
  • 网络pumped
  1. 混合染料在N2激光泵浦下的光辐射

    Radiation of dye mixtures pumped by N_2 laser

  2. YAG激光泵浦光纤产生受激喇曼散射

    Experiment of stimulated Raman scattering of pumped optical fibers by YAG laser

  3. N2激光泵浦混合染料的激光辐射可调谐区域研究

    The laser tuning range of dye mixtures pumped by a N_2 laser

  4. N2激光泵浦混合染料双频激光及其双频调谐特性

    Characteristics of Dual Wavelength Tunable Lasers Output from Dye Mixtures Pumped by a N_2 Laser

  5. 单纵模Nd:YAG激光泵浦H2气中的受激喇曼散射

    Stimulated Raman Scattering in H_2 Pumped by a Single Longitudinal Mode Nd : YAG

  6. N2分子激光泵浦染料激光对小鼠NK细胞活性和肿瘤生长的影响

    Influence of n_2 pumped pulsed dye laser on NK activity and tumor growth

  7. XeCl准分子激光泵浦C(102)窄线宽染料激光研究

    Laser Characteristics of C_ ( 102 ) Pumped with XeCl Excimer Laser

  8. 掺钛宝石激光泵浦的1.36μm掺Nd石英光纤激光

    36 μ m Nd : doped silica fiber laser pumped by Ti : sapphire laser

  9. 报道用N2激光泵浦混合染料溶液以获得双频可调谐激光输出的实验研究。

    An experimental investigation of dual frequency tunable laser output from dye mixtures in ethyl alcohol pumped by a N_2 laser is described .

  10. 倍频YAG激光泵浦钛宝石激光器

    Experimental investigation of ti : sapphire laser pumped by a frequency-doubled Q-switched nd : YAG laser

  11. KrF激光泵浦H2受激拉曼放大

    Stimulated Raman amplification of h_2 pumped by KrF laser

  12. KrF准分子激光泵浦H2受激喇曼散射

    Stimulated Raman scattering of H_2 pumped by KrF laser

  13. 全固态调Q、双调Q激光泵浦的内腔光参量振荡器特性的研究谐振式光纤陀螺环形谐振腔的偏振问题

    All-solid-state Singly and Doubly Q-switched , Laser-diode-pumped Intracavity Optical Parametric Oscillators ; Polarization-Fluctuation in Resonator of Resonator Fiber-Optic Gyro

  14. TEACO2激光泵浦NH312μmMIR激光的实验研究

    Experimental Study on 12 μ m Band OPtically Pumped NH_3 MIR Laser by TEA CO_2Laser

  15. He-Ne激光泵浦的电光双稳系统中的动力学存储

    A Dynamical Memory Function of an Electro-optical Bistable System Pumped by a He-Ne Laser

  16. 钛宝石激光泵浦的掺Yb光纤激光器

    Operation of a Ytterbium-doped Fiber Laser Pumped by Ti : sapphire Laser

  17. 高气压TECO2激光泵浦的高功率连续可调谐远红外喇曼NH3激光器

    High power continuously tunable far infrared Raman nh_3 laser pumped using a high pressure te co_2 laser

  18. 为探索和研究新的X光激光泵浦机制,我们研究了泵浦靶辐射X射线特性。

    In order to explore new pumping mechanism of x - ray lasers , we have studied the x rays radiated by the pump target .

  19. 与N2光泵浦比较,XeCl激光泵浦可得到更短波长和更高阈值系统的激光振荡。

    Comparing with N2 laser , XeCl laser is more suitable to shorter wavelengths and higher threshold systems .

  20. 染料激光泵浦Nd:S-VAP晶体激光特性研究

    Laser Characteristics of Nd : S-VAP Crystal Pumped with Dye-Laser

  21. 本文评述x射线激光器的发展及可能的军事应用,介绍了核泵浦x射线激光器和激光泵浦x射线激光器的发展情况。

    In this paper we briefly review development and possible military application of x-ray lasers , and present the nuclear-pumped x-ray laser and the laser-pumped x-ray laser .

  22. XeCl激光泵浦高压氢的衍射极限SRS斯托克斯光输出

    Diffraction-limited SRS Stokes output from high pressure hydrogen pumped by XeCl laser

  23. 激发光源为脉冲YAG激光泵浦的光学参量产生器/放大器形成的可调谐红外脉冲激光器。

    The excitation light source is a wavelength-tunable pulsed infrared laser formed by a pulsed YAG laser pumped optical parametric generator / amplifier .

  24. 它采用低掺杂Er/Ge/Al光纤作为放大媒介并采用1.48μm双向激光泵浦结构。

    It uses lightly doped Er / Ge / Al fiber as the amplifying media and has 1 . 48 μ m di-direction laser pump .

  25. 并且根据得到的结论提出了一种皮秒激光泵浦的内腔式TPO设计方案。

    And I propose a design of intracavity TPO pumped by picosecond laser .

  26. XeCl准分子激光泵浦若丹明6G等的窄带调谐

    Narrow bandwidth tunning of rhodamine 6G dye pumped by XeCl excimer laser

  27. XeCl准分子激光泵浦的二级放大染料激光特性

    Dye laser amplification system pumped by Xecl excimer laser

  28. 半导体激光泵浦非晶态La1-xNdxP5O(14)的激光特性研究

    Laser Characteristics of Noncrystal La_1 - _xNd_xP_5O_ ( 14 )( LNPP ) Pumped by Diode - Laser

  29. XeCl激光泵浦S2分子获得紫外激光振荡

    A Near-Ultraviolet Laser with XeCl Laser Pumped S_2

  30. 在N2激光泵浦的染料平板波导中、引入He-Ne探针束观测了溶液折射率变化的时间特性。

    Using a He-Ne beam through a planar dye waveguide pumped by N_2 laser as a pro-be , time characteristics for refractive index variation of the dye solution are observed .