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  • introduce
  1. 分阶段引介一阶段一个地引入。

    To introduce , one stage at a time .

  2. 我们应该实践孔子的教训,并且将之引介到西方的国家。

    We should put Confucius'teachings into practice and introduce them to the western countries .

  3. 在全世界的IT环境中,Agile(敏捷)运动正在获得越来越多的关注,引介另一种形式的思想有可能刺到某些从业者的痛处。

    In the global IT environment , where the Agile movement is gaining increasing attention , the thought of introducing another formality may send shivers down the spines of some practitioners .

  4. 巴拉克。奥巴马(BarackObama)昨天引介了他的未来白宫预算办公室主任皮特·奥斯扎格(PeterOrszag)、并宣称逐项核实联邦国库。

    Barack Obama yesterday introduced his new White House budget director , Peter Orszag , vowing to conduct a " line by line " review of the federal fisc .

  5. 经过比较发现我国的HPM研究无论是组织工作方面还是研究规模方面都还很不够,需要继续做大量的引介性工作和实证方面的研究。

    By comparison , it concludes that the study on HPM in China is not enough , either in the organization work or in the research scope .

  6. 英国建筑研究所环境评估法BREEAM引介

    Introduction to the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method ( BREEAM ) in UK

  7. 成立CloudCamp是为了给云计算的引介和提高提供一个公共的场所。

    CloudCamp was formed in order to provide a common ground for the introduction and advancement of cloud computing .

  8. 国际贸易技术壁垒体系引介

    The Introduction of the System for Barriers of International Business Technique

  9. 日本建筑物综合环境效率评价体系引介

    Introduction of comprehensive assessment system for environmental efficiency of Japan buildings

  10. 孜孜不倦地引介西方先进的教育理念和思维方式;

    Persevere in introducing modern Western educational mentality and thinking methodology ;

  11. 遗产旅游与遗产原真性&概念分析与理论引介

    Heritage Tourism and Heritage Authenticity : Basic Concepts and Main Theories

  12. 当代西方翻译理论引介过程中的误读倾向

    On Misreading in the Process of Introducing Current Western Translation Theories

  13. 西方传播理论与模式引介时应注意的几个问题

    Pay Attention to Actual Situation When Introducing Western Media Theory and Mode

  14. 您甚至可以通过引介朋友(当然他不得作弊)而赚得更多。

    You can earn even more by referring friends that don 't cheat .

  15. 我们通过引介毒蛇保住了天堂。

    We saved paradise by introducing the serpent .

  16. 试论中国近代报刊对马克思主义及其著作的引介和传播

    On Newspapers and Periodicals of Modern China Introducing and Propagating Marxism and Its Works

  17. 学理透视:西方文论引介中的问题意识范畴

    A Close Study : Consciousness of Questioning in the Introduction of Western Literary Theories

  18. 外资银行的专利权竞争战略引介

    Analysis on the Introduction of the Competitiveness Strategy of Patent Right of Foreign Banks

  19. 在对巨型工程的概念和特征进行引介的基础上,划分了巨型工程的发展历程。

    This paper introduces the concept and feature of mega-projects and its development phases .

  20. 汇率制度分类方法:一个新的引介

    Exchange Rate Classification : A New Introduction

  21. 第二部分首先引介态度的概念,然后通过分析态度和动机的关系,阐述了态度对外语学习的影响。

    Chapter three discusses the effect of motivation and attitude on second / foreign language learning .

  22. 引介处所又可以具体分为出发点、所在点和终点三类。

    Introducing premises and specific into starting point , place the point and end point three types .

  23. 第四部引介了发达国家食品质量安全预警管理的先进经验,以及对我国的启示。

    The fourth part introduce the advanced experience of the developed countries and the inspiration to China .

  24. 构式语法理论的引介为主宾可互易句的研究开拓了新的视野。

    The introduction of CG ( construction grammar ) provides a new perspective to study the reversible sentences .

  25. 当您引介跨文件的引用时,您同时也引介了潜在的破损点(请参见工具条)。

    And when you introduce cross-file references , you introduce potential points of breakage ( see sidebar ) .

  26. 我的父亲邱阳创巴仁波切,把香巴拉法教引介到西方世界。

    My father , Ch ö gyam Trungpa Rinpoche , introduced the teachings of Shambhala to the West .

  27. 请替我引介新来负责采购的人好吗?a:我下个星期会打电话给你。

    Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent ? A : I 'll call you next week .

  28. 站在自然哲学的平台上,引介自组织理论,梳理了认识体系和要点。

    On the ground of natural philosophy , the paper introduces the self-organization theory and gives its key points .

  29. 但是,作为一篇以引介为主的博士论文,我想本文已经完成了它的使命。

    However , as a doctor dissertation which centers on introduction , I think this essay has fulfilled its original purpose .

  30. 微观理论引介全面,但实际研究的范围尚需拓展,研究内容需要丰富。

    Microscopic theories have been comprehensively introduced , but the scope of investigation needs to be enlarged and the contents enriched .