
  • 网络Kim Min Jeong;KIM Min-Jung;Kim Min Jung;Bubble Sisters;Min-jeong Kim
  1. 但韩雪香和她的生意伙伴——51岁的金敏贞(KimMin-jeong,音)将这一文化差异化作她们的优势,俩人合作创建了婚介机构Eve,旨在帮助朝鲜难民同胞找到如意郎君。

    But Ms Han and 51-year-old Kim Min-jeong , her business partner , have turned the situation to their advantage by establishing Eve , a matchmaking agency aimed at helping fellow North Korean refugees find husbands .

  2. 她与金敏贞相识于2007年,当时她们在首尔一家婚介所工作。

    They met in 2007 , when both were working at a Seoul matchmaking agency .

  3. 2005年金敏贞从朝鲜来到韩国,此前她在一家国有餐饮公司的分区会计部工作了20年,她认为自己从中获得了有用的技能。

    She thinks she gained useful skills from working for 20 years in a regional accounts department of a state-owned restaurant company , before emigrating in 2005 .

  4. 金敏贞人生的头四十年是在社会主义国家度过的,之后她又在这个充满活力的资本主义国家里成了一名企业家,她并不认为这有多不容易。

    Ms Kim plays down the difficulties of becoming an entrepreneur in a dynamic capitalist economy after spending her first four decades in one of the last socialist states .

  5. 韩雪香和金敏贞挨着坐在皮革扶手椅上,两人都穿着白衬衫,迷你裙,头发染成茶褐色。她们介绍了自己如何帮助客户跨越朝韩之间的文化鸿沟。

    Seated on adjacent leather armchairs , both sporting white shirts , miniskirts and auburn-tinted hair , Ms Han and Ms Kim explain how they help clients to bridge the inter-Korean cultural divide .