
  1. 这对于从源头上严把质量关,实现人参的安全生产具有重要意义。

    The modifier has great significance for strict quality control from the source and realization of ginseng safe production .

  2. 业内人士称,此次的新规是云南旅游业“史上最严的”整治措施。

    The new rules are " the strictest ever " regulations on Yunnan 's tourism industry , according to industry insiders .

  3. 拟从严氏理论与王维诗歌的离合入手,浅论《沧浪诗话》不论王维的原因:在根本上,严氏的用世之志与王维诗中佛理禅意具有隔阂;

    This paper has a discussion of the reasons for this based on the difference between Yan 's theory and Wang Wei 's poetry .

  4. 在局部凸空间上利用严有效性的纯量化特征,研究严有效点的截口性质及稠密性质。

    Using scalar characterization of a strictly efficient point in Locally convene spaces , we study the section property and the density of strictly efficiency .

  5. 但还存在管理上不严,有时废水处理不达标和设备利用率低的问题。

    But if the management is not strict enough , the waste water treatment could not meet the standard and low availability for the equipment sometimes .

  6. 特权与金钱联姻,出现新的社会资本形态&权力资本,制衡权力,要在建构精神文明的基础上,严法峻刑,根治腐败的源头,造成去私、尚公的社会规范。

    The marriage of privilege with money results in the new social capital formation - power capital . On the basis of cultural and ideological progress , through equilibrium of power , a radical cure must be effected of source of corruption by severe law .

  7. 近几年来发生的多起错案充分暴露出我国在死刑案件证明标准上把握不严的弊端。

    Several misjudged cases expose the abuse that our capital cases did not grasp strict standard in the aspect of standard of proof .

  8. 国会和运输部督察长曾严厉批评该机构,称他们在汽车安全法规上执法不严。

    The agency has come under harsh criticism in Congress and the Transportation Department 's inspector general for lax enforcement of auto safety regulations .

  9. 日本、德国、美国和英国等国外对酒驾行为的处罚在法律上有趋严的规定,我国港澳台地区对酒驾行为也都进行了严厉的入罪化规定。

    Japan , Germany , USA , the UK and other countries on the behavior of " Drunk driving " penalty in law have more stringent provisions .

  10. 银行业作为世界上监管最严的行业之一,其资本在保持银行稳健和风险承担方面所起的作用,以及在银行公司治理中所起的作用,使得对银行资本监管尤其重要。

    Owing to the role that bank capital plays in stabilizing finance and banking as well as in managing banking companies , it is of great importance to supervise the bank capital .

  11. 你最好用干净布把臂上的伤口裹严。

    You 'd better wrap a clean cloth around your wound in the arm till the wound closes .

  12. 在此基础上提出了封严涂层的冲蚀磨损模型。

    The model of the erosion mechanism is advanced on the basis of the above mentioned erosion behaviour .

  13. 但最后这次攻击行为更加大胆,恰好是在世界上警方控制最严的城市。

    But this latest attack is even more audacious , right in the heart of one of the most heavily policed cities in the world .

  14. 其五,唐代避讳在地域上存在着宽严的差别,从而形成内紧外松的特点。

    Fifth , the existence of relaxed and rigid geographical differences in the taboo of Tang Dynasty , thus forming the characteristic of tight in inside and loose in outside .

  15. 和谐理念体现在刑事政策上主要是宽严相济,以宽为主等;在刑罚领域主要是处罚的轻刑化及社区矫正等;在刑事诉讼法领域主要是刑事和解、恢复性司法等。

    Harmony policy embodies in the Criminal Justice with Mercy mainly to broad-based , etc. In the penalty area is mainly light punishment and community punishment correction , etc. ; in the main area of the criminal law is a criminal reconciliation , restorative justice .

  16. 网络上称新交规为“史上最严交规”。

    The new rules have been dubbed " the strictest traffic regulations ever " on the Internet .

  17. 文化上,推动科举的发展,但在取士授官上,严把才德关,防止奸佞之人混入官僚队伍,所以对那些诬告他人的奸人酷吏,进行严厉的惩罚和贬黜。

    On culture , he impulsed the development imperial examination and was strict with the abilities and morals of the talents avoiding the interfusion of crafty sycophants to bureaucracy when he chose scholars as officials and awarded officers .

  18. 从司法实务上看,日本或我国台湾地区法院的判决某种程度上借鉴了学理见解,惟在个案的解释上存在宽严程度的差异。

    From the judicial practice , Japanese or Taiwan Courts learn from the perspective of scientific theory , and only have difference in the strict degree in a single case explanation .