
  • 网络Ministry of Finance;Finance Ministry;MOF
  1. 福田康夫宣布参加角逐后,福田康夫赢得了宣布退出竞选的主管财政的大藏省大臣额贺福志郎的支持。

    Shortly after declaring his candidacy , Fukuda won the backing of the finance minister Fukushiro nukaga , who withdrew his own bid .

  2. 由于日本大藏省提出发行军票时,战局已定,清政府准备求和。军票没有大规模使用,只在侵占台湾的派遣军中使用。

    When Japanese Ministry of Finance put forward the proposal to issue military currency , the war nearly ended and Qing government sued for peace . So the military currency was not used in large scale in that period and only used by Japanese army when they invaded Taiwan .