
  • 网络precise ranging;precise distance measurement
  1. 奥温斯公式在精密测距中的应用

    Application of Owens formulae in precise distance measurement

  2. 本文叙述了采用两台GPS接收机实现两点间精密测距的方法,其测距误差绝对值小于1m。

    This paper discusses a method of implementing point-to-point precise ranging by employing two GPS receivers . The range precision is up to ± 1m .

  3. 讨论了以控制点文件和基线向量文件保存在电子地图上进行GPS网,顾及多时段重复基线和精密测距基线,用二维约束平差的方法实现对GPS模拟控制网的精度估算。

    This paper discuss that extract GPS network designed on electronic map by method of 2D restriction adjustment and GPS network simulation design and accuracy estimate come true .

  4. 本文针对稀布阵综合脉冲孔径雷达(SIAR)提出了两种精密测距方法(分别称为正负频率脉冲综合法和前后脉冲综合法),它们不需要提高采样频率就可以得到较高的测距精度;

    Two methods of distance measuring for sparse-array Synthetic Impulse and Aperture Radar ( SIAR ) are described , by which a high precision is obtained without high frequency sampling .

  5. 实用双纵模激光精密测距仪

    Practical Precise Ranger Based on the Laser with Two Longitudinal Modes

  6. 顾及系统误差的精密测距仪之精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis of Precise Ranger in Consideration of System Error

  7. 塔康与精密测距地面信标通用监控单元设计

    Interchangeable Module-monitored Design in the Ground-mark Between TACAN and DME / P

  8. 精密测距测速系统地面跟踪站在上海天文台建立

    Ground tracking station of prare system setup at Shanghai Observatory

  9. 利用超声波方式精密测距方案设计

    Precision Measuring Distance Design and Implementation Using Ultrasonic Technology

  10. 激光精密测距的发展和应用

    The development and application of laser precision distance measuring

  11. 精确的载波相位测量是精密测距中一个很重要的研究点。

    Accurate carrier phase measurement is an important research direction in precise ranging .

  12. 文中设计一种利用超声波进行精密测距的方案。

    A precision measuing distance design using ultrasonic technology is introduced in the article .

  13. 山区精密测距气象代表误差的修正方法

    A Method to Decrease the Meteorological Representative Error in Precision EDM for Mountain Area

  14. 测量大型机件的精密测距仪

    Precision Ranger for Measuring Large Mechanical Components

  15. 精密测距三角水准测量的研究

    A study of precise EDM trigonometric leveling

  16. 精密测距测速系统的研究与应用

    Research and Applications of PRARE

  17. 精密测距三角高程精度分析及高程混合网定权

    Accuracy Analysis of Subtend Trigonometric Leveling and Determination of Weight Matrix for Adjustment of Elevation Mixed Network

  18. 精密测距系统(DME/P)是国际上新开发的无线电导航系统,它与微波着陆系统配合,为进场飞机提供精密进场着陆引导。

    Distance measuring equipment / precision ( DME / P ) is a newly developed radio navigation system in the world .

  19. 本文对星间精密测距技术进行了深入的研究,讨论测距系统的方案设计,主要研究两种测距技术:微波载波相位测量和载波相位平滑伪码测距。

    In this paper , two ranging technology , Microwave Carrier Phase measurement and Code Smoothed Carrier are mainly discussed here .

  20. 介绍了一种双纵模双频激光精密测距的工作原理,信号处理及误差分析。

    The paper described principle , signal processing and error analysis of two-longitudinal modes and two frequencies laser 's precision ranger finder .

  21. 本文介绍高频水声接收机的设计体会,在某精密测距定位系统中,该设计思想已获得成功地应用,现介绍给同行参考。

    The principle in design of the receiver is discussed in this paper long with its successful application in a precise navigation system .

  22. 在精密测距三角高程精度估算中,提出了往返折光系数差的计算模型及其精度估算方法;

    In estimating the accuracy of subtend trigonometric leveling , a model that computes the difference of refraction coefficient and its accuracy is proposed in the paper .

  23. 简要叙述了导航精密测距的基本原理,提出了基于中频数字化的导航精密测距信号处理方案,介绍了各个处理单元的原理及功能并给出了实现方法和仿真结果。

    This paper gives out the IF design of a certain short-wave radios IF digitalization , introduces the elementary theory and a realized method of the IF digital receiver .

  24. 导航星座星间链路的主要任务是提供用户准确的定位信息和高速数据传输。其中,提高星间精密测距精度是保证定位精度的关键。

    The main assignments of ISL between navigation satellites are to provide accurate location information and data transmission , and ensuring positioning accuracy is to increase inter-satellite ranging precision .

  25. 结合红外精密测距在信阳市燃气混气站场区稳定性研究中的应用,探讨了大气对红外测距的影响;

    This paper introduces the application of the precise ultrared distance measurement to the stability of the gas works site of Xinyang City , Henan Province , and discusses the atmospheric influence on ultrared distance measurement .

  26. 为实现卫星移动环境下的伪码精密测距,分析高阶数字锁相环跟踪卫星多普勒频偏的能力。首先推导出了极地圆轨道卫星多普勒频偏变化公式,对其进行了仿真。

    In order to implement precision measuring distance using PN code in mobile satellite system , analyze the ability of high order phase locked loop for tracing satellite Doppler shift , this paper first deals with the analytic derivation of the satellite Doppler shift , then presents the simulated results .

  27. 智能精密光电测距仪设计

    A Design of Intelligent Precise Electronic Distance Meter

  28. 大气折射率误差对精密光电测距精度的影响研究

    The Study on the Effect of Atmosphere Refraction Index Error on the Precise Optoelectronic Ranging Accuracy

  29. 同时,简要分析了建立高精度的测边三维监测网的两个关键问题,即最优构形和精密光波测距。

    Then , the paper essentializes the two key problems in the course of building a three-dimensional monitor network : the optimum geometrical graph and the precision distance surveying .

  30. 这些工作对精密伪码测距的工程实现和系统优化具有一定的指导意义,对今后伪码测距技术的发展是非常有益的。

    These results are valuable for engineering implementation and system optimization of precision PN ranging , and may promote the development of PN ranging technology .