
  1. 《小幸运》是由陈玉珊执导的于2015年上映的台湾爱情片《我的少女时代》的主题曲。

    A Little Happiness is a love song from Our Times , a 2015 Taiwanese romance film directed by Frankie Chen .

  2. 苹果公司只会在应征者中精挑细选出一小部分幸运儿,方式是通过苹果公司的主页进行网申。

    Apple picks a small percentage of lucky candidates from the stack , which are submitted online , of course , through Apple 's web site .

  3. 有一只小袋鼠很幸运,它之所以还活着,是因为遇到了两个来自新南威尔士的青少年。

    There is a young kangaroo that is lucky to be alive today , thanks to meeting a pair of New South Wales teenagers .

  4. 我的小妹妹很幸运,因为他很可爱,每次都可以从错误中逃脱。

    My little sister is so lucky , she gets away with everything just because she is cute .

  5. 但是这个小女孩非常非常幸运,多亏一位特殊的救援者。

    but this little girl had a very big stroke of luck thanks to one particular rescuer .

  6. 没有我觉得我大概没这个命小红帽你很幸运

    Oh , no. Uh , I 'm not sure that 's in my future . You 're lucky , Red .

  7. 癌症使了不起的父母,所以如果你想要一个孩子,这个小宝宝会很幸运有你。

    Cancers make marvelous parents , so if you want a child , this little baby would be fortunate to have you .

  8. 我想第一个来祝贺你我们真是幸运能碰到一个你这样的小男孩,真幸运!

    I want to be the first to congratulate you . We are so lucky to have a boy like you , so lucky !

  9. 当它运行到住家宫位的时候,看上去你真的拥有着小矮怪的幸运,因为木星财富之星走入了你的宫位,这个十分罕见、12年才有一次的光顾。

    You really do seem to have the luck of a Leprechaun when it comes to home and family , because Jupiter , planet of good fortune , is in this area of your chart in a rare , once-in-12-year visit .

  10. 尽管一开始被一名苹果支持团队的成员告知不能保证退款,最但后Shugaa还是拿回了他全部的钱,这对小Faisall来说也是幸运的(考虑到如果不是这样的话,他将得不到任何礼物,甚至还有更多的麻烦)。

    Despite initially being told by an Apple Support team member that there was no guarantee he could get a refund , Shugaa eventually got all his money back , which is lucky for Faisall ( considering he would 've gotten zero presents and been in even more trouble otherwise ) .