
  1. 每季度,英特尔(Intel)都会铺上红地毯,欢迎加入公司的新员工。

    Intel welcomes its new employees to the company by rolling out the red carpet literally once a quarter .

  2. 这并不使它配得上红地毯待遇。

    That does not make it worthy of the red-carpet treatment .

  3. 国际上红、蓝宝石颜色分级标准及近期价格

    Colour Classify Standard of Ruby and sapphire and Their Latest Price

  4. 我们有必要用网盖上红醋栗树。

    It 's necessary for us to net the currant bushes .

  5. 棉织物上红蓝疵点的成因

    Cause of Blue and Red Defects on Bleached Cotton Fabric

  6. 没有比看着你走上红地毯更让我开心的。

    I couldn 't be happier to see you walk the plank .

  7. 男人披上红披风很好看。

    The red war cloaks are so becoming to men .

  8. 附于本文件平面图上红笔勾勒的房屋连地基。

    The premises outlined in red on the Plan annexed to these presents .

  9. 你可以用盐去除地毯上红葡萄酒的污迹。

    You can remove a red wine stain from a carpet with salt .

  10. 为我铺上红地毯吧。

    Rolling out the red carpet for me .

  11. 茶树上红紫色芽叶部分生化特性的研究

    Biochemical Properties of New Shoots of Tea Trees

  12. 被问道是否能追上红袜,这位队长回答毫无问题。

    Asked if the Red Sox can be caught , the Yankees captain answered , No question .

  13. 先上红菜头沙拉,再来一道鸡块儿,一边码上拌着伏特加酱的笔尖面。

    Start with beet salad , move onto Chicken cacciatore with a side of penne with vodka sauce .

  14. 下面,有请少先队员为我们的嘉宾赠上红领巾!

    Next , let 's invite the young pioneers to give a red scarf to each of the guests !

  15. 好吧,咱们把他骗来,逼他走上红地毯。

    Alright , well , let 's just gag him and handcuff him and force him down the aisle .

  16. 在美国,冷炸鸡配上红方格桌布是怀旧式野餐的精髓所在。

    Cold fried chicken served outdoors on a red-checkered tablecloth is the essence of picnic nostalgia in the US .

  17. 中国人往往用红色或穿上红衣服来增加喜庆的气氛。

    Chinese people tend to use or wear red to add a joyful atmosphere to such a festive occasion .

  18. 这两个巨星在顶尖红人圈里成为了好友,常常一起踏上红地毯。

    These two megastars have become fast friends in the A-list community and frequently hit the red carpet together .

  19. 然后在上面撒上红洋葱,我要多放点葡萄。

    and then distribute the red onion around the top and I want to go heavy on the grapes .

  20. 坐在密特拉(父亲)旁边,穿上红衣服,代表太阳的颜色,火和生命之血。

    Sitting next to Mithra ( Father ), dressed in red , color of sun , fire and blood of life .

  21. 然后把油倒入碗状的土豆,并把灯芯放在里面,盖上红纸灯罩。

    Then they put oil into the bowl-shaped potatoes and place lampwick in them and cover the potatoes with red paper lampshades .

  22. 但是,来自英国的妮奇布莱迪却在踏上红地毯前,一波十折,被迫取消婚礼十次。

    But Nicky Pretty from the UK was forced to cancel her wedding plans ten times before finally walking down the aisle .

  23. 我觉得自己状态很好,特别是在半决赛战胜曼联之后,那是我穿上红黑球衫之后表现最好的一次。

    I feel good , especially after the game against Manchester United , which was one of my best in an AC Milan shirt .

  24. 星期日下午,鸿渐正在预备讲义,孙小姐来了,脸色比路上红活得多。

    On Sunday afternoon Hung-chien was busily preparing his lecture material when Miss Sun came , looking more ruddy than she had on the trip .

  25. 模型较好地吻合了界面上红曲霉生长的动力学曲线,反映了红曲霉固态发酵过程中微环境下的生长过程。

    The model is fitting to the growth profile of Monascus on the membrane , and reflected the growth of Monascus in micro-environment with solid-state fermentation .

  26. 克莱夫?欧文今年获两项奥斯卡提名,他走上红地毯时看上去气定神闲。

    2 Clive owens , nominated for2 Academy Awards this year , looked totally calm and collected as he made his way down the red carpet .

  27. 将红曲霉发酵过程分为快速期,减速期和衰退期,进而建立了界面上红曲霉生长的动力学模型。

    The growth kinetics model of Monascus were established , which divide the growth profile into three phase : accelerating phase , deceleration phase and decline phase .

  28. 战争期间主要穿着军队制服,通常不同军种的军服通过裤子上红黄蓝色不同的条纹来区别。

    During the war they mainly weared military uniforms , often adopting red , yellow and blue stripes on the uniform pants to distinguish between different branches .

  29. 男孩子们一致地把目光从比尔老汉身上移到山上红教堂,那尖塔上的金色十字架发出火红的亮光。

    The boys with one accord looked away from Old Pierre to the red church on the hill , with the gold cross flaming on its steeple .

  30. 她刚刚和她梦想中的男人步上红地毯,现在安妮海瑟薇开始放眼于组建自己的小家庭了。

    She 's just walked down the aisle with the man of her dreams.And now Anne Hathaway has set her sights on starting a family of her own .