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yǐn lǐng
  • lead;take;usher;crane one's neck to look into the distance;eagerly look forward to sth
引领 [yǐn lǐng]
  • [crane ones neck to look into the distance] 伸直脖子 [向远处眺望],形容殷切期待的样子

  • 如有不嗜杀人者,则天下之民皆引领而望之矣。--《孟子.梁惠王》

  • 武王设朝,士民皆喜;依圣治事,民皆引领。--《武王伐纣平话》

引领[yǐn lǐng]
  1. 大学校园往往引领变革的新潮。

    University campuses are often the bellwether of change .

  2. 她把客人引领到座位上。

    She ushered her guests to their seats .

  3. 组织者引领他们井然有序地走出大楼。

    The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building

  4. 闪光装饰片经常引起时尚引领者的鄙视。

    Sequins have often aroused the scorn of arbiters of taste .

  5. 这家医院一直是政府的旗舰机构,引领着医疗服务的改革。

    The hospital has been the government 's flagship , leading the health service reforms

  6. 我们不仅引领欧洲而且引领着全球的流行音乐潮流。

    When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe , we lead the world .

  7. 女子网球正引领着一个逐渐壮大的市场——女子运动市场。

    Women 's tennis is the market leader in a growing market segment — women 's sports .

  8. 然后他定了定神,尴尬地牵着戈德温的手,开始引领他离开办公室。

    Then he composed his features , took Godwin 's hand awkwardly and began to usher him from the office .

  9. 用探照灯引领轮船进港。

    Searchlights were used to guide the steamer into the harbour .

  10. 旗舰引领着舰队。

    The flagship led the fleet .

  11. 由主要的有线电视内容提供商联盟CanoeVentures引领的一个新努力旨在让互动广告在今年年末普及全美。

    A new effort led by Canoe Ventures , a coalition of leading cable providers , aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year .

  12. 年来,智能手机、电视、平板电脑、笔记本、台式机占据了市场的大部分份额并引领着创新。

    For years , smartphones , televisions , tablets , laptops and desktops have made up a huge part of the market and driven innovation .

  13. 要以先进技术引领驱动融合发展,用好5G、大数据、人工智能等信息技术革命成果。

    Highlighting the integrated development driven by advanced technology , it also stresses the need to better use 5G , big data and artificial intelligence , among others .

  14. 绿色的生活方式是否在城市中引领潮流?

    Is green the new black in big cities ?

  15. 他们是孩子们引领潮流的最新必备品。

    They 're the latest must-have for any child who wants to get ahead .

  16. 期待亚太继续引领世界经济的复苏和增长;

    The world also hopes the Asia-Pacific region to continue driving the global economic recovery .

  17. 创新是引领发展的第一动力,是建设现代化经济体系的战略支撑。

    Innovation is the primary driving force behind development ; it is the strategic underpinning economy .

  18. 中国主流社会的精英人士,在经济社会发展以及时尚引领方面发挥关键作用。

    They are the elite society , playing significant roles in social economic development as well as in trendsetting .

  19. 房屋价格继续他们的旋转式下降,美国、英国、西班牙和爱尔兰引领着这个趋势。

    House prices continued their vertiginous decline , with the US , UK , Spain and Ireland leading the way .

  20. 亚太经合组织应该发挥引领和协调作用,打破种种桎梏,迎来亚太地区更大范围、更高水平、更深层次的新一轮大开放、大交流、大融合。

    APEC should play a leadership and coordinating a new era of broader and deeper opening up , communication , and integration .

  21. 量子科技发展具有重大科学意义和战略价值,是一项对传统技术体系产生冲击、进行重构的重大颠覆性技术创新,将引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革方向。

    The development of quantum science and technology is of great scientific significance and strategic value . It is a major disruptive technological .

  22. 10.是继续引领世界、创造美好未来,还是放慢脚步、等待被人超越?是深化一体化进程、还是陷入碎片化漩涡?

    Shall we continue to lead the world in creating a bright future , or shall we slow down only to be outperformed by others ?

  23. 后来,在引领了几艘同样的巨轮入港后,我明白自己不过是一个传达信号的人而已,没有什么了不起的。

    After I had docked several of the large liners , I realized I was not important , but simply the quarterback who called the signals .

  24. 电影主要是围绕这个引领潮流的日本流行形象展开,剧情的具体细节还处于保密状态,想以此吸引全球的观众。

    Plot details surrounding the trendsetting Japanese pop icon are under wraps , but the intention is for it to be catnip for the global consumer audience .

  25. 要瞄准世界科技前沿,强化基础研究,实现前瞻性基础研究、引领性原创成果重大突破。

    We should aim for the frontiers of science and technology , strengthen basic research , and make major breakthroughs in pioneering basic research and groundbreaking and original innovations .

  26. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。新区首先就要新在规划、建设的理念上,要体现出前瞻性、引领性。要全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持高质量发展要求,努力创造新时代高质量发展的标杆。

    Developing Xiong'an New Area is a strategy that will have lasting new development concepts and stick to high-quality growth so as to build Xiong'an New Area into a model of high-quality development in the new era .

  27. 我国近日印发《关于以新业态新模式引领新型消费加快发展的意见》,旨在着力补齐新型消费短板,去除机制障碍,推动线上线下消费有机融合。

    China issued a guideline on accelerating the development of consumption created by new forms of business . The guideline is aimed at shoring up weak links in new forms of consumption , removing institutional obstacles and deepening integration1 of online and offline consumption .

  28. 党的新闻舆论工作的职责和使命是:高举旗帜、引领导向,围绕中心、服务大局,团结人民、鼓舞士气,成风化人、凝心聚力,澄清谬误、明辨是非,联接中外、沟通世界。

    The mission of the Party 's media work is to hold high the banner , provide guidance for the public , focus on the core issues , serve the country 's overall interests , unite the general public , instill confidence and pool strength , tell right from wrong and connect China to the world .

  29. 为更好发挥北京在中国服务业开放中的引领作用,我们将支持北京打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区,加大先行先试力度,探索更多可复制可推广经验;

    To better leverage Beijing 's role in spearheading the opening-up of China 's services sector , we will support the municipality in developing a national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector . It will enable Beijing to take bigger , bolder steps as a trailblazer and gain more experience that would be replicable and scalable .

  30. 延续执行企业研发费用加计扣除75%政策,将制造业企业加计扣除比例提高到100%,用税收优惠机制激励企业加大研发投入,着力推动企业以创新引领发展。

    We will continue to implement the policy of granting an extra tax deduction of 75 percent on enterprises ' R & D costs , and we will raise this to 100 percent for manufacturing enterprises . By employing such mechanisms for preferential tax treatment , we can encourage enterprises to increase R & D spending and pursue innovation-driven development .