
yǐn dǎo cí
  • introducer
  1. 第一个isused是定语从句的谓语动词,但是该定语从句省略了引导词。定语从句中三个并列的不定式短语动词toachieveprivacy,tobuildhomesortodesigncities共同作为isused的目的状语。

    The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy , to build homes or to design cities is culturally influenced .

  2. 罗语定语的标志是名词代词的属格与格的变化、形容词与中心语性数格的一致、以de等介词组成的介词词组的后加、以care等引导词引出的定语从句的补充说明;

    The feature marks of Romanian include variations of genitive and dative cases of nouns and pronouns , agreement in gender , number and case between adjective and head , attachment of prepositional phrase with the preposition " de ", and additional remarks led by word like " care " .

  3. 他告诉我们主语从句引导词在整个工作中,他都会帮忙的。

    He told us that they would help us though the whole work .

  4. 本文从引导一词的确定、引导的主体、介入引导的阶段、引导侦查的任务,以及引导的案件范围五个方面详细剖析了检察引导侦查制度的概念。

    This article analyzes of the systerm from five respects in detail , including the word " guide " determination of the main body , and the stage of intervention , the task of guiding investigation , the scope of the case led prosecutors to guide .

  5. 本文指出,李清照提出词“别是一家”,是“小歌词”的理论,作为中国词学的开山纲领,规范并引导了宋代词学的发展方向。

    This paper holds that Li s theory of " independence " of " little song words ", the foundation of Chinese Ci study , standardizes and guides Song Ci 's development .

  6. 教师首先需要提高学生对于词块的意识,引导他们独立识别词块。

    Teachers need to raise students ' awareness of lexical chunks and guide them to recognize lexical chunks by themselves .

  7. 在短语动词的教学和学习中,教师可以引导学生使用小品词中心策略、语义关系识记策略、语境策略及可理解输入策略来提高短语动词的学习效率。

    It is suggested that some approaches and strategies need to be employed in the teaching and learning of phrasal verbs : the approach of particle-centeredness , the application of semantic relations , contextual strategy , and the comprehensible input strategy .