
  1. 两国外长定期会晤。

    The foreign ministers of the two countries meet regularly .

  2. 双方陆、海军的高级军官定期会晤,六月份巴黎方面某个首脑人物要来开会。

    The most important officers in the armies and navies met regularly , and in June one of the top people was coming from Paris for a meeting .

  3. 在今后两年里,187个国家的政府官员将定期会晤,以敲定一份协议,其目标是大幅削减温室气体排放,扼止全球变暖趋势。

    For the next two years , government officials from 187 countries will meet regularly to hammer out an agreement intended to slash greenhouse gas emissions and curb global warming .

  4. 双方建立了国家元首和政府首脑定期会晤机制,各层次的交流和人员往来频繁;南宋时,首都临安每逢元宵节时制迷,猜谜的人众多。

    The two countries have set up a mechanism of regular meetings between heads of state and government , and the exchange of personnel at different levels has also increased .

  5. 中俄边界问题的解决促进了两国双边关系的发展,领导人定期会晤机制的建立增进了两国政府的相互了解。

    The solution of bounder problem between China and Russia will greatly promote the development of Sino-Russia relationship . The establishment of meeting mechanism for the leaders of two nations enhances the mutual understanding of two governments .

  6. 双方同意定期举行会晤,并同意在下个月亚太经合组织(asia-pacificeconomicco-operation)会议期间在河内会晤。

    The sides agreed to meet regularly , with a provisional encounter set for next month in Hanoi on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting .