
yǎn kuàng
  • eye socket;orbit;rim of the eye
眼眶 [yǎn kuàng]
  • (1) [orbit;eye socket]∶眼睛周围的边缘

  • 眼眶里含着泪水

  • (2) [rim of the eye]∶眼睛周围的部位

  • 他揉了揉眼眶

  • (3) 也叫眼眶子

眼眶[yǎn kuàng]
  1. 目的分析和探讨眼眶炎性假瘤的MRI表现。

    Objective To analyze and explore MRI show of inflammatory artificial tumor of eye socket .

  2. 基于混合水平集模型的CT颅面眼眶分割

    A Hybrid Level Set Model with Application to the Segmentation of Eye Socket

  3. 她的眼眶都哭红了。

    The rims of her eyes were red with crying .

  4. 他声音颤抖,泪水在眼眶里打转。

    His voice trembled , on the verge of tears .

  5. 他朝她脸上打了至少一拳,把她的眼眶都打青了。

    He punched her in the face at least once giving her a black eye .

  6. 她说话的时候,眼眶里含着闪亮的泪珠。

    As she spoke , her eyes glistened with tears .

  7. 她的眼睛微微凹陷,眼眶有些发红。

    Her eyes were a little hollow , and reddish about the rims .

  8. 泪水开始在他的眼眶打转了。

    Tears came to his eyes .

  9. 她眼眶中又闪烁出蓝宝石的光彩,接着眼睑象鱼鳞般地垂落下来,双目又黯然失色了

    Again there was that moment of splintered sapphires before the lids , dropping like scales , extinguished it .

  10. (被殴打所致的)乌青的眼眶弗雷德青着眼睛回家,却怎么也不告诉我们到底发生了什么!

    Fred came home with a horrible black eye today , but he won 't tell us what happened !

  11. 不料这个小男孩竟然气冲冲地回答说:“别烦我。你回家去为你自己的小男孩难过吧。他有两个黑眼眶。”

    Unexpectedly the boy replied angrily : " Don 't bother me . You go home to feel sorry for your own little boy-he has got two ! "

  12. 他注意到这个孩子像是刚和别的孩子打过架,就亲切的对他说:“小家伙,你怎么会有个黑眼眶呀?看到你这样,我很为你难过?”

    He noticed that the boy seemed to have fought with other boys . He kindly1 said : " Why do you have a black eye , little man ? I am sorry to see that ? "

  13. 正常人眼眶骨性径线CT测量及其临床意义

    CT anatomic measurement of the normal orbit and its clinical significance

  14. CT检查在眼眶骨折法医学鉴定中的应用

    Application of CT examination in the medicolegal expertise of orbital fracture

  15. 眼眶肌炎的CT和临床表现分析

    Analysis of the CT Findings and Clinical Features of Orbital Myositis

  16. 螺旋CT容积测量在眼眶发育中的应用

    Study on the orbital volume growth by spiral computed tomography

  17. 眼眶血管瘤CT动态增强诊断探讨

    Evaluation of Dynamic Enhanced CT Scan in the Diagnosis of Orbital Hemangioma

  18. 眼眶爆裂骨折的螺旋CT诊断及临床价值

    The Diagnosis and Clinical Value of Spiral CT in Orbital Blowout Fracture

  19. 眼眶骨折标准诊断CT层面的确定与应用研究

    Establishment of standard CT slices for diagnosis of orbital fractures

  20. CT动态增强扫描在眼眶海绵状血管瘤诊断中的价值

    The Evaluation of Dynamic CT Scanning in Diagnosis of Orbital Cavernous Hemangioma

  21. 目的研究眼眶骨纤维异常增生症的CT影像特点。

    Objective To study the CT features of fibrous dysplasia in the orbit .

  22. 眼眶外伤的CT表现及临床分析

    The CT expression and clinical analysis of orbit injuries

  23. 眼眶病变多可CT显示。

    Most orbital lesions can be depicted on CT .

  24. 正常成人眼球眼眶位置关系的CT研究

    CT Analysis of Normal Globe-orbit Situational Relationship in Adults

  25. B超和CT导向眼眶肿瘤的手术进路

    A Surgical Approach to Orbital Tumor Under B - ultrasound and Computerized Tomography

  26. 眼眶CT呈现铸型征的临床意义

    Clinical significance of the molding sign on CT image

  27. 眼眶炎症假瘤和淋巴样肿瘤的CT诊断与鉴别诊断

    CT Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Orbital Inflammatory Pseudotumor and from Lymphoid Tumor

  28. 结论:CT诊断眼眶爆裂骨折有重要的临床价值。

    Conclusion : CT diagnosis of orbital blowout fracture is of significant clinical importance .

  29. 眼眶皮样囊肿的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Dermoid Cyst of the Orbit

  30. B组和D组:小鼠的眼眶组织均无形态学改变。

    In all mice from group B and group D , orbital tissues were normal histologically .