
  • 网络choy so-yuk
  1. 蔡素玉议员就旧天星码头钟楼拆卸工程提出一项质询。

    Hon Choy So-yuk raised a question on demolition project for the old Star Ferry Pier Clock tower .

  2. 蔡素玉议员动议的原议案获立法会通过。

    The original motion moved by Hon Choy So-yuk was passed by the council .

  3. 正如蔡素玉议员刚才指出,政府在制定政策时,必须与业界磋商并听取他们的意见。

    As pointed out by the Hon Choy so-yuk , the government should consult the industries and solicit their views in formulating policies .