
  • 网络laser;laser equipment
  1. 神光Ⅱ激光装置上kevX射线及其应用

    Multi-keV X-ray Sources and Their Applications on ShenGuang ⅱ Laser Facility

  2. 研制了用于神光II激光装置的X光针孔相机。

    The X - ray pinhole camera ( sPHC ) used on Shenguang I ( ISG - II ) laser facility have been developed .

  3. 高功率激光装置中的三倍频Nd∶YLF模拟激光系统

    Third-harmonic Nd ∶ YLF Simulating Laser System in High Power Setup

  4. 2001年底在上海神光2激光装置上进行的惯性约束核聚变(ICF)实验的软x光光谱测量中,获得了实测的软x光能谱。

    In the experiment of ICF in 2001 , in Shanghai , soft x-ray spectra were gained .

  5. 测量时在机器人上装有PSD,把三个激光装置当作界标。

    The robot carries position sensitive detectors , and three lasers are used as the landmarks .

  6. 谐波转换系统是用于惯性约束聚变(ICF)的高能激光装置中的核心部件之一,为了提高激光辐照靶面的均匀性,抑制系统B积分的影响,必须发展高效宽带的谐波转换技术。

    Frequency conversion system is one of the critical parts in the inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) high power laser facility .

  7. 这种能力需要通过一系列针对装置的系统可靠性研究得到保证,包括建立神光III激光装置的可靠性模型,对装置进行可靠性分析、评估和验证等。

    This ability should be guaranteed through system reliability study of SG-III , which includes reliability modeling , analysis , assessment and verification .

  8. 百焦耳级KrF准分子激光装置设计与调试

    Design and adjustment of a 100 level KrF excimer laser

  9. 惯性约束核聚变等激光装置对KDP晶体光学元件表面粗糙度的基本要求是达到Rms≤5nm。

    The basic request of ICF laser driver to the KDP crystal surface roughness is Rms ≤ 5nm .

  10. 神光III激光装置是我国在建的一项重大的工程项目,其作用是在实验室条件下产生高能量激光,从而驱动热核聚变。

    The SG-III Laser driver facility now under construction is a significant project in China , it is used to start thermonuclear reaction by generating high power laser beams under laboratory conditions .

  11. 维修性作为ICF激光装置的主要度量指标之一,是确保神光III装置持久稳定可靠运行的重要保证。

    As one of the major measurement indices of ICF laser facilities , maintainability is an important factor to ensue SG-III can run permanently , stably and reliably .

  12. 对于实现ICF的激光装置来说,要求聚焦到靶面的强激光具有很高的均匀性。

    In terms of the laser equipment of realizing the ICF , the high intensity laser reaching the target must have very high uniformity .

  13. 靶场编组站是ICF激光装置中重要的光学组件,起到承载、分组、改变光束传输方向的作用。

    Switchyard is an important laser carrying device in ICF laser , playing the role of grouping and changing the direction of the beam .

  14. 惯性约束聚变(ICF)大型激光装置需要将上百束高能脉冲激光精确引导并聚焦到靶点。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) laser facility need guide hundreds of high-energy pulsed laser beam and focus the laser to the target precision .

  15. 神光III装置是我国在建的大型惯性约束聚变(Inertialconfinementfusion,ICF)激光装置,目的是在实验室条件下以强激光作为驱动源实现热核聚变。

    SG-III is a large-scale Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) laser facility of our country in construction , which takes strong laser as the drive source in the laboratorial environment to implement heat nuclear fusion .

  16. 本实验是在AsterixIV碘激光装置上进行的,实验中主、预脉冲间的时间间隔为5ns。

    The experiment was performed at the Asterix IV iodine laser with a prepulse 5 ns before the main pulse .

  17. 在LF-11(10~(11)W)激光装置上,开展了类锂铝(Al~(10+))的X光激光实验研究。

    Soft x-ray laser gain experiments using Li-like Al XI ions were carried out on the LF - 11 ( 1011 W ) laser facility .

  18. 40J激光装置研制

    Development for a laser device with 40J energy

  19. 在LF-11激光装置上,用激光产生等离子体作为标定源,同时控制显影条件和底片类型与测X光激光时相同,标定出美国Kodak公司生产的SWR型底片特性曲线。

    Using X rays from the plasma as a source of calibration , we have measured characteristics of Kodak SWR film produced by U.S.A.

  20. 高功率钕玻璃激光装置和靶场系统及其LPX实验研究

    High power Nd : glass laser and target chamber system and the experimental study of laser plasma X-ray

  21. 惯性约束核聚变(ICF)是解决未来能源短缺问题的潜在手段,人们已经对用于ICF的大型高功率固体激光装置进行了大量的研究。

    Inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) is a potential mean to solve problem of energy shortage in the future , People have already carried on substantial research on the large-scale high-power solid laser for ICF .

  22. 利用修改的一维非定态程序,基于美国杰弗逊实验室(JLab)Demo自由电子激光装置的参数,对高功率自由电子激光振荡器稳定波长的反馈系统进行了数值模拟。

    In this paper , the modified 1-D time-dependent free electron laser ( FEL ) code is used to simulate wavelength stabilization feedback system of a high average power FEL based on the parameters of Jefferson Lab 's Demo-IR FEL facility .

  23. 概述了Er∶YAG晶体的光谱特性,在此基础上设计研制了2套激光装置,单灯单椭圆和双灯双椭圆聚光腔及电源,比较了两者的优缺点。

    This paper describes the emission spectrum characters of Er ∶ YAG crystal . Two sets of laser devices are designed & one is single flash tube with single ellipsoidal condenser cavity , the other is double flash tube with double ellipsoidal condenser cavity and its power supply .

  24. 北京自由电子激光装置(BFEL)是一台工作在中红外区的康普顿型FEL振荡器。由一台30MeV的射频电子直线加速器提供电子束。

    The Beijing Free Electron Laser ( BFEL ) is a Compton regime , IR FEL oscillator , using the electron beam from a 30 MeV rf linac .

  25. 台式毛细管放电X光激光装置调试实验

    Adjustment for a capillary-discharge-pumped table - top X - ray laser

  26. 新型激光装置前端系统激光时间脉冲整形技术

    New Temporary Pulse Shaping Technique of the Front-End Systemin Laser Facility

  27. 渡越辐射及其在北京自由电子激光装置束测中的应用

    Transition radiation and its application to beam diagnosis at Beijing FEL Laboratory

  28. 高功率激光装置中的气载分子污染物测量和分析

    Measurement and analysis of airborne molecular contaminants in high power laser facility

  29. 机载激光装置光学方案的基础实验

    A Foundation Experiment on Optical Configuration of Airborne Laser Units

  30. 激光装置光学模块准直调整系统设计

    Design on Collimation and Modulation System of Optics Modules of Laser Device