
  • 网络Allusion;metaphor
引喻 [yǐn yù]
  • [allusion] 尤指文学作品中的暗示或附带提及

  1. 对于这一引喻,他双眉紧锁着。

    His brows clouded at the allusion .

  2. 论报刊英语引喻及其翻译

    On the Allusion and Its Translation in Newspaper English

  3. 20世纪英语引喻探源英语篇章博喻论

    A Discussion on the Source of English Allusions in the 20th Century

  4. 引喻的文化内涵与翻译

    Cultural Connotation of Allusions and Translation

  5. 现代报刊英语引喻主要指出自近代生活各个领域的词语典故。

    Modern allusion in newspaper English mainly refers to the allusion in various fields of recent life .

  6. 由于社会的发展,时局的变迁,这些引喻多来自于政治、军事、科技、经济等背景。

    Most of them are of political , military , scientific and economic background because of the social changes and social development .

  7. 而超自然场景和引喻的使用则暗示着上帝和神秘力量的存在。

    As for the use of allusion to usher in the supernatural scene , the purpose is to emphasize the existence of mysterious forces and God .

  8. 他尤其欣赏诗中许多引喻的翻译,并赞扬译者非常胜任地完成一项艰难任务。

    He especially enjoys the translation of a number of allusions used in the poem and complimented the translators as having creditably accomplished a very difficult task .

  9. 同时我们也不能忽视以下手法的运用:场景之间的突然切换,意识流,从古典和中世纪神话中借用的故事题材,大量的引喻和奇妙的象征意象。

    But we cannot neglect the following devices in it : sudden switches of scene , stream-of-consciousness device , motifs from classical and medieval myth , abundant allusions and marvelous symbolic images .

  10. 自白派诗人为了更直接、更真挚地传达他们的经验,尽量避免使用对自我有模糊、遮掩作用的现代主义技巧,如悖论、含混、引喻、巧智和张力。

    In order to convey their experiences in a more direct and sincere way , confessional poets try every means to avoid using impersonal modernist skills , such as paradox , ambiguity , allusion , wit and tension .

  11. 英语修辞手段如押韵、同义词、反义词、排比、对偶、明喻、类比和引喻等主要通过语音模式、照应、词汇衔接和平行对称结构等方式衔接语篇的上下文、强化语篇的连贯性。

    English rhetoric devices such as Rhyme , Synonyms , Antonyms , Parallelism , Antithesis , Simile , Metaphor , Analogy , Allusion , etc. make a text cohesive and coherent by way of phonetic modes , anaphora , lexical cohesion and parallel structures .