
  • 网络childe;Julia Child
  1. 短暂的青春年华(吕底亚m.蔡尔德)

    The transient beauty of youth ( Lydia M. Child )

  2. 通过多项研究,蔡尔德证明,Gaga和麦当娜两人同为17世纪从法国移民至加拿大魁北克的一户农家的后代。

    After much research , Child reportedly provided proof of the findings , which showed that the two had common ancestors in the form of a farming couple , who moved from France to Quebec in the1600s .

  3. 怀特蔡尔德的生活在读者面前显得越来越真实。

    Whitechild 's life becomes increasingly real to the reader .

  4. 在节目中,蔡尔德女士解释了简单的烹饪工艺和方法。

    During each program , Ms. Child explained simple cooking skills and methods .

  5. 朱丽亚?蔡尔德写作的意图不仅是向美国人展示如何制作法国食物。

    The way Julia Child wrote showed Americans more than just how to cook French food .

  6. 不是,费尔蔡尔德旅馆是最高的,总共18层,最高层有一个餐厅。

    No , the Fairchild Hotel is the tallest . EIghteen stories , and a restaurant on top .

  7. 她知道,交给蔡尔德斯昆廷去处理蒙太奇案件的现有专门基金已经快用光了。

    She had been aware for some time that the existing reserve fund being used by Childers Quentin for Montagne settlements was almost exhausted .