程度有相关性。

    Conclusion There is relation between the degree of lens opacity and retinopathy in patients with > 5 years type ⅱ diabetes .

  25. 目的描述高度近视眼视盘周围局限性视网膜脱离,分析该眼底病变发生的原因。

    Objective To describe localized peripapillary detachment in highly myopic eyes , and to analyze the possible cause of this newly recognized fundus lesion .

  26. 目的:探讨视网膜脱离后,应用氩激光治疗对侧眼底病变的疗效。

    Objective : To study the argon laser therapy of the second ocular fundus affection after the first eye retinal detachment ( RD ) .

  27. 49眼术后1wk视力≤0.3,其中眼底病变占41眼(83.7%)。

    Forty-one eyes had the fundus oculi affection in the 49 cases that the post-operation acuity of vision was below 0.3 ( 83.7 % ) .

  28. 31.1%孕妇视网膜病变在孕期加重,但仍属单纯型(背景期)。结论:糖尿病合并妊娠伴眼底病变时,仍可以继续妊娠,但孕期应密切观察眼底变化和严格控制血糖。

    Conclusion : Pregnancies with overt diabetes complicated with retinopathy are not the indications for terminating pregnancy , but the changes of retinopathy should be carefully monitored during pregnancy .

  29. 眼科临床表明,研究视网膜组织的内部特征变化能够为眼底病变组织的临床诊断和治疗提供直观详细的依据,如糖尿病性视网膜病变、黄斑变性、色素性视网膜炎等。

    The intrinsic pathological features of retina tissue will be the detailed basis of clinical diagnosis and treatment , such as diabetic retinopathy , macular degeneration , retinitis pigmentosa .

  30. 方法:对60例各期高血压患者进行了眼血管彩色多普勒检测,并与眼底病变进行对比观察。

    Methods : The color Doppler ultrasound was used to measure the ophthalmic blood vessels of sixty patients with hypertension , and the results were contrasted with the ophthalmic fundal disease .