
  1. 我们班陈老师是我最喜欢的老师。

    Miss Chan , our class teacher , is my favorite teacher .

  2. 事实上,陈老师是我见过最体贴的老师。

    In fact , Miss Chan is the most thoughtfulteacher I have ever met .

  3. 我希望我高中的老师也能像陈老师一样好。

    I hope I will go to a high school with teachers as good as Miss Chan .

  4. 不仅我们喜欢陈老师,陈老师也喜欢我们班,因为她觉得我们都很优秀。

    Not only do all of us like Miss Chan , but Miss Chan also likes my class because she thinks all of us are excellent .

  5. 访谈二针对B班同学旨在了解陈老师教学方法及学生对其课堂的反馈。

    Interview Two was conducted by the author among students in Class B targeting at learning about the teaching methods applied by Ms. Chen as well as her students ' feedback on her English classes .

  6. 陈老师,你周末通常干什么?

    What do you usually do at weekends , Miss Chen ?

  7. 我想:陈老师准又在开玩笑了。

    I would like to : Associate Professor Chen again joking .

  8. 这位是陈老师,她是我的英语老师。上传:第八号当铺。

    This is Miss Chen , she is my English teacher .

  9. 但是陈老师却不这么认为。

    But Chen doesn 't think it 's a problem at all .

  10. 这个句型时,陈老师又用了一个猜测游戏。

    I have a * please guess what it is .

  11. 您真好,陈老师。

    That 's very kind of you , miss chen .

  12. 我猜想陈老师几乎快60岁了。

    I 'd guess that Mrs Chen is almost sixty .

  13. 陈老师称,开设这门课并非是“反传统”或者“为了挑战而挑战”。

    The course is not meant to challenge traditional thinking , said Chen .

  14. 陈老师希望这个课程更加多样化。

    Chen wants the course content to have variety .

  15. 陈老师通常周末去划船。

    Miss Chen often a on the weekend .

  16. 说起陈老师的认真,我们都打心眼里佩服。

    Mentioned with Mr Chen 's serious , we were very pleased with admiration .

  17. 陈篮(音译)很高兴陈老师采用了他的建议-以歌代罚。

    Chen Lan is glad his teacher adopted his idea of a singing punishment .

  18. 我在过去也听陈老师说过“肘”其实是“扭”。

    I have heard Master Chen define Zhou as " twist " in the past .

  19. 我也是这么认为的。我认为陈老师在年轻的时候是非常擅长短跑的。

    I think so . I think Miss Chen good at running when she was young .

  20. 你好!亲爱的陈老师。

    Hello ! Dear Mr Chen .

  21. 对于旅行,陈老师给女生的建议是:不要单独出行,至少要两人结伴。

    As for traveling , Chen says girls should never leave without at least two friends .

  22. 陈老师今天病了,我来替他上一节课。

    Mr Chen is ill today . I 'll take his place to give you a lesson .

  23. 班上有些同学上课老是迟到,可上陈老师的课都很准时!

    Some students are always late for class , but they are very punctual for her class .

  24. 在台北的一间中学的陈老师说;“考试实在是太多了”。

    " there are simply too many tests ," said Joseph Chen , a high school teacher in Taipei .

  25. 当初选课,也是慕陈老师的名,希望多学点知识。

    Having heard of his fame , I chose Mr Chen 's class in the hope of learning more knowledge .

  26. 陈老师:现在几家管理顾问公司任专业培训师、企业发展顾问、人力资源顾问。

    Simon Chen is a professional Enterprise drillmaster and Enterprise development consultant and HR Consultant in several Enterprise Management Consultant Company .

  27. 陈老师的建议是:在这种情况下,留在车上是最明智的选择,因为车上有监视器和目击者。

    Chen suggests staying on the bus is the wisest choice in this situation , as there are cameras and witnesses on board .

  28. 所以陈老师希望博道知行项目能致力于促进大学生与企业间的相互了解。

    Chen expected members of SIFE Shenzhen University team to apply themselves to advance of mutual comprehending of graduates and enterprises by Consulting Advisory .

  29. 物理虽不再是我最喜欢的课,但是我觉得有陈老师教我,我会在考试中发挥出色的。

    Physics will never be my favourite lesson , but I think that I 'll do well in the exam with Mrs Chen teaching me .

  30. 陈老师还预测称,许多同学将来就业或者投资,都要直接或者间接跟这个行业打交道,在可见的未来,游戏或许会成为娱乐业的主业。

    Chen predicted many students will be involved into the game industry either through employment or investment , as the industry may develop into a backbone of the entertainment industry before long .