
  • 网络ion implantation
  1. 绝缘体中金属离子注入合成纳米颗粒的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of nanoparticles in insulators fabricated by metal ion implantation

  2. 强流金属离子注入简易数据码流发生器的设计

    High Flux Metal Ion Implantation A facility generator of data stream

  3. 报导大束流密度条下Ti,Mo,Ni,V,W等难熔金属离子注入纯Al中的原子相对浓度分布和有关数据。

    Concentration profiles and related findings are reported for refractory metal atoms implanted at large fluxes in pure aluminum .

  4. 强流磁约束金属离子注入源

    THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS Metal ion implantation source with a permanent magnetic field

  5. 强流金属离子注入分布的模拟计算

    A model calculation of the profiles of high current metal ion implants

  6. 金属离子注入纳米结构和特性

    Formation of nanostructure and its properties by metal ion implantation

  7. 工模具钢的金属离子注入及其强化机理

    Metallic Ions Implantation and Its Strength Mechanism in Tool and Mould Steel

  8. 金属离子注入玻璃形成纳米晶体及其光学透射率研究

    The Formation of Nanocrystal and Transmittivity Study of the Metal Ions Implanted Glass

  9. 金属离子注入的背散射分析

    The analysis of backscattering of ion implantation in metal

  10. 金属离子注入钢表面摩擦学特性及应用研究

    Synthesis of Tribology Characteristics of Metal Ion Implanted Steel Surface and Its Application

  11. 强流金属离子注入层的高分辨观察

    High resolution observations on large flux metal ion-implanted layers

  12. 过渡金属离子注入及其磁性研究。

    Transition metal ion implantation and magnetism research .

  13. 强流金属离子注入

    High Flux Metal Ion Implantation

  14. 论述金属离子注入技术在改善材料的疲劳、耐磨性、氧化等性能方面的应用。

    The application of metal ion injection technology for improving metal fatigue resistance and erosion resistance are discussed .

  15. 金属离子注入玻璃导致玻璃基片表面层纳米簇的形成。

    The metal ions implanting into the glass induces the nanometer cluster to form in a surface layer of glass substrate .

  16. 用大束流密度的钇金属离子注入硅,能够直接合成性能良好的薄层硅化物。

    The good properties of Y silicides were synthesized by using metal Y ion implantation with large ion flux and annealing .

  17. 金属离子注入聚合物光电特性研究离子金属聚合物复合材料调节器的动态特性

    Optical and electrical properties of polymer modified by Cu and Ni ion implantation Experimental Research on the IPMC Actuator 's Dynamic Characters

  18. 具有单独气体离子注入,和金属离子注入的功能,适合于材料表面改性用途。

    The ion implanter can be used for either gaseous or metallic ion implantation , so available to modification of lots of material surfaces .

  19. 采用有效形成热模型预测金属离子高温注入金属Al合成金属间化合物,选取金属&Al二元系的最低共晶温度的共晶体(或最低液相温度成分)为有效浓度。

    Adopting the effect heat of formation model to predict the intermetallics formed during metal ion implantation into metal Al , the lowest eutectic ( liquidus ) was chosen as the effective concentration in the metal-Al binary system .

  20. 提高金属材料离子注入效益的一条新途径

    A new way improving benefits of ion implantation in metallic materials

  21. 金属离子高温注入原理与工艺研究

    Principal and Technology of Metal Ion Implantation at Elevated Temperatures

  22. 金属离子束注入对碲化镉薄膜材料的改性研究

    Studies on Altering Character of Metal-doped CdTe Thin Films by Ion Implant Technique

  23. 首先,结合粒子与固体相互作用理论与辐照增强扩散理论建立了金属离子高温注入金属靶的传质模型。

    Firstly , A mass transfer model has been built up for metal ion implantation into metal target at elevated temperature , based on the transport in matter of ions and the radiation enhanced diffusion theory .

  24. 金属离子高温注入是一种重要的表面合金化工艺,是在大束流密度轰击或辅助热源加热条件下实现的高温基体注入工艺。

    The metal ion implantation into metal at elevated temperatures is an important surface alloying process . The metal ion is implanted into metal that is heated by ion bombardment with the large ion current density or auxiliary heater .

  25. 目前,对于金属离子高温注入的研究主要集中在注入工艺改进及表面改性层性能的评价方面,金属离子高温注入合金化的表面改性机理并不完全清楚。

    At present , the researches about the metal ion implantation into metal at elevated temperatures concentrate on the improvement of implantation process and the properties of the implanted layer . However , the modification mechanisms of the implanted layer are not fully understood .

  26. 随着栅极氧化层越来越薄,CD线宽越来越窄,离子注入工艺中的金属污染成为离子注入工艺中最重要和急需解决的污染问题。

    Thinner the gate oxide is , narrower the CD is , more important and urgent the metal contamination in ion implantation process is .

  27. 金属等离子体浸没离子注入技术合成NbN膜

    Synthesis of NbN thin film using metal plasma ion immersion implantation and deposition

  28. SC&50型金属工艺用离子注入机的离子源、加速管及靶室

    The ion source acceleration system and target chamber of the SC-50 ion implanter for metal technology

  29. 100keV金属表面改性离子注入与混合两用机

    A 100 keV ion implantation and mixing machine for metal surface modification

  30. 使用金属蒸汽真空弧离子源的金属离子注入

    Metallic ion implantation using a MEWA source